Untitled Sermon (6)
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God is absolutely sovereign, but his sovereignty never functions in such a way that human responsibility is curtailed, minimized or mitigated.
D. A. Carson
Absolutely nothing lies outside the scope of God’s sovereignty.
N.G. Wilson
We must believe in the grace of sovereignty as well as the sovereignty of grace.
Augustus Hopkins Strong
Of all the doctrines of the Bible, none is so offensive to human nature as the doctrine of God’s sovereignty
J. C. Ryle
God’s sovereignty does not negate our responsibility to pray, but rather makes it possible for us to pray with confidence.
Jerry Bridges
4754 God is love and God is sovereign. His love disposes him to desire our everlasting welfare, and his sovereignty enables him to secure it.
A. W. Tozer
One does not have to be autonomous to be free. Autonomy implies absolute freedom. We are free, but there are limits to our freedom. The ultimate limit is the sovereignty of God.
R. C. Sproul