Honoring God with your Wealth | James 5:1-6 | Pastor Jose
With our wealth, honoring God with our wealth whenever we talk about money, that's when people get very tense and very stressed. But I hope that this morning as we talked about honoring God is our will that you'll feel very comfortable as we go to the scriptures and see what James has to Dallas. And other remember, Jim's is very in-your-face type of preacher. James tells you exactly like it is and here in chapter 5 is Riri chapter 5. You will see the James doesn't fail and that might be the one where James is. So up, in your face, it will feel like James is getting too close to you this morning. So James chapter 5, we only going to look at horse 126 honoring God with your wealth, it has been said that. Your bank account is very telling, see the way that you find out, why people really value, don't believe what they say with words. But look at that bank account, their bank account will tell you what they truly value because we like to put our money, where our mouth is, what we care about, we will spend money in the way that you really know what you care about is to examine your bank account in to see where your money goes about. The money is is very interesting. We often say that money talks and if a comedian what's that, if money talk, then all it ever says to me is good behind because I'm a jerk to see it. And I struggle with this, we never seem to have enough money where your first job you were making $15,000 a year. You move the 25,000, you would 3050 102 million as a quite a bit of the truth. Feels like 500000, you a half a million people making millions of dollars, how's the always feel like doesn't need that? I need a little more. Just like Rockefeller said, how much more money do you need? Just one more dollar. Just one more dollar, but all the struggles that money never seems to be enough for us. But what Jen was, I was this morning is that we need to remember, is that true Christians on their God as we continue to series with gems were just Delta's that it's time to grow up. So, let's look at a gym chapter 5 the morning. So, let's read our texts for this morning in gyms are chapter. Five it says I will get there. So it says. Come now, you rich weep and howl for the miseries that are coming upon you your Riches of rugged and your garments are moth eaten. You your gold and silver have corroded and there are corrosion will be evidence against you and will eat your flesh like fire. You have laid up treasure in the last days, behold the wages of the laborers, who mowed your fields, which you kept back by fraud or crying out against you and the cries of the Harvesters have, reached the ears of the lord of House. You have lived on the earth, in luxury and in self-indulgence, you have fattened, your heart and a day of sweater you have condemned and murdered the right shoes person. You have condemned and murdered the righteous person and put some reason. I don't see any of my notes.
I don't know why so I'm going to have to improvise hear. James is talking about the rich hear James is using like an example from the from from, somebody was just like a filthy rich and they are employers but they are not Christian. So Genesis thing that example here from unbelievers and for us to look at that and says a I need to do better, I'm not going to do as those people do. So here we see, Jim's was concerned about selfish selfishness of the Rich and he advised them to weep and howl can a Jensen staying hate, you may have your riches right now but you should be very Sad about it because there will come a day that you will be judged for the way that you use your money. So, the message in one sentence is simply this. Be careful how you get and use your money. Be careful how you get and use your money. So Jim's give us like three excitation there. He says be careful how you get your well. So if you look in verse for it says, Behold the wages of the laborers would mode your feels, you have kept back by fraud. So it's going to let you go, you work for somebody. And then when it comes time to pay, they don't pay you. Anybody ever experience that. I did one. I know how men at the wrong time. We were really broke. We had just moved. We just had a new baby and then I took a job. Actually, I was a schoolteacher and then we're actually, it wasn't offered a teaching the summer at the old Great Bend. Now we can pay our bills and payments in the summer. When it came time to pay or there's some problem with payroll, I need to hold back people's money. And if you look in Matthew 24 days, when when people will be hired, they were get paid at the end of the day. And that's why Jim is saying there are, you need to pay people. So what does rich people were doing then? Was that when it comes time to pay the people they are holding back rages or today. You would say that they just paying people or low-wage where they could pay them much more for what they do. So they are enriching themselves up the back of others and that's why James is talking about here. James is not talking bad about her britches. There's nothing wrong about Rich's. There's nothing wrong about money. Lots of people in the Bible were Rich. Abraham was very rich. Okay, but he was very Godly. Joke was very rich, but he was very Godly, but a lot was rich, but Not so good. What happened to Lot in just one day, he just lost everything. That's why James is saying be careful about money. Be careful how you get your. Well, there's nothing wrong with getting well, but don't get it on. The backs of people. Can you put it the back? I'll be a very happy man. You just had something else. Put it back. Yeah, can you go next?
Remind me to talk to hear. Hallelujah. I don't have to so improve a I guess it's just not coming on mine so you can go ahead and move along for me as I talk. I don't see it on on on mine but that's what gems are saying. Eight. Enrich yourself on the back of people do not enrich yourself on the back of people. You see this not only that they were the flooding people but not looking for sex. What else they were doing? If you looking for 6, it says you have condemned and murdered the righteous person. He does not read this. You did you see it today? Rich people control the courts, like they've defraud. You and then after that, you try to go to court, but They got more money than you. That's kind of how you win the court system. Now, most of the time it's Whoever has the most money can hire the biggest named lawyer knows the judge and you never really get justice. So that's what Jim's was against their. Jim's is telling them a do not enrich Yourself by the flooding people and also do not enrich Yourself by taking advantage of people when you're in the court system by where you control the court system. So you have some Bible verses and dirt over Deuteronomy 24 verse 14 to 15 a talks about this specifically where it says that you shall not oppress a hard worker, who is poor and needy, whether he is one of your brothers or one of the sojourners that's immigra. What are in your land within your Town's. You shall give him his wages. When on the same day in today, that means, when that two weeks come for, one week, or one month, whatever that it says, Ben schedule has been agreed upon. You need to pay people before the sun sets for he is poor and count on the last. He cry against you to the Lord and you be guilty of sin. Some of you say I hide an example. I'm not an employer. I don't have employees, I don't have to worry about this. Jose
Necessarily. You got a service from the electric company, right? From the gas company. So you hired them, they provide your service and then at certain point in the month you need to make a time that you need to pay them what their wages. Oh, you getting home. You thought you were exempt? None of us are exempt. So as Christians, we got to pay our bills, right? Because one of The Commandments is why it says, you shall not steal. And a lot of Christians would borrow money from people with no intentions of paying back. And God says, you cannot do that. The next verse in Leviticus in Leviticus. It says the same thing. If you go to the next verse please, To go to the next verse. next verse in, Leviticus Just move. It says, you shall not oppress your neighbor or Rob Isham the rages of a hard worker shall not remain with you all night until the morning. So we're good. So bottom line is, we need to give to others. What is due to them? We need to give to others. What is due to them when we should Ms? Things that James tells us is that we need to be careful how we use our wealth. We need to be careful how we use our L. Not only, we need to be careful how we get our well, but we also need to be careful how we use our just a word here. A lot of people think that, as long as they give their, okay, doesn't matter how to get the money even if Did they cheat on their taxes and fight the numbers to get a bigger refund? And as long as when they get that refund, they give some of that money to God. They think they're okay. You not okay K because you've taken it. How by fraud gear gems the saying be careful, how you get money, same doesn't matter how much you give. If you got it the wrong way, I'm not going to say anything about the lottery.
Search for the second one. Better be careful. How you use your wealth inverse 325 a year in Jim's a chapter 5. You can put it on the screen for us, is there please? It says your gold and silver have corroded and your conversions will be evidence against you and will eat your flesh like fire. You have laid up Treasures in the last days, behold the wages of the label or will know your field which you kept back by Florida crying out against you. And the cries of the Harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord of hosts. You have live on the earth in luxury and self-indulgence. You have fat in your hearts in a day of flutter. You see what those rich people were doing. They were hoarding their riches and only invested in Earthly things, he does nothing wrong with saving money. Get the Bible commands encourage us like to save money. Ruin your ID for the Book of Proverbs it, it tells us about investing money to make a profit Jesus. The Parables, remember, the parable when is the master was going out and he has three servants, you give them 11 Talon, 12 and 13. The one with the three talents went on and made a profit and double dip in the one to thousands did the same double it. But the one who only had one Talent than napping to it and accuse the master and the story when Jesus came back, it says 8, the one would just didn't do anything with the money didn't work up. The money was not commended but the ones where the two other $3 they were committed to the Bible is not against private property. The Bible is not against you getting a business and making a profit in what year does nothing wrong with that. But it's just say there is a limit, there was this a difference between saving and hoarding more than you should and only investing everything that you have like in 10. Temporary things because every material things that we have your guess what? They will all it'll be burned up. You edit you either will lose them in your lifetime or you will live them behind. I know we don't like to think about death. So that keep moving in 2nd Corinthians. 1214. Look at what it says there. It says for children are not obligated to save up for their parents but parents for their children. So is the Bible against saving no necks in a 1st Timothy 5:8. It says but if anyone does not provide for his relatives and especially for members of his house so he has what denied the face and his believer. So anybody who does not provide for his family and just be lazy, don't consider that person a Believer, they are actually worse than a non-believer. To the Bible wants us to what the Bible wants us to take care of our families and the where we have to do that sometime. We have to save for rainy day so we need to save you seemed so really what James is trying to tell us save but don't hoard K saved but don't hold things look up, Matthew 6:19 to 21 hear what it says it says, do not lay up for yourselves, Treasures on Earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But where should you lay treasure lay for yourselves? Treasures? Where In heaven. Knows a, how do we lay Treasures in Heaven when we are not yet in heaven? 50 breeding, where neither moth nor rust, destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal for where your treasure. Is there, your heart will be your heart follows, your treasure. That was that's what it says. Your bank account is very telling when you look there, that's where your heart is. So, God is saying, hey, when you invest in Eternal things, when you see somebody who needs, you help them. When you invest in, God's Works to advance God's kingdom when your support missionaries World, bringing out the gospel. When you give to your church, God is saying you are investing eternally because you are investing in people. Not just investing everything on yourself. Trying to tell us you can't believe extravagantly at the expense of others. What verse 4 and 5, that's what they were doing. Remember, they were holding back wages. So they living a great lifestyle at the expense of who the people would need the money Mouse. At some point, you know, you can have money. I know money is all good, but at some point that it's just, like, I don't forget to do with that money. And now I know all of you will feel guilty because you leaving America because believe it or not, all of us are rich. Oh, some of you don't believe it, but if you make $25,000 a year by the time you retire, that's over a million-dollar. So, all of us a millionaire, you know, how I did the math. If you start working a 2020 to 65, that's 45 years, 45 x 25,000 that's over million-dollar. Okay. A lot of people in the world live only in $1, less than $1 a day.
Helen says, I don't know how they do it for real. Like, a little things we take for granted our cars, that's luxury in most places when you go outside of our country that is luxury. But you don't, you know, you don't think it is luxury, right? I'll take you like, it's a terrible country and go on a mission trip and then to find a car, like yours will be very difficult, a lot of time. The AC would not work. So are you looking at me?
Yeah, I know it's pretty hot. And then you sweating in the car or all like public transportation looks like if you go to a bus like there was no AC, what would they do that? Shut down that bus right in our country. But you know, most people in the world that's just their daily lives and a different stations are really packed like he's like people and stuff with people. So are we living in some luxury weather? You might be struggling financially or not just by the sheer fact. We are here in America, we got it really good, then mouse. Say amen. I know you don't want that bottom right, but nothing wrong with nice things here but there is a point of diminishing return. There's nothing wrong with nice things, nice things but just learn how to shop. You don't have to buy a full pot, go to Goodwill. Here's a novel idea. Okay. Some of you like to sewfisticated to go to a resale shop, okay? You like nice things just know how to shop. Can you don't have to pay full price? See it, just what's the difference between a $10,000 purse versus a $200 one?
$9,800, cuz I don't look at my place for my wife.
I know our first lady from a third world country in one day, she spent a million-dollar One day, buying fur coats, buying forces, buying gifts for her guests at her lavish party.
I'm working in the 80s country where most of the people are suffering. This is what James is talking about that. So y'all can relax now. Ginger is not necessarily talk to you about you. What you doing is talking about over indulgence over indulgence like you do telephone, you see like those guys, you know, those oil, those guys will get all their money from oil. The usually just somehow I just have, like, you don't like 15 cars, 100 cars, there was a guy I think in one day he bought like 49 Cadillacs Because he had 49 wives 49 Cadillac and in all kinds of other stuff I think he's Bill end up being like 1.5 million dollar and then he had to pay $200,000 to ship all the stuff you get from the US back to the Middle East, where he's coming from. That's what James is talking about here. It's overindulgence, but not bring it to your neighborhood. How many shoes you have in your closet?
See, now that I'm bringing it to your neighborhood now. So just kind of look at your project now. See how many shoes did you got it before? I got married. Life was simple. Only had like three pair of shoes. Black one light brown, one dark brown. Oh, and I did have, I did steal like a tennis shoes for my brother. That's all I had see it but when you get married, you know, your wife is buying you stuff. Do you know just making you like on Godly black back bracket but it's just look at it at your level. You know, where you are now. Okay, what are you over indulging in? What are you over indulging in 1st, Timothy 6:17 put it this way as for the rich, in this present age, charge them, not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertain riches but on God would richly provides us with what everything to enjoy. So don't feel guilty. When you get your stuff, you get to enjoy them. There's nothing wrong with enjoying what you have. What James is talking about? He's over in. And every one of you will know what that is for you. Every one of us will know what that is for you. So if what we have has been unlawfully and it's in the will of God, we must not waste it on selfish living. When it's talking about luxury there, it's just luxury creates waist. And if every good and perfect gift comes from God, we don't want to waste anything it again. As I told you, if you want some nice Rings, don't buy full price and learn how to shop display, a website to be able to do that and get your nice things to the bottom line. James is trying to tell us save invest and enjoy God's blessing without the Friday others or being a hoarder. With me. Alright, lastly, Jen says, don't think you have made it because of your wealth. That's were the Trap. Not only that, we should be careful about how we get our money, how we use it. But we also need to be careful with pride. Thinking that a, I got money now I've made it. I am so much more Superior than everybody else. Look at verse 124 see in the first verse does it say to come now you rich weep and howl for the miseries that are coming upon you so Jim says don't think that you have arrived your Riches of running and your garments are moths eating your gold and silver have corroded and then corrosion will be evidence against you and will eat your flesh like fire through things like a riches as a way of messing up your reputation. Goodrich's your riches will be condemning. You will be judging you because if he was talking about the last day you have laid up Treasures for yourself in the last day on Judgment Day saying that your riches. You think that made you that got you you like you made it. There was our actually going to be testimony against you. So James is telling us orphans year, did we need to do? So the first one is that James is telling us there are consequences for misusing. Our wealth There are consequences for misusing. Our well then the second thing that Jim's want us to remember is that wealth will vanish. Eventually wealth does not last forever and neither will you last forever misuse riches erode your character. She went to, like burn, like fire jinza saying a, the way that you use your money says a lot about you in Psalm 62, verse 10. Now, it says, there's you put it on the screen for me, some 62 verse 10. It says put no trust in extortion, set, noventa hopes on robbery. Look at this Earth. Riches increase, set your heart on set, not your heart on them scratched it, okay? If Rich has been Christmas, Get more money, set, not your heart on the left when you rich. Cake, does nothing wrong with money. But now you talking about identity now, this people were finding their identity in their money. It says, if reaches increases set, not your heart on them and enforcing his judgment is a certainty. If you saw one verse 124 since there will be a judgment day, God will judge us in the way that we use our wealth. God will judge us in the way that we use our money because every gift that we have, everything that we have is from God, we need to see ourselves as stewards of what God has given to us not owners. One of us like to think as owners but God wants us to think as stewards as stewards of what he has given to us directly says don't mess up. Precious opportunity to do good while you can. Miss a precious opportunity to do good while you can even 5/16 says this What you would move there for us? A fusion5 16, go back effusion, 5, 16 making the best use of the time because the days are evil, said James is saying 8, use your wealth to make a difference cuz You don't have control of time. Join the 29 tells us the same thing. If you move to the next verse John 9, it says we must work. The works of him who sent me while it is day. Night is coming where no one can work. Got it listens for its first one, if you turn back into a message. No, she says, don't take advantage of people. Don't take advantage of people. Don't take advantage of people. Jeremiah 22 verse 13 says, this. If you would move there, it says woe to him who built his house by unrighteousness. And he's upper rooms by Injustice will makes his neighbor served him for nothing and does not give him his wages. So just saying, do not take advantage of people. The second thing that we're learning is that we need to invest in eternity, we need to invest in eternity. Let us not just enrich ourselves with the things that we want only for ourselves, but let us be generous and help. Somebody else is in need and give to advance God's kingdom and invest internally. If you move to the next It's telling us several things. You said, we we what we do on Earth, I let Warren wiersbe, says this, what we do on Earth is recorded in heaven. And God keeps the books and pays the interest. Whatever you do on Earth, you, it's being recorded and God is a rewarder of those would do. What is right? Those receipt came. Next one. Use your wealth to advance God's kingdom and help those who are less fortunate than you without crippling them. Without crippling them, there was such a things is sometimes when we might not let somebody just figure out some things for themselves, they need to grow in that area. So we need to help without crippling a people. Next thing, next thing with the slides, be a good Steward of what God has entrusted to you. Don't act like an owner. Ultimately, God is the owner of everything that has been given to you, whatever you have is been Given to you, you don't own it. Act like on owner act as a steward. If they like somebody who has a business and then you put a manager than the manager thinks that they are. The owner, that's kind of how we act with God, when we act as owner, we should see our car as something to Stewart, to manage our house as a place to Steward as a place to manage to use to be a blessing to others, to honor, God wear, because we need to honor God with our wealth. Ultimately God owns everything in that. Be faithful to use what he gives us for the good of others and the glory of God in 1st. Corinthians 4 verse 2 says this moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found how Faithful. So you are stewards of God's grace of what God has given you. God is saying a bee or good. Steward, third thing, life is brief.
And you can't take any wealth with you. To the Grave. Life is brief, you can't take any wealth with you to the Grave. 1st Timothy 6. Verse 7 & 8, says this for we brought with me, we brought nothing into the world and we cannot take anything out of the world in a baby. Do they come with iPads?
They come with nothing. But if we have food and clothing with these, we will be content. Do we all here have food to eat and clothing? If anybody do not have food, let us know. We'll make sure you get food. If you don't have clothes, will make sure you get close. But Paul is telling us what the eighth, if we have food and clothing, we need to be content with these. Look at Luke 12 verse 21. Jesus told a parable there about a man. He's wealth was increasing. So instead of using their wealth to invest in eternity, what did he do? He kept building bigger barns. It's like, oh, look at me. Look at what I have. Let me build bigger Barn, so I can store up my
I didn't look 12:20. God said to him fool this night, your soul is required of you. And the things you have prepared.
who is Will there be If we just never want to live with the thought that at any point, we might not be here any longer.
You know, we tried to push that in the back of our minds as much as we can. But the truth of the matter is that it does happen. You know, we just had a family member. Got sick, went to the hospital. Five days later, she's gone.
We need to be careful in how we use our money. We need to invest in Eternal things so that a judgment day. When we meet God, we will have a good report to give the fourth one, just for thing. Don't let Rich has ever become your identity. Don't let Rich has ever become your identity. I just don't want Jen to and it says now, you rich. So that's how they were known. They were known by their riches. Don't be known by your riches, but be known by your Christ. Your identity is found in Christ. Not your riches. And lastly, enjoy what you have and be generous, okay, this is that a message about being feeling guilty for God, give it to you, okay? So enjoy what you have and be generous actually. That's how you can judge whether you living in luxury or you, you're holding more than you should is by your generosity. And by your generosity. That's why you cannot judge people because larger is very subjective, you might come to my house and then you see God. And then I have another friend that just come. Visit, you leave here? Come on, dude. You can do better than that. You know, we've all your education and I know where were you mad, you can do better than that. She in the same can be done for you, too. Where you leave? Some friends might come over. This is nice. This is cool and then your parents come over, we never satisfied, really? All my hard work that's all that's going to have to show for, you know. World is less than on the student rings that I paid for you. At that. You would have a much bigger toy. Is it luxury is subjective? Okay, is very subjective you the way that you know that you can leave that Pieces by how much you give. So what are always tell people don't look at how much people have cuz you don't know how much that they give like there was a man named his last name was looked or no. And he had a very successful business and really became like really rich, but he was very faithful in tithing his personal income in his business income. But over the years, he just said, I don't want to just go 10%, but every you just keep increasing, he just keep increasing his giving until you know what? He was a river stiver. He was giving 90% of all that he had and was living on 10. You see a lot of us, we don't have more money, just because we have not been faithful with what we have. And God is saying that, if you put me first, what does it say, everything will come after in for a little bit. He's just waiting for us to mature to grow because a mature Christians will honor God with their wealth. And God is saying, I'm just waiting for you, start being generous and then I will entrust you with more. Why should God trust you with more money now when you're not using your wealth right now to invest internally in real riches?
Why should I give that to you? Just like your kid. If you have your kids, you giving the money you trying to test them out and then try to give them $5. You would they do with it? If you did that wasted, are you going to be inclined to give them more now, but if you see that day really mature, they they get it and they using their wealth wisely. They not caught up like in money. You want to give them more and actually just remind me recently went out and went to visit my parents last week and we went out and I left my wallet at home. And I told my son, I was telling you pay. And he didn't Flinch, pull out his card and he paid and the blue one.
Where do the work? I'm going to reward him. I wanted the double what he paid white, because he was not wrapped up in the money to fix it because he showed that he was faithful. I want to give him or see where are made in God's image, and God wants to give us more than, more than we show that we are faithful. And with this scripture in 1st, Timothy 6 verse 17 to 19, it says, eyes for the rich of this present age charge them that to be hardly notice said, their hopes on their uncertain, which is better than God will richly provide everything to enjoy. They are to do. Good to be rich in. How good works that investing in totally to be generous and ready to share no comply. Chanel, because I say that you did to be that generous. Don't be jealous because I say DeGeneres, you be generous because God's word says to be generous and then you really believe that the storing up Treasures for themselves as a good foundation for the future. So that they may take, hold of what with me of dad, which is truly life. Using our Earthly Treasures, there aren't having our riches that we have your, that's not real life. Real life is in heaven, when we using them for Eternal things. He's a message in a nutshell. Jim, did not condemn, Richard or rich people. He condemned the wrong use of riches. And rich people would use their wealth as a weapon and not as a tool with which to build. So Jim's is telling us be a builder. Be a builder. Be a builder.
See. Warren wiersbe. Put it this way. What we keep we lose what we give to God. We keep and he adds interest to it. If Money Talks. What will it say to you on Judgement Day? If Money Talks, what will it say to you on Judgement Day When God comes to you? And says, what did you do with the money that I have given to you? So is money really talks? As we say in our culture, what will money say to you on Judgement Day, because remember in verse 3 it says it's your riches that are going to judge you. And I remembered the analogy with the fatten account there, that you just getting fat on. Well, it looks like you have a cow, you get the cow fat to do. What? To take them to the slaughter. Who's going to like just saying be careful with your riches? Well, you think it might be in mastering much for yourself and then you think you making it but that's actually what's going to destroy you. And James is saying a get a grip, get a hold of money. Look at 2nd Corinthians 5 verse 9 and 10. It says this next verse Next verse it is. So whether we are at home, oh, way we make it our aim to please him for. We must all appear before what judgement seat of Christ. All of us have to appear before the Judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body where they're good or evil. Don't let that scare you. Now, if you are Christian, it's not going to be a judgment about you since, okay? Will pay for your sins? Jesus already paid for your sin que. You will still make it to Heaven. Even if You don't really give us generously as you should K. This is not a Salvation issue. Your judgment will be about rewards in heaven that God has for you just like you would do for your kids cuz they do good. You reward them. Are they still your kids? They are still your kids. Okay, this is not a Salvation issue here. When you saying, come before the Judgment seat of Christ, is that going to be a good man? I got a reward you because in that same chapter in in in the second drawer in chapter 3 talks about some of us will be safe. Fire truck would barely make it to heaven but we get no reward but like a little fire coming behind us. Okay, so that's why Genesis a 9in Matthew 6:21. It says where your treasure is there, your heart will be also. They're really what is saying that your heart follows your treasure. So invest in Eternal things so your heart will start. Caring about eternal things and genshu riches that lasts for eternity. Father, take you for your grace this morning. Thank you for your word. Your word was not just for learning but may it also be for a living and help each one of us to live at out. Is your child in, for this week? Is your challenge with this week. I'd like you to go ahead and go to your closet. That's where most of us. Struggle with ladies. Go to your closet this week and give away some stuff. K, a m, any takers, any takers and you take care of 120. You guys, just moved out of the closet closets K. Find some stuff and give them away and I told, you know, it's a blessing. I just sent my wife gave some clothes away last week, the joy. He brought to somebody's hard with the And have it. Somebody, you know, or go to the Salvation Army, give some of your stuff, okay? For the next 30 days is your challenge for the next 30 days. Avoid buying new stuff. I know you do. Get to clean your closet to go buy some more. Okay. So avoid buying new shoes clothes purses, Etc. I only sent any takers, any takers you are more shy to do this one, huh?
And then start giving generously. Okay? If you have not been giving go ahead and Jeff start giving generously trust God because God says, if you put me first, everything will come to you. Amen. Father, thank you for your grace. Thank you for the gift of one another. We are so grateful for what you have taught us this morning. And for the GIF of one another, to be together. We thank you, Father, for your Amazing Grace. Do you help us to be more and more like you in everything that we do in Jesus name we pray. Amen? Why don't you stand for the benediction? May God bless you and keep you may God, make his face to shine upon. You may the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and may he give you his peace, amen.