Graced Where You're Placed (Abbreviated)
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1 Corinthians 7:17-24
1 Corinthians 7:17-24
As followers of Christ, Figuring out what we should do with our lives as we live in this present world can be a complex matter. In other words, it’s difficult to take next steps and discover our purpose in the everyday circumstances.
Sometimes the driving force for these decisions is the little phrase “If only...” (Give examples)
Or maybe that’s not it for you. Maybe you’re seriously wondering how you can please God in this world and in the church
What’s my purpose in the day to day? (Expound)
This sense of discontentment, angst, or lack of purpose in corinth:
Background to section (chapters 5-7) (expound)
You may remember God redeems a people called Israel (Holiness code)
End of ch. 6– New People of God, new holiness code
Quote: This whole section is all a blueprint for human flourishing that came from the mind of an infinite God who doesn’t run out of wisdom and knows what is best for His children.- Jeremy Treat
Hence the instructions on marriage and various relationships in the world.
Main point: So, brothers, in whatever condition each was called, there let him remain with God.
Paul explains: Belonging to Jesus Christ doesn’t pit you against the ordinary circumstances you’re called into, but enables you to trust Him, obey Him, and display contentment IN the ordinary circumstances.
unpacking the principle: The Principle First Stated, The Principle Further Expounded, The Principle Freshly Applied.
1. The Principle First Stated- Vs 17-19
(Read Vs 17)- Paul begins with the word “only” to begin this little section. (Expound- connection w/ prev. Section. new thought.)
“Alright Paul what’s your point? What are you getting at?”
Lead the Life God has assigned for you- Don’t think that now that you are a Christian…
Maybe you felt this when you were first saved. Maybe you know someone like this— There’s a bit of a freak out moment: Oh no now that I’m a Christian, do I leave my nonbelieving spouce? Do I now leave my boss whose not a Christian? Do I move to a monastery??!?!!
Example #1: Ethnic/cultural status or surroundings (Read Vs 18)
Remarks (expound- broadening who he’s applying it to)
Not just married people and single people, but also those who have an identity marker related to ethnicity or culture.
Now a majority of the congregation would have been gentile or non-jewish members, but there for sure were Jews in this church as there were in all the churches Paul would minister to.
When he says here “The time of His call” (expound)
reversing circumcision (expound)
But Paul goes on to say in the next verse what truly matters to the Christian- He points to 2 things here, God’s providence and God’s precepts. Read Vs 19
Precepts (expound- commands, concerned uncircumcised people)
treasuring God’s precepts is what matters most. Obedience to His commands is what “marks out” so to speak the people of God.
“As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance, 15 but as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, 16 since it is written, “You shall be holy, for I am holy.” 1 Pet. 1:14-16”
Peter calls us “children (expound)
the calling on the christian is not to divorce from the ordinary cultural surroundings, but to quietly obey God in the midst of them.
Or put another way, Being saved by the gospel doesnt mean breaking ties with the secular, but trusting God’s providence, and treasuring His precepts wherever you are.
This angst can well up in us when, as a Christian in wicked American culture, we can want to pick up and move to a more conservative area with better laws. We think, “well, I’m a Christian after all! How on earth can I live here!”
(Expound- good intentions, change of location won’t change you)
What’s different about the Christianity is not the circumstances surounding your life, but the content of your life— The Kind of life that is lived no matter where you are.
God’s providence— This is what truly matters; That God is in control.
Look at what it says, “lead the life the Lord has assigned”
God has sovereignly saved you and sovereignly set you down where you are. (define the providence of God and comfort found for Corinth)
Quote: “There’s no ideal place to serve God other than where He has set you down” Alistair Begg
This causes contentment and rest…
2. The Principle Further Expounded- Vs 20-23
(Read vs 20) Now Paul repeats Himself and restates the principle.
Paul is emphasizing the need to be a disciple of Christ, not outside of your circumstances, but in your circumstances.
Joey Quote “God has placed you where He’s placed you and He’s graced you how He’s graced you to be where he’s placed you.” (Expound-sermon title)
What else does this look like in Paul’s mind?
Example #2: Social status. (read Vs 21-22)
the slave in their midst. (Expound)
different in ancient times
Temptation for asserting rights and freeing himself
But Paul says effectively, if you were a slave when God called you to Himself, you shouldn’t be concerned about this. This shouldn’t make you anxious OR discontented— causing you to look for the “next big thing”.
why? (expound- grounding for command- to slave AND non-slave the implication of belonging to Christ)
Freed from world, sin, satan- True joyous freedom (expound)
(read vs 23) back in the greco-roman world, a slave could go about purchasing his or her own freedom (Expound)
You’re bought with a price. (expound- the son of God by HIS own works…all that’s implied)
Paul is repeating himself here. (Expound ch 6) Why the repeat?
What truly matters to the Christian. God’s providence and precepts now our position before God which matters more than our social status.
Just as Israel in the Old Testament, which is called the assembly of God— Literally ἐκκλησία in the OT— was redeemed…(expound) “I will be your God and you will be My people”
first implication: Don’t become bondservants of men.
Serving Masters=serving Christ Eph 6- (expound-what breeds this mindset)
“Do you see how this remedies the discontentment in an employee serving under a less than ideal boss in a secular job? Don’t look at your secular job and social status as enslavement— You serve the eternal Christ! Look to Him constantly and remember your position in Him— You’re His and so you can serve better than anyone at that establishment because your true master is not seated in an office down the hall but He is seated at the right hand of the Father as the eternal King of the universe. You’re His and so even though you’re not doing well financially, you’re rich because He has bestowed upon you every Spiritual blessing in the heavenly places. You’re His and so even though you may be rich in the worlds eyes and have a lot of wealth, your worth is not found in those things but in Christ alone— Your earthly riches are nothing compared to what He has given you.”
We sing that song don’t we? My worth is not in what I own!
Next Implication…
3. The Principle Freshly Applied- Vs 24
He repeats but he adds something: Let’s see if you notice it… (Read Vs 24)
Before the main thing he adds, he adds the word “brothers”— Or brothers and sisters
It’s this reminder of a corporate reality. (expound- should never be neglected)
He adds the prepositional phrase “Remain with God”
By restating his main point this way he brings everything to a close- wrapping it up with a nice big bow.
What truly matters: the very presence of God.
We not only trust God’s providence, treasure His precepts, remember our position but we rest in His presence.
His constant, day to day presence.
This is what Paul is saying. Remain as you are. Be a Christian where you are. Because He has placed you where He has placed you and He has graced you how He has graced you. And how has He graced you? In other words, where is the constant power found in the discontented life? it’s the continual presence of God the Holy Spirit day to day.
Promised presence
A right understanding of the good news of what Christ has done enables, not a separation from every earthly circumstance, but freedom to abide in Christ, with contentment, wherever God places us.
Because you may not get that career you hoped for, you may not get a position in full-time ministry, you may not get married— But you get God. This is enough. It’s always enough.
Don’t take my word for it, Take God’s word for it- Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5
You know why that is one of the most powerful verses…? 5 negatives. In our language, we don’t do this, but in greek each negative intensify’s the meaning. If you wanted to render it literally it would be rendered, “He said, I will never, never leave you, I will never, never never forsake you.”
I never forgot a story of a Christian women named Hannah Overton, perhaps you heard of her.
She was wrongfully charged of capital murder when, in 2006, her newly adopted son died of a rare disease called Hypernatremia. She was put in a maximum security prison in 2007 because they believed that she had something to do with her sons death when meanwhile, she innocent. She had a life sentence but 7 years later, in 2015 she was completely exonerated, all charges were dropped, and she was declared innocent in 2017. She was brought back to her husband and other children.
You know what happened in those 7 years? She recounts the amazing presence of God (expound)
Being saved through the gospel doesn’t mean breaking ties with the secular, but trusting God’s providence, treasuring His precepts, remembering your position and resting in His presence wherever you are.
If I could restate Paul’s point one more time, let it ring in our ears as we remember the sufficiency of our Savior: So, brothers and sisters, in whatever condition each was called, there let him remain with God.