The Heat is On (Wk 4)
Good Arsonry
Good Arsonry
Instruct students to find a partner and stand back-to-back.
Explain that the group will say a chant together and at the end of the chant, students will turn to face their partner and strike one of three poses.
Demonstrate the three poses:
Surfer: Pose like someone surfing and riding a wave.
Wave: Stand with both arms above your head, curved a little to one side to make a ‘wave.'
Gorilla: Stand with fists beating chest.
Teach everyone the rules by learning this chant:
The surfer beats the wave.
The wave beats the gorilla.
The gorilla beats the surfer.
You tie.
You die.
Winning poses find a new partner, losing partners sit out.
Play as many rounds as you like.
If three students are left at any time, let the challenge continue.
It's possible they could each strike a different pose and knock each other out of the game!
To begin, partners are back-to-back, start the chant, and at the end of the chant, partners turn to face one another in their surfer, wave or gorilla pose.
Play as many rounds as you like.
SAY: In this activity, you had to use different ways to communicate other than using words.
You had to use your body to pose as a surfer, wave or gorilla.
This might be a bit hard for some because it is easier to communicate using words.
In today's Bible story, God uses FIRE (not just words) yet again to communicate something to His people.
God communicates that there is a type of arsonry that is good.
ASK: What is arsonry? Deliberate fire meant to destroy. Is it usually a good thing?
Listen- we’re gonna find out how this arsonry (deliberate fire) doesn’t ultimately destroy- it builds up.
Let’s dive in.
Acts 2:1–4 (CSB)
When the day of Pentecost had arrived, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like that of a violent rushing wind *WHOOOOOOSH* came from heaven, and it filled the whole house where they were staying. They saw tongues like flames of fire that separated and rested on each one of them. Then they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different tongues, as the Spirit enabled them.
ASK: What just happened? (Let the students respond)
SAY: Absolutely! A miracle, an amazing thing… (repeat other responses the students made).
God, through the Holy Spirit, became like a giant flaming tongue and it touched all the people there. *LICK*
They could not believe their eyes! THE FIRE TOUCHES THEM! (unlike pillar of fire, burning bush, Malachi refining fire)
They were Struck By Fire!
Acts 2:5–12 (CSB)
Now there were Jews staying in Jerusalem, devout people from every nation under heaven. When this sound occurred *WHOOOOOOOOSH*, a crowd came together and was confused because each one heard them speaking in his own language. They were astounded and amazed, saying, “Look, aren’t all these who are speaking Galileans? How is it that each of us can hear them in our own native language? Parthians, Medes, Elamites; those who live in Mesopotamia, in Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya near Cyrene; visitors from Rome (both Jews and converts), Cretans and Arabs—we hear them declaring the magnificent acts of God in our own tongues.” They were all astounded and perplexed, saying to one another, “What does this mean?”
ASK: Why is this flaming tongue such an amazing thing?
Let the students respond.
SAY: Right. These verses set the stage for the believers to not believe their ears!
The people there were from all different countries and regions.
They spoke a variety of different languages, and none spoke multiple languages.
Here's how this might play out today.
It would be like you speaking English and someone else speaking German.
Neither of you would be able to speak the other's language, but you could TOTALLY and COMPLETELY understand what the other person was saying because you hear it in your own language!
So awesome!
They were Spittin’ Fire!
ASK: Does this still happen today?
Let the students respond.
*Kirby story.*
Yes- although it is exceedingly rare. Translators, many who speak the same language, Bibles in many, many languages, etc. It’s important to remember that this radical miracle is simply there to help an even MORE radical miracle take place.
The Holy Spirit is unpredictable, and these early Christians couldn’t have planned this awesome event, even if they tried!
But, as we’ll read in the next verses, there’s always someone who just doesn’t get it.
Acts 2:13–15 (CSB)
But some sneered and said, “They’re drunk on new wine.”
Peter stood up with the Eleven, raised his voice, and proclaimed to them, “Fellow Jews and all you residents of Jerusalem, let this be known to you, and pay attention to my words. For these people are not drunk, as you suppose, since it’s only nine in the morning.
ASK: What do the people who came running up think about all of this?
Let the students respond.
SAY: Yes. They think everyone's drunk!
They just don't get it. They're not part of the Believer group, so they've missed out on God's incredible power once again.
After this, Peter begins to preach. And man, does he bring his ‘A' game! Here he is, shootin’ his shot to spit fire!
He told them all that what had just happened was a God-thing and that Jesus had died and gone to heaven to be with His Father.
Peter went on to tell them about the miracles Jesus had performed and reminded the people of those they had seen with their own eyes.
He then brought the “hammer down!”
Peter told those who were not Believers they must REPENT – or turn away from doing bad stuff (not trusting in God) and turn towards the good stuff, Jesus (and trust in Him)! Unbelief to faith.
Let’s see what happens when we pick up the story a little later in the chapter.
Acts 2:37–41 (CSB)
When they heard this, they were pierced to the heart and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, “Brothers, what should we do?”
Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, each of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is for you and for your children, and for all who are far off, as many as the Lord our God will call.” With many other words he testified and strongly urged them, saying, “Be saved from this corrupt generation!”
So those who accepted his message were baptized, and that day about three thousand people were added to them.
ASK: Does Peter get through to them?
Let the students respond.
SAY: He does.
The scripture tells us about 3,000 people became followers of Jesus Christ right there, right then!
BAM! Do you see it?! Do you see the true miracle?!
God visited the people one day in Exodus (chapter 32), and 3,000 fell dead. God visited the people on this day of Pentecost, and 3.000 were saved. We’re brought into a whole new dimension of transformation and life.
They are Spreadin’ Fire.
This first group of new Christians started the church, as we know it today: not a church building, but a group of people defined by and belonging to Jesus.
And, from there, they went out to tell more and more and more people about Jesus and God, adding even more believers.
And now, all around the world, there are almost 8 billion people.
Over 2.5 BILLION of them are Christians!
That means that about one-third of the people in the world are followers of Jesus.
And it all started with a flaming tongue.
Bottom line: God, in the form of the Holy Spirit, starts the process of life-change, as we respond to Him.
This is good arsonry. This is an intentional fire, started by God, that builds beautiful people. A community of people who belong to, enjoy, and serve God.
God, in the form of the Holy Spirit, started to change the lives of the disciples with flames of fire. Wildfire we can’t control.
They experienced God in a new way, which empowered them to tell others about Jesus.
ASK: How can we believe such an amazing, unbelievable thing happened such a long time ago today? Is there evidence?
God might not reveal Himself to you with flames of fire, but He does start the process of life-change within you. The ultimate miracle.
One by one, the supernatural fire of God consumes people with His love, delight, and good will. Hundreds of millions, if not billions, have been swept into His fire forever changed.
Once you become a follower of Jesus, the Holy Spirit begins the process of changing you to become like Jesus.
Need y’all’s help: FIRE, BURN HOT!
Your job is to respond to what God is doing in your life today. FIRE, BURN HOT!
In today’s Bible story, God was using the early Christians to spread the word about Jesus.
God will do the same for you.
He will speak to you about how to tell your friends about Jesus. FIRE, BURN HOT!
Your job is to be open to His guidance. FIRE, BURN HOT! Let His fire blaze- don’t extinguish or quench it.
But God doesn’t just use you to spread the word about Jesus.
He also changes your character to become more like Jesus. FIRE, BURN HOT!
He will change you to be more patient, kind, loving, forgiving and honest.
God sends down fire that strikes us and gives us ability to spit fire and spread fire. FIRE, BURN HOT!
Your job is to tune into what God is doing through listening to the Holy Spirit’s voice within. Let Him work. Let Him give. FIRE, BURN HOT!
Then, respond to God’s voice by following His lead.
If God is speaking to you, inviting you to receive His Son and allow His fire to fall upon you, then begin by welcoming Him in.
If God is speaking to you about forgiving the bully at school, then begin the process of forgiving.
If God is speaking to you about being nice to your brother who aggravates you, then take baby steps towards being kinder to your brother.
If God is speaking to you wanting you to start a Bible study at school or tell someone personally about Jesus, let His love and fire consume you.
Close in prayer.