Five Important Truths About God
1. Notice God’s Providence
a preacher I heard about who got on his knees and he prayed a prayer like this—he said, “Lord, I just hate flour.” And then, he said, “Lord, I just hate baking powder.” Then, he said, “Lord, I just don’t like salt. But,” he said, “Lord, I sure love biscuits.”
Now, you know, a lot of us don’t like things that happen to us when they come one at a time, but we see that when God, through His love, mixes them in the crucible of His care, and bakes them sometimes in the fires of testing and trial, out of them come those things that will nourish our souls
Christianity is not the subtraction of trouble from life. It’s the addition of power to meet those problems
2. Notice God’s Perception
not only does God bless us in all things, but God knows all things about us? He knows our walking through this wilderness.
A little girl had been to school, and she learned about this thing called gravity. Later on, when her mother saw her, she was sitting there with a quizzical look on her face, in deep meditation. And her mother said, “My goodness! What’s a little girl like you thinking so deeply about?” She said, “Mama, I was just thinking about gravity.” And she said, “I have decided that gravity must be God in the center of the world holding all of His people right side up when the world is upside down.”
3. Notice God’s Patience
He is the God of patience. For forty years He walked with these complaining, whining, fickle, disobedient, unfaithful people. But He never did forsake them. And that is so great. Thank you, Lord, that you kept up with these folks.
4. Notice God’s Presence
A young Greek scholar was trying to show this to an old saint, an old grandmother who had walked with the Lord for many years. She didn’t have much education here, but she had plenty down here. And he had his Greek Bible out. Can you imagine this young theological student with a Greek Bible talking to an old saint who’d walked with Jesus many, many, years? And he’s trying to show off his knowledge to her, in a way, and he’s saying to her, “Now, mother, what this really says is, ‘I will never, never, never, leave thee.’ ” She just smiled and said, “Well, son, God may have to say it three times for you Greek fellows, but once is enough for me.” And I say, yes, praise God, He has said this: “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.”