Derrick Trent - Holy Spirit Baptism Part 5 (full service)
Let’s turn together
in our Bibles to
Acts…chapter 2.
Acts…chapter 2.
& we’re gonna read
verses 1-4
& verse 11.
Acts 2:1-4,
& verse 11.
In Acts 2:1-4...
the Scriptures says...
Acts 2:1–4 (WEB)
1 Now when the day of Pentecost had come, they were all with one accord in one place.
2 Suddenly there came from the sky a sound like the rushing of a mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.
3 Tongues like fire appeared and were distributed to them, and one sat on each of them.
4 They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other languages, as the Spirit gave them the ability to speak.
You may be seated.
We’ve spent the last 4 weeks
talking abt
HS baptism.
We’ve learned what
HS baptism is
& how we receive
this promise
frm God
to all His ppl.
Today I want to ask a
a question that can
be controversial.
But it need not be
A question that has caused
heated debates.
As dogmatic statements
are slung around
that drive p
I’m not sure
anyone will be on my side
after this message.
But I’m not looking
for ppl
to be on my side.
My job
is to teach the truth.
& w/ the Lord’s help
that’s what I will do today.
As we learn
what happens when ppl
are baptized w/
the HS.
Let’s pray.
Almighty God
By your Holy Spirit,
Illuminate the sacred Scriptures
So that our minds may be open
to receive your Word
our hearts taught to love it,
and our wills strengthened
by your grace to obey it;
Thru Jesus Christ our Lord.
[Transition: So...
What happens
when people
are baptized
with the Holy Spirit?
The book of Acts
is the only place
in the NT Scriptures
that describes
what happens
when ppl are baptized
w/ the HS.
A lot of Scriptures
talk abt
& promise
HS baptism.
But it’s only
in the book of Acts
that we see examples
of what happens
when people are baptized
w/ the HS.
& in every case
Where Luke talks abt
HS baptism
in the book of Acts—
Starting frm
the Day of Pentecost—
In every case
Luke either directly states
or strongly implies
When ppl were baptized
or filled w/
the HS
Those who received
the HS
we’re empowered
by the HS
to praise
in other languages
& to prophesy
Let’s look at
each of these.
On the Day
of Pentecost
when the HS
1st came on
the Lord’s ppl
Luke tells us
in Acts 2:3-4
Acts 2:3–4 (WEB)
3 Tongues like fire appeared and were distributed to them, and one sat on each of them.
4 They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other languages, as the Spirit gave them the ability to speak.
Notice tongues
like fire appeared...
& were distributed...
& one tongue sat on
each of the disciples.
& they were all filled
w/ the HS.
& the HS gave them
the supernatural ability to
speak in other tongues—
the other languages—
that had been distributed
to them.
was this all
the disciples
or just the Apostles?
Since the last ppl
Luke talked abt
in Acts 1:26
were the 12 Apostles
Many conclude that
the “they” in Acts 2:1-4
refers only
to the Apostles.
& therefore,
only the Apostles
received the tongues
of fire.
But I blv
it’s much more likely
the tongues of
fire came on all
the disciples—
the 120 ppl
Luke mentioned
back in Acts 1:15.
The main reason
I blv this is bcs
Luke goes on to tell
us that a crowd
gathered to where
all the disciples
were sitting.
& in Acts 2:14-18
Luke says...
Acts 2:14–18 (WEB)
14 ...Peter, standing up with the eleven, lifted up his voice and spoke out to them, “You men of Judea and all you who dwell at Jerusalem, let this be known to you, and listen to my words.
15 For these aren’t drunken, as you suppose, seeing it is only the third hour of the day.
16 But this is what has been spoken through the prophet Joel:
17 ‘It will be in the last days, says God, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh. Your sons and your daughters will prophesy. Your young men will see visions. Your old men will dream dreams.
18 Yes, and on my [male-servants] and on my [female-servants] in those days, I will pour out my Spirit, and they will prophesy.
Notice that Peter
stands up
w/ the 11 Apostles.
The 120 disciples
were all sitting together
in one place—
speaking in other
The Apostles
stood up
& then Peter speaks
to the crowd
abt what they
were witnessing
the disciples do.
He says “these”
are not drunk.
Peter says “these”
are not drunken
as you suppose.
Then Peter quotes
the prophecy of Joel
to explain to the crowd
what they were
seeing & hearing.
& then
Peter emphasizes
that God’s Spirit
wld be poured out
on all flesh.
On both
men & woman.
On both
God’s sons
& God’s daughters.
On both
God’s male
& female servants.
& both men
& women
wld prophecy.
So the “they”
who had the tongues
of fire distributed
to them is most likely
all the disciples
not just the Apostles.
Luke says
they were all filled
w/ the HS
& the HS
gave them the
supernatural ability
to speak w/ other tongues
or other languages
they had not learned.
& in Acts 2:11
Luke tells us
what they were saying
in these other
The crowds said
Acts 2:11 (WEB)
11 ...we hear them speaking in our languages the [greatness] of God!”
Many have
mistakenly said
the disciples were
preaching the gospel
to the crowd in these
dfrnt languages.
Luke says
They were
speaking of
the greatness
of God.
They were
praising God
in languages
they had not learned.
It was not until
Peter stood up
w/ the 11 Apostles
that Peter preached
the gospel.
What happens
when ppl
are baptized
w/ the HS?
On the day
of Pentecost
we see that
when the HS
came upon
Christ’s disciples
God’s ppl were gvn
Spiritual ability
to speak abt
the greatness of God—
to praise God—
in languages
they had
never learned.
& when we
turn our attention
to Cornelius
& his household
it becomes
even more clear
that these tongues
were not for preaching
but for praising.]
Just as Peter
was the 1st
to preach the gospel
of the kingdom
to the Jews
on the day of
Peter was also
the 1st Apostle
to preach the gospel
to the Gentiles.
The Lord arranged
a meeting
btwn Peter
& Roman Centurion
& his household.
They all gathered
to hear a message
thru which
they wld be saved.
In Acts 10:44-47
Luke tells us...
Acts 10:44–47 (WEB)
44 While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit fell on all those who heard the word.
45 They of the circumcision who believed were amazed, as many as came with Peter, because the gift of the Holy Spirit was also poured out on the Gentiles.
Peter preaches
the gospel
the Gentiles accept it
& the Jewish believers are amazed
to see that
the gift of the HS
is poured out on
just as it was
on the Jews.
& how did they know
the HS had been
poured out
on the Gentiles?
Luke tells us
in Acts 10:46
Acts 10:46 (EHV)
46 For [or bcs] they heard them speaking in other languages and praising God.
The Greek word
for praising
is the verbal form
of the Greek Word
Luke used as
back in Acts 2:11
Acts 2:11 (WEB)
11 ...we hear them speaking in our languages the [greatness] of God!”
These Gentiles
were baptized w/ the HS
just a the Jews
had been
on the day
of Pentecost.
& they praised God
in languages
they had not learned.
& Luke specifically says
this is how
the Jewish
believers knew
that Gentiles
had received
the HS.
What happens
when people
are baptized
w/ the HS.
Both the ppl
at Pentecost
& the ppl at
Cornelius’ house
praised God
w/ supernatural
to speak in other
Let’s turn our
attention to
another example
of what happens
when ppl receive
the HS
in the Scriptures.]
In Acts 19
Luke tells us
Paul found
some disciples
in Ephesus.
& Paul expected
these disciples
to know
whether or not
they’d received
the HS.
In Acts 19:2...
Luke tells us:
Paul asked
these disciples:
Acts 19:2 (EHV)
2 “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you became believers?”
Here’s an
important question:
How cld these
disciples say
‘Yes’ to that question
unless ‘something’
was supposed
to happen—
something they cld
point to & say:
“We received
“the HS.
“& we know
“we have bcs
“this happened”?
Well Paul
adds to their
understanding abt
Christian baptism
baptized them
& placed
his hands on them
they cld forever
afterward answer:
to the question:
“Did you receive
“the HS?
Bcs as Luke says
in Acts 19:6
Acts 19:6 (WEB)
6 When Paul had laid his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came on them and they spoke with other languages and prophesied.
Here Luke reminds us
of what he told us
back in
Acts 2:17–18 (WEB)
17 ‘It will be in the last days, says God, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh. Your sons and your daughters will prophesy. Your young men will see visions. Your old men will dream dreams.
18 Yes, and on my male-servants and on my [female-servants] in those days, I will pour out my Spirit, and they will prophesy.’
That’s exactly
what happened
to the disciples
in Ephesus.
They spoke w/
other languages
& prophesied.
So what happens
when ppl are baptized
w/ the HS?
In the Scriptures
we see that ppl
were gvn supernatural
ability by the HS
to praise God
in languages they
had not learned
& to prophesy.
As we close
the question
for us.
Shld we expect
the same today?
Shld we
expect ppl to
praise God in
other languages
they’ve not learned
& prophesy
when they
receive the HS?
A lot of ppl wld say
Those were unique
experiences for the
early church.
But I’m convinced
that if we’re
gonna be biblical
if we’re just
gonna go by
what we read
in the Scriptures—
then we
shld expect
some sort of
Spirit-enabled speech
to come out
of ppl’s mouths
When they’re baptized
w/ the HS.
& that
May be praising
the Lord
in languages
we’ve not learned.
It may be
In fact
There’s really no
Scriptural support
for the idea
that something
will not happen
to everyone who
receives the HS.
the only place
in the Scriptures
where we see
exactly what happened
when ppl received
HS baptism
is in
the book of Acts.
& in the book of Acts
we see some sort of
came out of their mouths
is either directly taught
or strongly implied.
If we don’t
expect something
to happen
it’s not bcs we’ve learned that
frm the Scriptures.
It’s bcs we’ve
learned that frm
some other source.
But what if we
just did what
the Scriptures say.
What if
after we baptized
ppl in water
we gathered
the elders
to pray for
the newly
baptized believer
place our hands
on them
& expect God
to answer.
& kept on praying
until we cld all
Answer Paul’s question:
“Did you receive
the HS
when you became
But what I’m
most convinced of is this
When ppl are baptized
w/the Holy Spirit
When ppl are filled
w/ the Holy Spirit.
They will have a new
or renewed power
& clarity
abt our spiritual calling
& gifting.
A new
or renewed ability
to be effective
witnesses for Jesus.
what happens
when we’re baptized
w/ the HS.
Now, as we close.
We’ve talked today
Abt being baptized
w/ the HS.
& we’ve really only
the surface
of this important subject.
We’ve talked abt
Of being baptized
w/the Holy Spirit.
That promise is
for all of us.
We’ve talked abt
Of being baptized
w/ the Holy Spirit.
The purpose is
to receive extraordinary
supernatural EMPOWERING
to equip us
for Christ-honoring service.
& finally
we talked abt
of being baptized
w/the Holy Spirit.
When does
it happen?
Scripturally speaking
We see ppl are
initially baptized
with the HS
or after
water baptism.
After that
We need to
keep on being
filled w/
the HS
over & over again.
How does it happen?
Thru prayer—
& the laying on
of the
Apostles hands.
Since the Apostles
are no longer around
The authority to
baptize w/ the HS
thru the laying on
of hands
has been handed dwn
to the elders
in the Church.
What happens
when are baptized
w/ the HS?
Scripturally speaking
speaking in tongues
to praise God
Maybe prophecy.
Maybe praise.
But something
always happened.
ppl can point to
& say:
“I know I received
“HS baptism
“bcs this happened.
Maybe tongues
Maybe praise
Maybe prophecy
Some sort of
Spirit-inspired speech
that comes out of us
& enables us
to glorify God.
& gives us
a new
or renewed power
To be effective
witnesses for Christ.
I’ll admit
I don’t know
what this all looks like
frm a practical perspective.
Shld we close service
& have those who
have been born again
thru water baptism
come fwd
& have us pray
that you receive
HS baptism?
Shld we keep praying
until something happens
to everyone we pray for?
Maybe that’s
the right approach?
So, let me encourage you.
Let me encourage us
as a congregation.
Let’s keep asking God
To baptize us
w/ the Holy Spirit.
Let’s keep asking God
to fill us
w/the Holy Spirit.
& let’s keep
expecting God
To keep answering
that prayer.
Let’s keep expecting God
to give us
Extraordinary empowering
To equip us
For Christ-honoring service.
This subject
opens us all
up to abuse.
I’ve been in churches
where ppl are
manipulated by
music & a magical
& all sorts of things
that coach & coax ppl
into receiving the HS—
& dfrnt manifestation.
But that’s not something
you see
in the Scriptures.
You see that
nobody had to
tell Peter & the Apostles
what t
Let’s all stand for prayer.
Father we thank you so much…
For the truth we find in your word.
We thank you for…
The promise of the Holy Spirit.
The gift of the Holy Spirit.
& The empowering…
You offer us thru Him.
In obedience to the words of Jesus…
We ask you to give us…
The Holy Spirit.
Never fearing…
That you will give us something…
Other than what we ask for.
Fill every one of us
w/ the Holy Spirit.
Pour out your Spirit on us
Whether that be
for the first time
or a fresh anointing.
Father we confess our need…
For the Holy Spirit to come on us…
& empower us…
For Christ-honoring ministry.
every day of our lives.
In Jesus name…Amen.