God's Power Displayed Through Elisha
He Provides for the Widow and Orphan (1-7)
He Provides for the Widow and Orphan (1-7)
The Lord cares for the orphan and widow. Psalm 68:5 “Father of the fatherless and protector of widows is God in his holy habitation.”
James 1:27 “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”
He holds the Power of Life (8-37)
He holds the Power of Life (8-37)
A Generous Woman - she built a place for Elisha to stop in a rest.
A Grateful Prophet - the Lord is the one who opens the womb.
A Great Tragedy
A Greater Miracle - Resurrection! Jesus is the Resurrection and the life.
Twelve Resurrections in the Bible
Twelve Resurrections in the Bible
1 by Elijah, 2 by Elisha, 3 by Jesus, The Resurrection, 1 by Peter, 1 by Paul
Elijah - Widow of Zarephath’s Son 4. Jesus - Widow of Nain’s Son
Elisha - Wealthy Woman’s Son 5. Jesus - Wealthy Man’s Daughter
Elisha - Man raised from tomb 6. Jesus - Lazarus raised from Tomb
7. The Resurrection 8. The Other Saints (Matthew 27:52-54)
9. Peter raised Dorcus 10. Paul Raised Eutychus
11. The First Resurrection of the Righteous (Revelation 20:4-6)
12. The Second Death of the Unrighteous (Revelation 20:11-15
He Brings Purity to His People (38-41)
He Brings Purity to His People (38-41)
Sin is the death in the pot!
The Lord will purify our lives through His righteousness!
He Provides our Daily Bread (42-44)
He Provides our Daily Bread (42-44)
Bread provided for the prophets.