Sunday Service

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Amen. What's the date today is the day, like the weather. Why? Because this is a day that you never seen before that, because the Lord woke me up this morning and started me on my way. I will rejoice and be glad in it, because I woke up with my heart beating in my chest. When I woke up with a blood running in my veins, after I woke up with my mind stayed on Jesus. I woke up. It was in front of the other, by walk up. It was a 150 division that has breath. Praise the Lord. So, I woke up and I was wrong in our front door mat. Thank you, God, for waking me up this morning by myself this morning and my mom myself this morning. And I don't know about you, but everytime, I think about how good God is.

I get excited. How to turn off a? I can enjoy it when I think about what he's done for me. Amen, we should sing that back in the day I get to what he's done for me, we going to talk to you about your life positive. Take it kind of lightweight bright living, a life Positive Thinking by hitting that fan switch, right in the smack dab in the middle of milk. That one right here, smack dab in the middle. Are they will call it. I want to talk to you about it this morning because how many people really feels as a life is you could be honest cuz I got something as it is still left on the horizon ain't bad. My life is not cool. But I thank God that is on the way they meant to say that. It's all the way, whatever. I need me. This all the way to film it is all the way, but you have to change the way you think. So let's get ready to get into the word of God. This is going to be considered as eisegesis. I need to find my power was all of mine that lotion is rubbed off. On my bald head cuz I'm sweating a minute. Take a look at my head. Nurse flick, living of a build lasting positive thing, a father. God, we thank you this morning for our life. I held our strength for our ability and I opened my mind set to serve your father. We ask that you allow me to decrease as I stand behind. It is your sacred oath that you would allow her. Everything that I do need pleasing in your eyesight that you wouldn't allow them to be mortified by the Light. Information and your people to be notified by the word becomes bored. Now may the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart, be pleasing in your eyesight, my Lord and my redeemer ain't mad at. All right. Thank you, sis. I appreciate you. So, positive thinking, positive that can imagine. What are they supposed to? Look? At is a lot of people write books. Publications based off of positive. Thinking there is a new Wing kind of thing right there. If I want to talk about the power of positive thinking, positive habits of successful people, that and that in this, but I find God as a source of all positive. Thoughts and abilities is not something. I'm going to waste my time reading a man because all good things come from the Lord. All Good Things, Come From channeling, some unknown energy. It doesn't come from speaking out into the universe and wishing you. Love and light door for the pray for you. Any meds? I get so sick of you. What used to be Christians clock off. I'm sending you love and light. How do you send the loving life? You can send your love, but how you sent it like that flashlight. I used to love is like, I just hope offended by that because it all honesty, we know that all good things come from the Lord. Amen. Amen. So, when we begin to, look at that, the power of positive thinking come because we re we get our relationship in order with God. Amen. Amen. Although there is no doubt that many of these Publications with this title bureau will really work. This particular servant is not based on any of those books. It's based on the Bible, okay, I will be mindful of what's in the Bible, is not about anything crazy. So, one of these, I want to talk to you about first is living a fulfilling, the power of positive thinking it comes from you identifying the destructive power of negative thinking that's the number one, I'm serious. So this is going to stop smack dab in the middle. Cuz I want you to come back next week. Gay men. How many people realize that the negative thinking you have has destructive Power of Positive Thinking has constructed power of negative thinking has destructive power, right? We can agree on that. Alright, so let's begin to look at it when we begin to think about what is negative thinking and submissive is negative thinking, the glass is always half-empty, the worst case scenario will always come to pass. I'm going to fail this. Can we be honest? And recognize that many of us have said these things or things that was and it begins to Permian side of our character and it begins to eat away and deconstruct, the good things that God has. Have you ever been in a situation where somebody can say something? You could be having a great day, you'll wake up sunshine on my shoulders, makes me happy and you're having a wonderful day at all. Since somebody said what she was, so happy for her. And all of a sudden, Everything Changes in your back to meet me at 12:01 or 10. When you were starting out having a good day, these are the things that ended up having a negative taking turns in the negative actions. You have your mind stayed on Jesus. You were ready to get up and get going and do everything that God had, what you want in the morning, but it's not you back in the mine. Because you're thinking negatively or so is a person therefore he needs a man a mess. What's look at it. Depression is another form of negative thinking when you begin to think to yourself, never going to get better, things are never going to get better and depressed thinking leads to depressed people. Can we can we keep it real? I don't know anybody. That doesn't. Have you ever get to the point where your life? I've never been depressed. I am afraid of you. And why I need to know what kind of medicine you're on. That keeps you from never getting depressed.

depression is negative thinking negative thinking Creed, Construction in your life. When you look at it to depressed, better still living, that won't acknowledge and a black man living in America, that life gets in the way and you can become depressed and why they're operating in the addictions that they're dealing with us because they're attempting to self-medicate ourselves Matthews. They don't like what they mean when they look in the mirror, can we be honest. This is the reason for drug addiction a lot of times because from one thing to the next I don't like how I am right now. So maybe about to inject issue this evening maybe I will ship from where I am to somewhere else because where I am I don't want to be what does it come from? And go from there. All right, the very first time that, you know can we be honest that you know a lot of passes has a backstory of y'all know that about me, right? Okay. Sounds good. Have one day I had to be about 15 years old friend of mine cuz I can do for a family member. My name is Derek. He said hey

No, that's the age you got to watch at 13. 14 15, you think your kid nowadays, your kids. Making ain't got that many dog on highlighters. Okay. Play attention attention. You always got to be mindful of that. One family member that cousin and friend, is it? Come on. Take a walk with me, around the corners, especially around the holiday time. That's mother. Come back down and ready to eat again. If we can, can we keep it real. He's ready to meet again.

And I had everything. Can I see in them? And now you want to eat.

and I will give it come back to where I was at and what time was that where I started even though I came back to the same point was not aware. I ended up that even though I can't imagine the face just before you and I liked it because that meant that whatever I was dealing with as a fifteen-year-old boy because that 15 year old boy. You're not a man in 15. We got that. shooting each other but just a little boy didn't want to take your behind to help broke for them until you turn 16 and if you want to see what is really about, A man with my Lincoln MKZ, y'all 23 hours a day and tell me if you like it? Amen, amen. Coz I was young and I ain't know. No better and I don't know how to play basketball. So I like a basketball again?

Create addiction is because we have negative thinking about ourselves, a man who created those addictions.

You want to remove yourself from how you feeling? A lot of the younger people. It's a relief. Because when I am more than comfortable and I feel need to ask, but this is what you're thinking and they'll cut and cut and it till they bleed, as it is a relief to the. Let them know. There is something about your thinking. Suicide where I am. Can't be my end. So where I need to be is not here. These are all thought patterns, these are thought patterns, right? Ephesians the fourth chapter verse 17, and 19. So I tell you when it occurs, when the lord's name, not live any longer, like the people in the world, their minds or said I'm worthless thing. What's that mean? That means when you go through life, a lot of time was going to happen, is the things that you're worrying about it. We talk about this on Thursday and we talked about the hearing which is a false expectation, appearing to be real, 100% of the worst things you thought were going to destroy you. If you still live with me and you're still here, amen. Things you thought were going to destroy you. You'll never come out on the other side. My cousin helped shape the direction. My life was going my cousin came home after 26 years in a federal penitentiary. Right. You know because High you know that one of the thing is is that's why I was surprised that we don't all know each other from way back. We probably hung out at 2 for one is on the way back when I know you was a newborn girl ain't nothing. You know, one of the things that we look about me is you don't begin to think about it and were influenced by people around us, but a lot of things that people are influencing us to do. I'm not the best things to do and they're not going to come to any good, any good end because you get yourself caught up into something that you are not get caught up in it. And it says, their minds set on worthless. They in the King James says, if it is set on something and if you tile tile is going to come to no good end. They can't understand because they're in the dark, They're excluded from the life. They got approved because they're ignorant and ignorant and stubborn, it would be honest. Do you know, out of all of God's creations? We can be the most stubborn God tells the wind to blow the wind blows. He tells the birds the church, they sure. He tells the worms that crawl. They crawl. He tells us the worker. You say I don't feel like it today. He said, I don't feel like it today. I don't feel like praying my life is not where I needed to be able to feel like doing that right now. Don't forsake the assembling at someone off to do. Yeah, I hear you but I feel like staying home today. I hear you but it's not something I want to do today. We are some of the most stubborn creation that God has ever put forth stubborn. We get in the way of the blessings that God wants to give us. We do it. It's not always the enemy. I ain't got to do it now because we're so we used to standing in the way of the things that God has more as a man. Since they no longer have a sense of Shame, they have become promiscuous, practice, every kind of a sexual version. With a constant desire, for more will be coming through and buy are flat and being driven by our files are mental judgment because all we're thinking about is our physical judgment is our physical gratification and listen to kids upstairs, can we talk like adults? You ever tried to get out of a relationship, but you can get out of that relationship yourself and you're trying to walk away from something, you know, they ain't no good to you, but you keep going back to where they no good for you. You know, you know we're in the car he said in my family and your credit Experian is a memorable experience, right? You ever see somebody and they walk past you and then brings back to your reminiscing about what he used to smell like, how he used to, look how she used to move into anybody. But here's the problem. You can't get out of what you need to get out. Still doing what you were doing when you were in the situation that you were here. A man, you can't do it. It's not going to happen. What is of happening is until you can remove? Your mind is still going to be thinking the exact same thing. Practicing perversion, desire for more. It's not even about sexual perversion all the time. It's about the spiritual version. We are spiritually perverted people because we want to try to do what they say the Lord but only when it fits what I want.

LOL. I do not see what I always say. She said, we only want what what God wants for us? When it fits, what we won at that moment. We will prefer the word of God in your way then, and now our idea of what we are comfortable with.

When my thinking is worthless. I lose sensitivity in what is destroying. I turned my negative thoughts. I turn them in the negative actions and it's a cycle that goes on and on and gets worse and worse instead of me to close a sale with price, let me ask you a question. Have you noticed that when you used to call it being off 2, the races right back in the day you know, I got a good friend of mine who live in you know, he's all

I don't know if he still has the same level of addictions that he had, but you know what would happen is, you know, he'll be involved is what it was. He was doing, also you here since you got it felt wrong and once it was wrong, he was Off to the Races that made it once he hit that point where he can no longer get PD tired, he was now chasing that high, okay? When I talk about weed, but, you know, I understand what I'm saying so wrong, and the next thing, you know, it could be 2 days, 5 days, three weeks a month or month-and-a-half, until he's still chasing and chasing until his body. Finally, says, I'm done.

Then he comes in and I want to eat and I won't take a shower, you don't say what I'm saying, but this is a thing, the more you do it, the more you want to do it, the more he wanted to do it, the more you want to chase it, the more you want to taste it, the more you want to change it, I don't want nothing that prevents me from getting that close to God that it becomes a God in my life. I don't want money like that. I don't want to chase the bag like that, I don't want to change it to visit. I love my wife, put in my life gets in the way of me pursuing. The things of God, that something is wrong with it. We need to begin to regroup and revamp. The way we are operating in our household with my wife, or my children, or my house, or my car, get in the way of we pursuing God, because the wind is it in your purse. Everything that God has for you fall. If you're doing it right now, if you're not doing it right? You wonder why you have all kinds of health and turmoil in your household cuz y'all to order what is out of order. What you going through hell in your house all week and you can't get in order. Hey man, you need to go back to the basics. Clothe yourself with Christ, stop wasting your energy on for futile and unnecessary. The job will be awesome. And don't you realize that by the time you close your eyes for Garland County obituaries for your posting for the job will be sitting there and it'll be on. Indeed it'll be a monster. It'll be on job recruiter and everything else is by the end of the six-month time frame. Nobody will give you remember except account. I understand that they will replace you. You are replaceable in there mindset but your precious in God's eyesight. So I want to go where I'm pissing in his precious. Precious and then everything that God has for me, go fall in line. How do I know? Matthew, 26, chapter verse number 33. I encourage you to read it to seek ye first, the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you. What are these things?

The things that had your attention to things that are forces that you're pursuing that are pushing you further and further away from God. If you seek God, if that's for you, he won't headed up to you. If you seek God, he takes it away. That wasn't yours to begin with. Amen. Romans 13 and 14. This is considered eisegesis. Imma give you some topical supporting to this instead live and forget about satisfying, the desires of your corrupt nature. You know, my son is popular. Descent feel good. I'll be honest, it feels good. Having a bite of the 50 of the forbidden fruit. It feels good.

Is instantaneous rewards but your Christianity is telling you that you need to wait for what God has for you. Those that wait, on the Lord shall renew their strength, they should Mount up on wings as Eagles. I don't want to wait, I want to feel good now, do something to make me feel better, that's how I feel good now, because I feel good right now, I want somebody to tell me that I don't tell me that they love me because I may not hear that for myself, but sometime, Are you worried about anybody else? Think courage in you? You got to get up in the morning is a good morning. Gorgeous. You got to get in the morning. If they have any man, ain't nobody feels like you got to get up in the morning and say I'm fearfully and wonderfully made. You really get up in the morning.

Don't wait on nobody else to try to make. Come on now, stop trying to go to your flesh because what's going to happen is you wait for somebody else to validate Your Existence and you may never get that. And chasing it.

Xina restaurant. Paul says, I don't even think about how to gratify. My simple nature. Want me to think about doing something is not a problem. It's only a problem. If I act on it, that's not true. Okay. It's probably because we take long enough about gratifying the sinful nature. It will wind up gratifying the sinful nature. The father will eventually turn into the I think about it.

Can we keep it real going, it'll get your plan something out. Where you going to meet at, wait, what? You going to wear, what you going to smell? Like? What you going to look like the word images plan, something out. But these are just as a problem, when you think long enough on it, you'll put it in a play. How do I know? Because of what was going to happen, but let me break it down a little bit more for you. We meet every day at the same, can say, 6:30, and I know she'll be there. You thinking about it. You know me and mrs. Jones Let me bring it, let me walk hard, you know, she told me she would Unhappily Married with Children and I wish I never met her, but he still thinking about her. My buddy from cop from Chicago. I said, call Thomas.

Thinking and thinking and thinking and thinking what happened, you end up putting it in the play, you say man forget it. You only live once so that the simple nature that you were just thinking about how I'm going to put it in the plane. Ain't nobody going to know. I want to know they're going to know, they're going to find out why? Because even if don't nobody else take you, God is with you at all times. He said, he'll never leave you nor forsake you even when you're jacked up. Even when you're hacked up. With you.

To come forward. How do I know Lucas 15 chapter? Does it talk about the prodigal son? And it goes a little bit further down in this says, and when the sun was coming back to his father's house, he was rehearsing in his mind make me as one of your service because I'm not worthy to be called your son in. The Bible says, in the father, saw him from afar off. What does that mean? That means our father. Never stop looking for her son to return. God is still waiting for you to return. God is still waiting for you to get out of your own way. God, I'm still waiting for blessings to be able to give to you, but here's the thing, you won't get out of your own. God is still with you. He knows you're lying down. He knows you're Rising, right? Even when you lie down where you ain't got no business and when you rise up in the wrong way, he's still with think about that. I had a good friend of mine who graduate from Chris if he allowed to cemetery. And one of the things that you talked about, was this end of the next morning, the sin of the next morning and one of the things you don't think nothing about it, why the action is going on. He said, but then you begin to think about your salvation when you begin to put your pants back up the next morning, he was very crazy. This end up the next morning, that's what we want to become reminisce, and that's when we went to give me like God, forgive me. If you ever been in this situation. Again, the kids not here, with all of those stalking. Anybody under the age of 21, know a young lady right there. We know, we know we got to watch you. If you have a toll God, if you get me out of this, I'll never drink again.

I'm still laying on the floor. In the bathroom. Lol. I only drink dark liquor. We try to rationalize. Okay, again, will preferred into the feels comfortable for us.

I don't like men. I don't like laying here on the floor. This thing was made in China. You can just my thoughts from the last time I tried to make a deal with God. Amen. The thought and the ACT will lead you down. A Bath &, Beyond the background, with the thought, can be the sin because the thought of lead you down the path of destruction.

1st Corinthians chapter 10 verse number 12. So people who think they are standing firm, we should be careful. They don't fall we become arrogant. When we get to church, we get arrogant, we can get, we can do, you know? I just pray that God forgive me. I'm going to say whatever I want to say is, God will forgive me. It says, standing firmly we should be careful so we don't fall. We might be standing firm but we can do be deceived into thinking. We're standing firmer than we are and we let our guard down We do the Bible in rationalize. The Bible doesn't say that you can't drink and just send only come from but you're an alcoholic.

You can't have anyone or you want to screw.

Be honest, we get Lola for offenses. Now we talked about not drinking here. The reason why Because we get you out of your time with God. That's not something for you. Okay, now what have a nice glass of wine with dinner, I'm not going to be coming to your name. Is that pinot grigio? Or Pinot Noir? If you know that you don't get drunk from having a glass of wine in the Bible.

For some people that triple shot a privilege in just a road of bad instruction. Amen. That's a bad rotor be down and if you ain't never had a triple shot of privity $11, a shot is $33 per glass. It say, you are now $33 later and wanted to change it for

And wanting more and more alcoholic, and we just keep it real with anybody else trying to rationalize with messing with me for not drinking this. You, I'm not drinking Thunderbird Mad, Dog. Not all that. Actually called mogen David, but it'll make you mad. I'm not drinking Cisco Lisa. Not like the people on the corner of the mattress and a dollar beer. But do you think the issue with your issues is because you dress, it up, doesn't make it any less of an issue. Just could you put it doesn't make it fancy makes it what it is, who we look at that. We let our guard down and Christian and will say I can have just a little bit. Why can't you just a little Disney for some of us, just got a little bit of anything. We can't do just a little bit of no such thing as a little bit of said they matter. Because if you ended you and it all the way, Will be regarded. Because I'm Grateful by my house because we know the guy that breaks his first followers.

Ingles word. That answer your question. Says God forbid. Maybe we should not continue to operate instead because here's a think, no man knows the day nor the hour that the son of man will return and whatever state you were in when the son of man returns.

Empire recycling. But when that trumpet sound

whatever you win.

We need to do better. None of us are going to be perfect.

And to be loved. Assuming that you can.

Like people to say, only use crack on the weekends. Okay. That's as much as I can so I can file or nah. Bro, I was a $5 contract.

Take a drug test.

you know, just because

still serve on the ministry. Not here because I asked, you know, I'm like you money in New Jack City.

you, you know, I'll ask

I'll see you right after surgery. Coming to your house. I'm done cuz I recognize it. Can't you just a little bit of anything?

We'll let our guard down and that's when the enemy slips in. And try to convince us that what we're doing is, okay? If we preferred it just enough to where it is.

He'll do that. Anyways. You're acting funny. Slipping.

What's the little fox? The destroy the rest. Can we go a little bit further? I'm going to get you all out of here so you can get you a brunch or something. Amen. Amen, every man. That is among you. Not think of himself more highly than the artifact. What are the things over there according to God, as he's dealt with every man, The Measure of Faith. What does that mean? The grace is given to you. It means don't let it go to your head, okay? Then you said it was a song of the 70s Jean card in the song. Said, don't let it go to your head. Now that, you know, I love you. This is God telling you that just because I love you, don't let it go to Your Head Upon Grace is going to get you out of the situation that you're in. Because if you knew the love that I have for you if you recognize that I said my oldest son is to die for your sins and you wouldn't play with that. You wouldn't sit there and make it seem like it's okay.

Stop thinking of yourself. And recognize that was only by the grace of God that were here. Is anybody else there should have been there by now? They may. I told you I was coming. I'll tell him what to do. This guy is running for City comptroller, City auditor. And he was, like, what tell me about your backstory? I said, you know, the first time I got shot at was down the street from my church. The last time I got shot down the street from our church, The first car driver took was around the corner down this way. Sitting in front of chiefs house, you know the last time I was down the street. You know, my backstory is this, I recognize That I should have been dead and so many of those situations. There can't be that many bad shots in the city of Syracuse, but there are. Thank God, Amen. Not stabbing. His person, that's different. You can't get away from that tonight.

Because God's grace, his Mercy protected me. So I can be able to stand here and tell you about it right now. Some people have not been that much. Some people not let them know. We were coming down to incur. Another friend of ours is Brad's motorcycle and the guy gets out the car and apparently the guy that we were with have been messing with his girl while he was stationed abroad. That sounds like a you problem. Not a problem, a man, but him didn't like it. And he brings his his artillery home for them because he's military to the car. I'm less than 10 ft away from this guy and he

I'm like, that's not a 32. That's not even a 38. That does a eagle. Cuz I look it up right now on the triangle Barrel. Not supposed to be here. You're trained by the military you missed both times. Not going to be here. But God had a plan a man. That's why I say you can't do a little bit because of that time, I wasn't hanging out, no more. I was at work. I work at my hang out with my buds, almost kill me.

They said what are you going to do? They say you know we're going to see if we can talk tomorrow or you know what are you going to do? I said I'm going to the fourth floor of the public safety building cuz he tried to make sure I can't go to work tomorrow and then come home I'll tell him.

Total before they said, you can see the person that shot at you hear. God's grace was protecting me, but I wasn't going to nip back off into what I was into. Or we can just do you see the person that shot at Joshua with a white shirt? Black top black panther the one looking down on all of them.

God's grace and mercy, when he got out, he approached because I was the one that was in the wrong. I can look at what you can't do that that's how I can get OverWatch. You say something and you try to kill me when we keep it real.

I'm crazy. I'm going to let you stay out. So you can try again. You sound crazy strong with you. You're going to jail and I'm so different.

You know, that's the thing. Don't sit there and think that you can do just a little bit, I told that story because it had I not been in that situation had I not gotten beside myself, had I not let my guard down? I could have been dead. How many of us had to drink again and overdid it or kind of do a situation you shouldn't have or didn't see the set up with a K. That's another thing I'm aware. I tell my kids all the time. Is it?

Nah, I don't think you, are, you just doing the most? I said, no, they going to jump you if you go over here because I see the setup from afar off. But you go ahead and be mad at me and go watch this and then he finds out later someone with my Jasmine that she finds out later. It was over there. Set up. Girl shoes for girls.

Okay, bye. I don't like a 14 year old girl in a car. Okay, keep your behind out here, Liverpool. That's what you do own. And look at them Ducks over there in the rabbits, running in the backyard, or you just doing the most. I am going to most because I want to see you graduate and go to college and get married and start a business. Whatever it is, you want to do. I want God to be able to do in your life. I have an obligation. If I see something to say something to you or to protect you even from yourself, but here's the thing, you don't know, and you let your guard down in the same and you'll assume that everything is sweet and is not that's how they enemies.

Bible says go to be anxious for nothing but sometimes we are and we justify the belonging to something good because we're anxious, we could be restless. Worry of says, instead of just thinking about what about it, we're anxiously thinking about it, we're going to get ready to get done. It will have an anxious thoughts. They need to be replaced with calm thoughts. We need to focus on what will calm down. God will never leave us nor forsake us call me if God is for me, who can be against me? Because we think the world is against us. But if God is for me, who can be against me to call me, God, be still and wait on the lord, it's a call. You don't have to sit there and meditate and not be arranging Kyoya in that because you can literally sit there and it and think on the things that God has provided for you. Say God, I need you to settle my case. Cuz right now I'm jacked up, I need you to settle my spirit cuz right now, I don't know the direction I'm going. I need you to set up my speaker because I have a aching in my body. And I can't get rid of it. I can't get well, I need you to settle my spirit. The word of God is full of calming thought. You don't have to sit there and and and do all the things they want you to try to do. You know if it boggles my mind and bothers my spirits when people say, you know, as a Christian when you first move in your house, come on, let's the summer. So come on and Sage your house. You sound crazy because why on Earth would you let somebody come through and open portals for Spirits in your house? Learn what you got going on Ancestry? No, listen, I was brought up around. My uncle was from Mandeville Jamaica. Who used to bury jars of stuff in his garage floor basement and he will say, this is the ward off evil spirits, and he will pick it up after 6 months. And neither was just over such a horrible to him, because that's what he know. We had a guy that was a foster kid that stayed in our house, that it was on his fourth or fifth, Foster on the room that he was in, was never above 50°, we would store food in their, the reason why was like that is because he had it about him, okay, this kid before it was a movie Candyman. That's what we do is Candyman, okay? That's what we call the priest come into the house, and the hair stood up on the back of his neck and said this child is evil. So you telling me about something you think I don't know about it? No, no I've been in the presence of evil. I've been in the presence of evil sitting here, praying right here for a person who chewed on my sleeve and began to speak in backwards. Tom's scared the mess out of my soul.

So don't tell me that I'm just doing this, you know, you don't have no business in because then you wonder why everything is Jack cuz you open the portal and something that come through on your side. And now we got to pray 10 times to get you out of the event. Seven sons of skiva demos' Paul. I recognize recognize

And that portal didn't come through. Don't be conformed to the way in this world, you know, this scripture be transformed by the renewing of your mind. So it was good acceptable. Perfect will of God, the power of positive thinking will pick up on next week. A man will pick up on that next week. Is anybody been blessed by this just understanding where we are at 9? Hey man. You had this. All right, when I'm looking up a field light on positive thinking, you see, don't let your guard down. Don't let it go to your head and don't be in a position where you think a little dab'll? Do you put a little nap and get it in a man? A man follow me. Thank you right now for another opportunity as you would deliver word. we pray that life change, transmission renewed, restored, The people to see themselves in a lesson and then in the lesson, they'll know, if they are more than enough and adequate with you Christ Jesus. Father, we ask that every hard finding here have been and has been prepared and received exactly what they needed. By the way, thank you.

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