Ephesians: Chief Corner Stone
The Chief Corner Stone
Ephesians 2: 19-22
Since we began Chapter 2 we have been on a rollercoster ride. Paul has taken us from the grave to glory, from a child of the devil to a child of God.
He has shown us what we were and what we are now. Paul has gone into great detail about how hopeless and helpless we were.
Paul has spent most of this chapter telling us what we were, why we need to be saved and who it is that does the saving.
Being born again in Christ, saved by His grace, affords us so much while in this life. Knowing Christ as Lord presents many benefits and responsibilities.
In our text this morning, Paul is going to deal with our justification in Christ, being placed upon the firm foundation in which Christ is the Corner Stone, and our association with others within the body of Christ.
I know its fathers day and normally I would have chosen to preach a message on fathers, a matter of fact I wanted to but could not get peace about it, so here we are.
What we as fathers can take from this passage is this:
As a father we have a responsibility to keep our homes on the solid rock, building our families using Christ as the cornerstone.
Fathers, just as I am the pastor of this Church, you are the pastor of your home.
Just like I am to keep us on the solid foundation keeping Christ as our cornerstone, you are to do the same in your house. Lead by example dads. If I didnt do right yall would just kick me out, dads if you dont do right, your family most likely will not kick u out but they will follow you even if you walk into sinking sand. Remember that dads.
So with that being said Let’s examine the certainties discovered in the text as we consider:
The Chief Corner Stone.
I. The Chief Cornerstone of Our Freedom
I. The Chief Cornerstone of Our Freedom
– Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens with the saints, and of the household of God;
In this we are reminded of:
A. The Bondage of our Past
A. The Bondage of our Past
– As Paul speaks to the Ephesians, he reminds them once again that they were once strangers and foreigners.
He reminds them that They were not part of the family of God.
They walked according to the desires of the flesh, led by Satan, alienated from God, Vv.1-3.
The were children of disobedience and wrath
They were slaves to the world
All who ever lived can relate to these words.
We were all born in sin
We were all slaves to sin and the world
I was separated from any inheritance with Him, viewed as an exile, an alien to the blessing and mercies of the Lord.
Many today remain in that dreadful condition.
But praise God, it doesnt stop there Paul once again uses that powerful three letter word: But. That word is
B. The Blessing of our Promotion
B. The Blessing of our Promotion
– Paul reminds the church of where they once were, but he also confirms that the believer has been promoted from their previous state.
We no longer stand as strangers and foreigners to Christ.
We now stand as fellow citizens with the saints, those of the body of Christ, and are brought in to the household of God.
What comfort and security that brings to the children of God.
When you get promoted at work, there are some blessings that come along with it.
maybe a raise, better parking. Or how about being promoted to grandparents. What blessings that has.
We also have blessings now that we have been promoted from death to life.
We have been adopted into the family. We now enjoy citizenship in heaven.
We no longer wander about, outside the grace of God.
We are now pilgrims passing through this life on a journey toward our heavenly home!
For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ:
II. The Chief Cornerstone of Our Faith
II. The Chief Cornerstone of Our Faith
– And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone;
What confidence we discover concerning our faith in Christ.
This is confirmed through:
A. The Scriptures
A. The Scriptures
– And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets.
Paul speaks of the faith we enjoy in Christ built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets.
This doesn’t de-i-fy man or elevate the apostles to a place reserved for Christ, but it does confirm the message given through them of the Spirit.
In this we see the agreement of the Old and New Testaments.
The prophets of old looked forward to the coming of Messiah and His sacrifice for humanity.
The apostles also preached the gospel of Jesus Christ. Although they knew Christ physically, their message was consistent with the prophets’ message.
They knew the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ was the means and source of our faith!
We are blessed to have the complete revelation of God in His Word.
The central theme of the Bible is Jesus: His death, burial, and resurrection.
The prophets looked toward it;
the apostles exalted the gospel,
and we continue to share the message today.
The truth of the gospel is foundational to our faith. If we miss Christ and the finished work He performed, we have missed the message of the Bible.
For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.
But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
B. The Savior
B. The Savior
– And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone;
Paul makes no apology proclaiming Christ as the chief corner stone.
He is the essence of our faith, the very foundation of it!
We know the significance of the corner stone in relation to a foundation.
For centuries the corner stone was set first within the foundation.
It served as the basis for the rest of the foundation.
The corner stone stood as the measure for the rest of the foundation and the building to come.
The accuracy of the entire project depended on the placement and integrity of the corner stone.
So it is with our faith as well. Christ alone possessed the qualities needed to serve as the Corner Stone of faith.
He alone could satisfy the righteous demands of God.
He alone possessed the deity necessary to serve as the standard and measure of our faith.
His righteousness set the standard for the rest of the building, the church.
He continues to stand as the exact measure of faith.
Without Christ bearing us up, we would surely fall. He serves as our example in Christian service. He is the very foundation of our faith!
Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Don’t forget to whom Paul is speaking.
The church, the body of Christ is built upon this foundation.
We too share in that! All those who are born again in Christ have been placed upon this solid foundation.
There is much in life that I do not qualify for. I remember being in school during recess, dividing up into teams. Lacking in athletic ability, I was never selected as the captain, and I was often toward the end of those who were chosen.
We may have been passed up by the world, but I rejoice for the day the Lord called my name! He certainly didn’t choose me because of my ability, but out of His great love!
Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.
There is nothing greater than being chosen in Christ, placed upon this great foundation.
III. The Chief Cornerstone of Our Family
III. The Chief Cornerstone of Our Family
– As we conclude our thoughts, we find that we are not alone in this endeavor.
We are brought together as the family of God, enjoying precious benefits along the way.
Notice Paul speaks of:
A. The Construction of the Family
A. The Construction of the Family
– In whom all the building fitly framed together…
The foundation is there and it is sure.
Now we discover the building that rises from the foundation.
All the saints of God are brought together, placed along the foundation as it had pleased the Lord, creating a glorious framework of believers.
We have been strategically placed where the Lord desires.
We may not understand, or even like our placement at times, but the Lord has placed where we need to be.
He uses the gifts and abilities He has given us to encourage and compliment others.
Our labor for the Lord would be most difficult and very lonely were it not for the fellowship and assistance of others.
We all possess particular talents and gifts.
It takes each of us working together, doing our part to maintain the building.
Walls certainly provide stability and are needful, but windows sure are nice to let the sunlight in.
Doors are also great, but they rely on the hinges to hold them up and in place.
The door is more noticed, but they could not serve their purpose without the hinges.
From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love.
B. The Expansion of the Facility
B. The Expansion of the Facility
– In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord:
Again take a moment to consider the construction of a building.
It begins with the foundation.
Then individual boards are added to create the framework.
The roof is put on and shingled.
The walls and floors are covered.
The lighting is added.
Many smaller pieces go together, and as they come together to form the whole, a building is defined, revealed as a beautiful structure.
Individually we are limited in ability, but as we come together we have the ability to accomplish much for the Lord.
As we gather together and labor alongside each other, we grow in the Lord.
We glean from each other.
God has placed us together within this local body, creating a holy temple unto the Lord.
Together we honor and magnify our precious Redeemer! 1 Pet.2:4-5
To whom coming, as unto a living stone, disallowed indeed of men, but chosen of God, and precious, Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.
C. The Habitation of The Father
C. The Habitation of The Father
– In whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit.
In conclusion, Paul brings this all into perspective for us.
Each believer is part of the greater body of Christ, in which He dwells through the Spirit.
In the Old Testament God dwelt upon the mercy seat behind the veil.
Now He dwells in us through His Holy Spirit.
What we consider the church is really just a building.
We are the church, a living, breathing organism inhabited by our Savior!
That ensures a great blessing for the church.
The Lord is always present with us.
It also presents a great and humbling challenge.
The Lord is always present with us.
As the church, the body of Christ, we must honor the eternal occupant.
Many times through the church the world sees Christ. He is with us wherever we go. May we always live and behave in a way that honors Him!
Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?
Jesus Christ is the cornerstone for everything in our lives. Without Him everything would crumble. If you do have a solid foundation, your house may stand for a while but soon the winds of adversity and the rain of dispair will begin to eroud your foundation and before you know it your house will fall.
Is Jesus you Chief Cornerstone?
Dad’s is Jesus the Cornerstone of your house?
The alters are open