Topical - Sin - 10 points of Sin
Sermon Tone Analysis
1 John 3:4; 5:17; James 4:17; Romans 14:23; 2:14, 15
God gives us boundaries, not because He does not want us to have fun but because He knows what is best for us. A dog has boundaries of not going out of a backyard, but still wants to get out of the yard and go digging in trashcans and eat dirty diapers.
Joshua 7:? The acursed thing; Romans 3:13 the poison of a snake
1. Sin Goes From Bad to Worse
- Romans 6:19 sin leads to more sin, it can lead to bondage in someone’s life.
- Sin says, ‘Well I can manage this, just one more time.
- It is like a match that can start a big forest fire
- Sin wants to come in and bring control over your life
2. Sin Leads to Bondage
- John 8:34
- Sodom and Gomorra Genesis 19:4-11 the men are struck with blindness and grew weary trying to commit this sin.
- Like a rat who gets caught in a trap and while it is dying is still nibbling on the cheese.
- 1 Timothy 1:15; Acts 26:18; 1 John 5:19 people don’t even believe that the devil exist; Ephesians 2:1-3; John 3:19 men love sin and do not want to let go of it.
3. Sin is Filthiness
- 2 Corinthians 7:1
- Zech. 3:3
4. God Hates Sin
- Zech 11:8
- Habakkuk 1:13
5. Sin Causes You To Hate Yourself
- Habakkuk
- Luke 5:8
- Job 42:5
6. Sin Has Consequences
- Galatians 6:7
- Proverbs 14:14 the backslider
- Proverbs 13:15 the way of the transgressor is hard
7. Sin Brings Shame
- Romans 6:21 are country has lost the ability of being shamed
- The things that people use to do in the dark they are now doing the public
- Sin is like the devil, ‘Out to kill, steal, and destroy’
8. Sin Makes Man Unthankful
- 2 Timothy 3:2
- Romans 1:? Men become thankful in their heart
- God causes the rain to fall on the just and the unjust. The unjust don’t even care or are thankful to God for this.
- Unthankfulness is a sign of sin creeping into mans heart producing pride, ‘I have acomplished these things myself.’
- Romans 11:36
- Revelation 4:11
9. Sin effects Every Person
- Ps. 51:5
- Romans 5:12; 3:23
- Ephesians 2:1-3
10. Sin Has Eternal Consequences
- Ephesians 2:1-3 children of wrath
- The wages of sin ‘this is the payment people get for their sin’
- Hebrews 10:26,27,29,30
- Jer. 13:23