Back to His Burning Presence
Back to Basics • Sermon • Submitted • Presented
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· 8 viewsMoses' life seemed settled, but God had other plans. Just because it seems like we aren't on the right path doesn't mean we aren't. We need to return to the burning presence of the Lord for new direction.
One morning a little boy proudly surprised his grandmother with a cup of coffee he had made himself. He anxiously waited to hear the verdict on the quality of the coffee. The grandmother had never in her life had such a bad cup of coffee, and as she forced down the last sip, she noticed three of those little green army guys in the bottom of the cup.
She asked, “Honey, why would three little green army guys be in the bottom of my cup?”
Her grandson replied, “You know, Grammy, it’s just like on television. ‘The best part of waking up is soldiers in your cup.’”
That little boy didn’t hear the Folgers commercial correctly and it makes for a cute joke, but it reminds me that we can often hear things incorrectly too.
In our lives, we need to hear God correctly. Too often we don’t. Instead of hearing that God wants to use our lives to accomplish something great, we hear and believe the lies that we are stuck in our current situation. We believe that we’ve messed up and that God has no plan for us.
Today we are going to learn about something that happened to a person who was all washed up. He had messed up and was physically stuck way out in the desert. God called Him in a dramatic way.
What I’ve been praying is that God will call you today. You’ll realize that He isn’t done with you. You haven’t gone too far. I’ve been praying that a new season is about to start for you because you’ll hear the Word of God and it will change your outlook on life. My prayer is that the Presence of God will take over your heart like a burning fire.
I’ve also been praying for those of you here today who have experiences the burning presence of the Lord in the past and it ignited something in you that motivated you to serve Him, but over time the flame of His presence has almost burned out.
Today you can reignite that flame. You can go Back to His Burning Presence!
Don’t you remember Moses? He was born while God’s people were in captivity in Egypt. Before he was born, the Pharaoh of Egypt had made it a law that all Hebrew baby boys were to be killed.
Moses’ mother was not going to allow him to be murdered. She placed him in a basket on the nile river and a miracle happened. Pharaohs daughter found him and adopted him. He was raised as the son of Pharaoh!
He was educated and was given a position of honor in the Egyptian society. It was even possible that he could have one day assumed the throne, but that wasn’t God’s plan.
When Moses turned 40 years old he took notice of how God’s people, the Hebrews, were being treated. One day he saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew. Moses killed that Egyptian and ran for his life to a place called Midian. He met a wife, Zipporah, and worked for her father as a Shepard.
That could be the end of the story of Moses. To him, it probably seemed like the end. Why? He knew that he had burned the bridge in Egypt, and time had passed. Actually, 40 years passed. He had been just another dude tending sheep for 40 years. But God wasn’t done with him.
At 80 years old, God revealed the plan for his life. When I read this portion of scripture, I want you to listen for the powerful application to your life. The same God who revealed His plan to this washed up prince is the same God who wants to reveal His plan for you!
In God’s burning presence we can find His plan for our lives.
1 One day, Moses was taking care of the sheep and goats of his father-in-law Jethro, the priest of Midian, and Moses decided to lead them across the desert to Sinai, the holy mountain.
2 There an angel of the Lord appeared to him from a burning bush. Moses saw that the bush was on fire, but it was not burning up.
3 “This is strange!” he said to himself. “I’ll go over and see why the bush isn’t burning up.”
4 When the Lord saw Moses coming near the bush, he called him by name, and Moses answered, “Here I am.”
5 God replied, “Don’t come any closer. Take off your sandals—the ground where you are standing is holy.
6 I am the God who was worshiped by your ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.” Moses was afraid to look at God, and so he hid his face.
6 I am the God who was worshiped by your ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.” Moses was afraid to look at God, and so he hid his face.
Looks can be Deceiving
Looks can be Deceiving
80 year old Moses was on the backside of a desert with a flock of sheep. The once prince of Egypt was now a Shepherd. He had gone from living in luxury to living in some of the worst conditions a person could find themselves in during that time. In the hot desert with dirty smelly sheep.
For 40 years he was a shepherd. Why would anything change? How could anything change?
In our lives we get into places where we feel stuck.
When we find ourselves in the stuck places we must realize that God uses places of humility to prepare us for the tasks ahead.
Most would agree that Moses seems to be doing meaningless and degrading work, but God was working behind the scenes. What we don’t know is how Moses felt during this time. We don’t know if he was unhappy with the work. We do know that he was faithful to work and provide for his family.
There’s an important principle to apply to our lives: God has and is seeking those who will be faithful to the work He has called them to do, whatever that may be. It may not be the “best” or more desired job, but in all things we must focus on God using us wherever we find ourselves. He is preparing us today for our tomorrow.
I like how the KJV says concerning his location:
Exodus 3:1 (NKJV)
1 ... And he led the flock to the back of the desert, and came to Horeb, the mountain of God.
The back of the desert. Where in the world is that? It seems remote. It seems like a forgotten place. A desolate place. In my mind it could be a place that seems so distant that even God forgot that He created it!
One thing for sure…it’s a place very different than the palace that Moses once knew. Those people who revered him, loved him, and looked to him as the possible next great Pharaoh had no clue where he was or if he was even alive.
Looks can be deceiving. He was not alone. God was watching.
We are never alone. It might feel like everyone has deserted us, but you need to know that God has not!
One thing we can learn from the desert places of life is that we must “Bloom where we are planted”. Little things come before bigger things.
10 Anyone who can be trusted in little matters can also be trusted in important matters. But anyone who is dishonest in little matters will be dishonest in important matters.
The Lord is watching. Looks are deceiving. We need to remain faithful.
We know where Moses was, now let’s find out where God was:
2 There an angel of the Lord appeared to him from a burning bush. Moses saw that the bush was on fire, but it was not burning up.
God is everywhere! There is no running or hiding from Him. Moses had been missing for 40 years, but he was never missing to God. Mercy found him.
Mercy Finds Us
Mercy Finds Us
Is it just me or do you see the miracle that God came to Moses? I mean why Moses? He was a privileged prince who, in anger, murdered a man. He didn’t use his influence as a son of Pharaoh, he used his fist and ruined his opportunity to make a real difference.
The mercy of God is on full display here. He chose Moses to deliver His people. Not because He had to, but because He WANTED to!
Moses deserved to be abandoned in that desert. But God had compassion and gave an undeserving man a second shot.
This is GREAT news for us! If you haven’t realized it yet, you and I are JUST LIKE MOSES! We are undeserving and yet God has sought us out. He didn’t have to provide a means for our salvation, but He did. He doesn’t need us to accomplish His will, but He allows us a part in the work of His kingdom.
Here’s Moses minding his own business, tending sheep. There was no way that he was scheming up ways to free a nation of people from the brutal hand of the most powerful man on earth. But God showed un right there in the desert. And in a SUPER strange way if you ask me - A burning bush!
If you ever feel defeated, insecure, worried about the future, or wonder if God has plans to use your life then you need to get in the presence of the Lord.
His mercy allows us to come into His throne room through our praise and worship. When the Lord showed up in that bush it reminds us that He is alive. He is a fire. We can’t stand in fire, we are consumed by fire.
Allow the Lord to consume you. It’s beyond my understanding as to why the Lord would take time for us, but I am so glad that He does! Embrace His mercy and be consumed by His love.
God is Here
God is Here
Do you see Him? Do you feel His presence?
Let’s go to the next two verses:
3 “This is strange!” he said to himself. “I’ll go over and see why the bush isn’t burning up.”
That bush didn’t block Moses’ path or burst into flames right in front of him. When we read the scripture it makes it clear that is was burning some distance away. Moses could have just walk away or ignored the flames.
Here’s a truth, God is available.
With Moses, He gave him an opportunity to respond. It was up to Moses to walk toward God or away from God.
The same is true for us! The Lord presents Himself to us in various ways. He speaks through His Word; He speaks through the preaching of the Word; the Holy Spirit draws us toward the Lord. BUT, it’s is up to us as individuals to respond. He will not force us to serve Him, but He does provide opportunities.
In your life, I wonder in what areas is God watching to see if you are going to take a step toward Him? Or have you had a burning bush opportunity in your past that you need to remember and get back on track in your walk with God?
I’m worried that many people have a “burning bush” experience and never say, like Moses, “I’ll go over and see why that bush isn’t burning up.”
God is here today. What is He speaking to you? I know there is no bush on fire in this room, but the Lord can be found if you are willing to respond to Him.
4 When the Lord saw Moses coming near the bush, he called him by name, and Moses answered, “Here I am.”
Once Moses made decision to walk toward God then spoke his name. He knew him by name! What an amazing thought that God knows us intimately.
So many people ask the question, “What is God’s will for my life?” If you step toward the Lord He will speak to you.
Our problem is not so much in discernment of God’s will it’s more a problem of disobedience. I’m tempted to list all the sins I could think of that God would love for us to stop doing, but I would guess you already know what He wants to you to turn from in your life.
If you really believe the Lord is here. Just as He was there in that burning bush, then you would certainly be willing to submit to His will for your life.
If you believe the Lord is watching you then you might be more inclined to seek His face continually, walk with Him daily, and make your life devoted to His work.
I am convinced that if we lived completely for Christ in daily dying to our own will then His plan for our lives would become crystal clear!
This is not to say exactly where the path of your life will lead you, but I can say that He will give you the assurance that you need to be able to step out in faith to at least begin your journey.
God is here. Are you willing to walk toward Him?
If you are willing to walk toward Him then you need to be willing to:
Take off Your Shoes
Take off Your Shoes
5 God replied, “Don’t come any closer. Take off your sandals—the ground where you are standing is holy.
This seems like a strange request. God is full of mercy, He knows Moses by name, why in the world does he need to take off his sandals?
There was nothing special about that bush, there was nothing special about the backside of the desert, why did it matter that Moses was wearing shoes?
God was telling Moses and even us today that there is something special about His presence. We need to know that God is Holy.
Think about what was on Moses shoes? What’s on our shoes?
Mining for diamonds - had to leave those shoes behind. They were holding me back. What do we need to leave behind so we can stand in God’s presence?
Have we gotten too casual with the Lord? It’s no insignificant thing to encounter God.
One mistake that can be made is to deny that God requires and deserves our humility and reverence. I’ll go so far to same that we will never fully walk in the will and power of God if we aren’t willing to humble our hearts.
9 So you will be saved, if you honestly say, “Jesus is Lord,” and if you believe with all your heart that God raised him from death.
Jesus must be the Lord of your life if you are going to be saved. If you want to experience God’s power in your life then you need to KNOW Him. We cannot expect to hear from Him if we fail to fear Him. He’s not just our good buddy up in the clouds. He is Holy God, our Sovereign and Lord.
How do you take off your shoes? Humility. Soften your heart by confessing your sins and allowing Him to be glorified. Recognize your need from His grace.
6 I am the God who was worshiped by your ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.” Moses was afraid to look at God, and so he hid his face.
When we humble our hearts before the Lord we are reminded of His authority.
God told Moses in no uncertain terms that He was the God of Israel. This wasn’t some strange spirit in the desert. This is the Lord God who had given a covenant with Moses’ ancestors, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Moses had to be freaking out at this point. I know I would be!
But we really shouldn’t freak out, we should be comforted because once again we see the Lord affirming His promise to His people.
He had never forsaken His people. He brought Abraham our of a land of idolatry and made a great nation of him. And He was going to use Moses to lead them our of bondage.
For us, we know that God has shown us His faithfulness by sending His Son Jesus to be offered as a Sacrifice for our sins.
You may be dealing with the call of God and are unsure and insecure. The church as a whole may be dealing with God’s plan for this congregation. We cannot see what tomorrow will bring. We do not know exactly where the Lord will lead, but we can be assured of His guidance and provision in our lives. “If God is in it, He will do it.” God will never call us to an area of service and fail to provide what we need to accomplish His will.
He is faithful!
What was Moses’ response to God’s proclamation of His faithfulness?
Exodus 3:6 (CEV)
6 ...Moses was afraid to look at God, and so he hid his face.
Being in the presence of God transformed Moses. As he stood in His awesome presence, he hid his face in fear. Moses had a healthy respect and reverence for the Lord. He was well aware that he had encountered the Lord of glory.
Encountering God will change us. We cannot enter His presence and leave the same as we came. We will either recognize Him and be changed for the better or we will shun Him and leave His presence colder and more distant. I pray that we will recognize His glory and humble ourselves before Him. He is holy and He is worthy of our praise and submission.
God does not deal with our hearts without purpose. If He reveals Himself to you, in whatever way, He has a plan and a purpose for your life. The key to those situations lies in how we respond to Him.
I am certain that God has spoken to hearts today. There are those who need to respond to the Lord. The call of God can be frightening because we don’t know all that it involves, but it is the greatest call in the world. If you are called of the Lord, in whatever capacity, you are blessed. Why not respond to Him in submission and obedience?
We need to get our hearts back to the burning bush. What does that mean? We need to get ourselves back to His presence above everything else in our lives.