Christians need each other to grow. We cannot grow by ourselves. It is our church fellowship that helps us develop.
Reading: Matthew 10:24-39.
Everyone has a worldview. How you see the world influences how you view everything in life. It impacts your thinking on God, yourself, others, your past, present, and future, money, time, and even good and evil.
Over the past forty or so years, I have watched as the worldview of individualism has replaced much of a society based on community. Our goal has become doing what’s best for me, and leaving others to do the same for them. And that worldview has evolved into narcissism in many cases.
But God didn’t create you to live for yourself. He created you to live for him and to live to help and serve others. Selfish ambition is absent from a Christian worldview.
God is love and he created us to learn to love him and to grow to love others. You cannot do that in isolation. If we are to grow and mature as followers of Jesus, we can only do so in relationship to others. If you need more patience, then the best way to become more patient is to be around people who try your patience! We are accountable to each other for our spiritual growth.
Christians need each other to grow. We cannot grow by ourselves. It is our church fellowship that helps us develop.
Think It Over
Think about the following:
How can accountability to others help you grow spiritually?