James 5:14-15 | THE PRAYER OF FAITH




EXPLANATION: We have ventured far through this incredible book by Jesus’s half brother James.
We first began our Journey on July 3, 2022.
We have weaved our way through some of the complex verses found in the 5 chapters of this book and have been challenged to be like the Bereans and study to determine whether these things were so.
Yet through all our time, I don’t believe we have come to a more complex couple of verses than we have today.
The complexity comes not in the actual words that are recorded, but in what may seem to be a contradiction between what is Scripturally recorded and what is practically experienced in our daily lives.
One author that I read declared these two verses to be the most complex in all of the NT.
As I have studied in great depth these verses within their context, I believe what we will discuss today will be both Scripturally supported and will shine some clarity where there may be some perceived contradiction.
Now if we reach the end of the service and you don’t agree with the final position we arrive at, I hope we can both agree to depart and agree to continue studying the Scriptures.
I hope that we can each reach Romans 14:5
Romans 14:5 (KJV 1900)
5 One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind.
With that being said, there are definite truths that we can find in these verses that we can dogmatically and assuredly stand upon!
And so, as we always strive to do each week, we will shout where the Bible shouts and we will whisper where the Bible whispers.
So, we will dive into these verses, within context.
Without preconceived ideas of what we have always heard or seen or even believed.
As we begin, don’t forget where we are in this book that James is writing.
As always, the context is king to understanding and interpreting the Scriptures.
To forget the context would take away from the power of what we are going to see this morning.
James is writing to these first century believers who had endured various trials and persecutions.
In chapter 5 he has specifically dealt with their injustice as they were being defrauded.
We saw just a few weeks back as James challenged them to let their word actually mean something and to follow through.
And then last week we saw him ask the questions, “Is any afflicted, and is any merry?”
Then we saw the overarching theme for the conclusion of this book… turn your attention to God!
How? Through Prayer and Praise!
7 times in the final 8 verses James deals with this matter of prayer!
Last week we spent time discussing prayer and this week and in the concluding weeks we will discuss it again!
So today, let’s dive into these verses and try to get a biblical understanding of exactly what James was talking about when he penned these words


EXPLANATION: As James begins these verses, there are three people to which he draws attention to.
We will start in reverse and work our way to the beginning.
The last James mentions is “the Church
It is clear that the one who James refers to as “sick” had a church family.
APPLICATION: I am grateful for the institution of the local NT church.
What an encouragement to have a group of believers that love and care for one another.
We are discussing church membership in our small groups and one of the most wonderful parts of being a member of the church is the family you become.
Just like any family there are a few crazy ones, and not everyone is as close to some as they are to others but at the end of the day, we are a family!
This person was blessed because he had a church that undoubtedly cared for him.
I hope you make it your priority to know when someone that is a part of the church is hurting.
I hope you don’t just treat the church like a social gathering, but like a family that loves and cares for one another.
EXPLANATION: The second group of people he mentions is the Elders of the church
The word that is used here speaks of the appointed leadership of the church.
Some churches may refer to them as “Elders” while we have traditionally called them “pastors”
But more important than the terms that are used is the roll that they fill.
As we are going to see in a moment, the Elder/Pastor should be those which care for the congregants
Specifically here in James, those who are hurting.
And we will see in a moment, one of the key rolls that the leadership should fill is that of prayer.
EXPLANATION: The third person we find here is the one who is sick.
Now, this is where I believe the greatest amount of confusion comes.
When we read the word “sick” here we immediately think of someone who is in a hospital bed with cancer.
Or someone who is dealing with some disease they are fighting.
Now, here is where we must dig a little deeper and remind ourselves of the context of the passage.
The word “sick” is the Greek word “astheneo”
The root of that Greek word has the idea of being weak.
In fact of the 36 times the word is used in the Bible 16 times it is rendered as “sick” and 16 times it is translated as “weak.”
So as we study this passage within it’s context, we have to ask the question, is James referring specifically to a physical ailment such as cancer or disease?
Or is James referring to someone who has become weak because of the overwhelming circumstances of their life?
Because of decisions that they have made that have led them to the place they are at.
Well, in reality, we can’t be dogmatic about either position.
It could be either… however, I believe we will see from the context of this passage, it is most likely referring to one over the other.


EXPLANATION: James then walks through the process for this sick, weak man’s healing and recovery
First, we see that he is to call for the elders to come to him.
This gives us the idea that the person is too weak to come to the elders, but they must come to him.
It emphasizes the gravity of the situation.
It isn’t just a passing difficulty that they are facing.
This is something that has literally taken the strength from them
Next we see that the elders of the church are to come and prayer over him anointing him with oil.
Much has been made of this part of the verse.
This half of this one verse has literally spawned entire doctrines in various religious denominations.
It is from this one half of a verse that those who hold to Catholicism believe a person must be anointed with oil before they die as a final sacrament.
This is in direct opposition to what James is even saying here.
James isn’t saying that this is a final anointing before they die, but rather an anointing for them to live!
The charismatic churches have taken this to mean that their is some sort of healing properties in the oil or giftings in the people.
But this too puts the emphasis in the wrong place.
Upon study of the matter of anointing with oil, we find it has various uses throughout scripture.
When David was anointed to be the next king of Isreal the Bible says in 1 Samuel 16:13
1 Samuel 16:13 KJV 1900
13 Then Samuel took the horn of oil, and anointed him in the midst of his brethren: and the Spirit of the Lord came upon David from that day forward. So Samuel rose up, and went to Ramah.
The oil anointing was a symbol of the Holy Spirit filling.
It was a symbolic anointing
In Luke 10, when the Samaritan man saw the Jewish man left for dead on the roadside the Bible says in Luke 10:33-34
Luke 10:33–34 KJV 1900
33 But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was: and when he saw him, he had compassion on him, 34 And went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him.
In that situation the oil was used for medicinal purposes.
Here in James, it is possible that he is referring to a ceremonial symbolic anointing with oil.
A picture of setting a person apart for prayer to God.
That could be the interpretation.
Personally, I would lean toward the use of oil as being for medicinal purposes.
The word “anoint” in this verse gives the idea of rubbing in the oil, not simply touching someone with it.
Rubbing the oil into the sore muscles… massaging the oil in.
Now, I have no interest in starting the first massage parlor of WBC with myself and possibly Isaac as the employees.
The more likelihood was the James was stating the importance of praying for the sick/weak person, and then allowing medicine to be implemented when necessary.
But don’t miss the emphasis of the verse… it isn’t the oil that is the emphasis… it is prayer!
Whether the oil was used as a symbol or simply medicine, James is drawing the attention to the importance of prayer for the person who is struggling.
That is why James emphasizes it again in the beginning of the very next verse James 5:15
James 5:15 KJV 1900
15 And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.
The first phrase in that verse of interest and importance.
There has been great debate and discussion over what exactly the “prayer of faith” is.
Some believe and I have even heard taught that it is the amount of faith that a person has.
If you pray without wavering… absolute faith without doubt, then God always answers that request with the answer requested.
APPLICATION: Now let’s be clear for a moment, we serve a God that does miracles!
The Bible is full of miracles performed by the Lord.
From the very creation of the world to the parting of waters.
From fire falling from heaven, to fire that causes no hurt to the 3 Hebrew young men cast into it.
From the healing of lame, deaf, and blind, to the feeding of thousands on multiple occasions.
And the greatest miracle of all, to die on a cross and three days later raise again
Yes we have a miracle working God!
And He didn’t stop doing miracles at the conclusion of the book of Revelation
God does miracles every day.
The salvation of a person’s soul from hell to heaven is a miracle of God.
I have watched as God has done miracles in the lives of people, as direct answers to prayer.
I have seen in my own life when God did exceeding, abundantly, above all I could ask or think!
He is a miracle working God!
EXPLANATION: But many have taken v.15 and have twisted it to fit a name it and claim it narrative that is totally unscriptural.
God is not some genie in a lamp that you rub and He gives you your wishes.
Any religion that teaches that is nothing more than a snake oil salesman and if you believe it, I’ve got ocean front property in Arizona I’ll make a deal on for you.
But on a more serious and probably more personal note, many have been taught that this verse is a proof that if you just have enough faith, any prayer you ask will be answered how you ask it.
But I wonder how many of us have ever prayed something, and you really believed God was going to answer it.
And you really had faith that it was going to happen… but then it didn’t?
Well, what do we do now?
Clearly God’s Word is untrue… a promise was made in the Scriptures by God and He didn’t keep it.
One of the saddest things is when someone walks away from God, because they were taught this verse is the proof that God always answers our request the way we ask if we have enough faith.
For a moment here, I want to attempt to shed some light on what I believe is the correct understanding of this verse.
Now I don’t claim to have a corner on God’s Word, but I believe we should be able to come to an understanding that is in harmony with the rest of God’s Word.
It isn’t the person who requested the prayer
It isn’t their family members
It is the elders of the church.
Now that doesn’t mean that God only answers the prayers of the preacher
In fact, next week we are going to dive further into this idea and see that the effectual prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
But there is an important emphasis being drawn here… in our study of the qualifications of a Bishop (pastor or elder), we find the Bible says:
1 Timothy 3:6 KJV 1900
6 Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil.
The word novice does not mean that a pastor can’t be young.
Now there is wisdom to a pastor having some years behind him.
I find myself regularly praying and asking God for wisdom… seeking counsel from pastors who are further down the road than I am.
But the word novice doesn’t just mean young
It actually carries the idea of “not a new convert.”
More important than physical maturity is the matter of spiritual maturity!
The very word “elder” carries with it “the aged” “the experienced”
So, God draws attention to the need for the person praying to be of spiritual maturity.
But that isn’t the final emphasis.
Not only do we see WHO’S PRAYER OF FAITH it is, one of spiritual maturity, we need to understand WHAT THE PRAYER OF FAITH is.
When we say the phrase, “Just have faith”, the emphasis in our minds is on our belief.
“I just have to believe enough”… “Have enough faith”
But when James uses that word “faith” the emphasis is not on the person believing enough, it is in the object the faith is placed in.
ILLUSTRATION: Someone holding all the weight… “I just have to have enough faith”
The emphasis isn’t on us, it’s on the One the faith is placed in! (the weight placed on someone else)
EXPLANATION: So you say, “well I believe God can do it!”
That’s great that you believe that, and God can, but that still isn’t what James is trying to get across.
James is not saying, “If you believe God can do it,”
The “prayer of faith” is not based on outcomes, it is based in the person.
The emphasis is on God.
The “prayer of faith” is “God I want to pray in your will”
ILLUSTRATION: In 1 John, we are given some insight into this type of prayer
1 John 5:14 KJV 1900
14 And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us:
Did you catch the qualifier… “according to his will”
1 John 5:15 KJV 1900
15 And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.
Based on praying in God’s will, we can know that God will answer those prayers according to His will!
But listen what he says afterward, it almost seems like it doesn’t fit
1 John 5:16 KJV 1900
16 If any man see his brother sin a sin which is not unto death, he shall ask, and he shall give him life for them that sin not unto death. There is a sin unto death: I do not say that he shall pray for it.
John says if you see a brother who is in continual sin, you should pray for Him, and God was willing to spare their life.
But then he says the last part of that verse.
It is a somber subject: There is a point in the life of a believer that they are doing more damage to the Lord’s name, and there is no willingness to repent, and instead of delivering them, God takes them home early.
They do not lose their salvation, but they are no longer willing to get things right even through God’s loving chastisement.
And what James is saying to the believers who are praying is sometimes God’s answer is “No”
Sometimes He doesn’t answer the way we were hoping.
Now we don’t know who is who in that situation, so we should pray…
But here is the key… Sometimes God’s will doesn’t line up with what we might want.
And so more important than praying for God to answer our prayer the way we want, we must pray according to the will of God!
It’s a prayer of faith… Not that God will answer how we want… but He will answer according to His will
And His will is always best.
ILLUSTRATION: Jesus’s disciples asked Jesus a good question in
Luke 11:1–2 KJV 1900
1 And it came to pass, that, as he was praying in a certain place, when he ceased, one of his disciples said unto him, Lord, teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples. 2 And he said unto them, When ye pray, say, Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth.
You see, before He told them to ask for their daily bread or their wants and desires… He said, “Pray for God’s will above all else.”
ILLUSTRATION: What did Jesus pray in the garden on the night before His crucifixion:
Luke 22:42 KJV 1900
42 Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done.
“God, Your will is greater”
EXPLANATION: Do you want to know why James drew emphasis to the elders of the church being the ones praying?
Because it takes spiritual maturity to pray not according to my will… but to pray the “prayer of faith” that says, “Above anything, God we need your will!”


James 5:15 KJV 1900
15 And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.
EXPLANATION: James makes it very clear, when we pray within the will of God, God answers according to His will.
But don’t miss Who it is the raises the person up… It is God.
Some would try to steal the praise from God and say it was their prayers or their faith… Friend, it is always God!
And by the way, when you take medicine to relieve some pain or sickness, it is still God that takes away that pain or sickness.
Yes, God has given us the gift of modern medicine, but it is still His power that gives the healing.
Now the last part of the verse, I believe, gives further clarification to just who the sick is that he is referring to in these verses.
James associates sins with sickness.
Let’s be clear, not all sickness is a result of sin.
Some would say that all sickness is only a spiritual matter, and that is just not the case.
What James is making clear is there are consequences of sin.
And when we treat our temple like a pub and we live in sin, often there are consequences associated with that sin.
Many times physical… but always spiritual.
It very well may have been the point of James writing, that some of those believers had become spiritually weak, because they had fallen into “condemnation” that we find in v.9 and v.12 or begrudging and not standing true to their word.
Maybe they were just so hurt over the defrauding and false accusations that had happened to them.
They were so broken that they called for the spiritual elders of the church to come and to encourage them
To do as Galatians 6:1-2
Galatians 6:1–2 KJV 1900
1 Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted. 2 Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.
And God in His will, would forgive their sins, would give them strength, and restore them.


APPLICATION: Now that we have caused a great deal of confusion… what can we dogmatically and practically take from this message?
God desires for us to pray.
This is one of the greatest struggles of the Christian life.
God desires for us to pray for other.
We don’t always know what is and isn’t God’s will.
With spiritual maturity hopefully we will become more sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s leading in this.
But until their is clarity we should pray for God to answer, and trust in His will.
God does answer prayer.
And His will is always best.
This morning would you commit to being a person of prayer before the Lord?
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