What Do You Think About the Messiah? - Luke 20:41-44

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Jesus is the Messiah, the son of David. What do you think about Him?

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Luke chapter 20 verse 41, then Jesus said to them. Why is it said that the Messiah is the son of David David himself declares in the Book of Psalms. The Lord said to my Lord sit at my right hand until I make your enemies, your footstool for your feet, David calls him Lord. How then can he be his son? The word of God, for the people of God. Thanks, be unto God. You may be seated.

We know in life that questions are a very integral component of what it means to be a human being. And when you have a conversation with anybody, it's hard to have a meaningful conversation without asking any questions at all. Just try to write that in your brain, having a conversation with somebody never asking a question. It's near impossible to do that. Mean somebody could stand up and rent and go on and go on but actually have meaningful to flush things out. You have to ask questions except for it needs to be human. And questions. As you know, they range from both the light and the trivial all the way to the more weighty and serious matters in life. For example, the light and trivial stuff. What's your favorite restaurant? What's your favorite vacation that you've been on? What's your favorite color? What's your favorite food? I just really doesn't affect a whole lot of our daily lives. Then you can swing the pendulum a little more. Get a little more weighty, a little more serious. Who did you vote for? Why did you vote for them? What do you think about climate change? What do you think about gun laws? I'm not going to just give me example, serious, more weighty issues. But then on the very end of the spectrum, There are not quite at the end yet. As we get closer, there are other questions. That depending upon the answer, you gave the answer greatly impact your life. For example, if you're in the airport and you need to go, where's the bathroom that greatly impact your life. You're also in the airport, where is my next flight? Leaves in 20 minutes, where is the terminal? Where's the gate at to get that right or wrong? You might miss the flight. And another, more serious one regarding medicine. Which pill do I need to take, which shot do I need to take? How many pills do I need to take? Depending upon how you answer that you can greatly impact? On the very end of the spectrum, pay for this before, I'm not doing anything revolutionary here. The most important notification better

Quick Paws for you. Thank you. A question that you can ask in life, is, who is Jesus? What do you think about the Christ? What do you think about Jesus? Who is Jesus, who is the messiah? In Matthew chapter 22 verse 41, we find the parallel passage of what we just read and Luke Matthew. 2241, Jesus asked the question, what do you think about the Messiah? Is one Bible commentator, his name is Warren. Wiersbe Hugh mayford of that name before but he said, this is the key question for every generation in each individual for our salvation. And eternal Destiny are dependent on what we think about Christ. So, if you time travel a bit with me and Luke 9:18, we find Jesus bringing up the topic of his identity, with his followers, with his disciples, to end their own private. They were having a conversation amongst themselves Jesus and the 12, Jesus brings up the question. What do people say about the Christ who do they think? Or do you think for the people say that I am and then they get some answers and then Peter, famously replies, back to Jesus know, who do you say? I am. You are the Christ, the son, of the Living God. So here and Luke chapter 20 verse 41 to 44. What we see Jesus doing is is now in his life. His ministry has become a lot more publicized. He's no longer just a small guy, but his, the news of who he is, has spread throughout the entire region of Israel, in modern day is real, as we know it. A lot of people know who you is, where is Jesus at Jesus is conversing speaking with the religious leaders in the temple. So he's in public is a very public setting and he's addressing his identity in public.

You might be thinking what's the main point today? I try to every sermon every Sunday. I try to whittle down the message to one main point because I found in life in general, if you have five points 20 points 10 points you walk away. You don't remember thing I said and I want to try to which one thing you can grab and walk away with when you walk away. What's your take away? So here it is. Who is Jesus? Who is Jesus? It's a question. And what's the answer? Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of David. Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of David. A lot of the sermons of the past couple weeks have concerned, the identity of Jesus. Who is he, who is this? King, this guy that we keep speaking about singing about I keep preaching about who is he Today is another identity question. Another identity sermon. And if you were exploring Christianity, benefits Us in two ways. If number one you are exploring Christianity. As I said earlier, this is the most important question that you can ask, or be asked and thereby answer who is Jesus. But even if you are Christian today, which I know many of you are you never graduate Beyond this, you never get to the point where you said, yeah. You know what I know, Jesus is God, I know Jesus as the Christ, let's move on to more mature important weighty things. You never get to that point as a Christian because of 2nd Peter, 3:18 tells us. I say it every time the kids are dismissed, if it's true for you and I to get it today. Our goal is to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ. And if anybody here has exhausted, the Divinity of Christ, you can raise your hand and you can leave But the reality is, none of us have we can barely scratched the surface of this king is so today, it's nothing revolutionary, nothing novel. It's some reminders, but hopefully some expansion for you as well about what the phrase means that Jesus is the Christ, and that Jesus is the son of David. Before Luke 9, Jesus is the Christ. Son of the Living God today. We see a slight mirror. He is the Messiah use the Christ, but he's the son of David. What does that mean? The significance of that? How can I make a sermon out of 4 versus? You might be wondering more. So let's jump in and let's find out the right here verse 41. We read Jesus bringing up a question, posing a question. If you call the previous, pretty much the whole previous chapter, what has Jesus been up to? Jesus has been on the receiving end the questions, particularly the religious leaders, keep coming to him and keep saying Jesus, you know, by what Authority are you doing these things in? Jesus, are we supposed to pay taxes to Caesar or not? Jesus. What is the? What about the marriage of the Resurrection in marriage? How do they tie in together? And as you see in verse 39 regarding the marriage and Resurrection question. After Jesus gave them that powerful answer. 439 tells us some of the teachers of the law responded. Well said teacher then verse 40, no one dared to ask him any more questions. Now, the tables turn Jesus is the one posing the questions. And you have to understand, when Jesus asked questions, it's not because he doesn't know the answer. He always knows everything. He ask questions to prompt a response in us to prompt to stir our own hearts. That we might know that. We might think that we might believe the truth. So what's the question then? Why is it said that the Messiah is the son of David David himself declares in the Book of Psalms. The Lord said to my Lord sit at my right hand until I make your enemies, your footstool for your feet, David calls him Lord. How then can he be his son? I'll be honest with you. Usually, when high Do sermon prep. I stare at the text and only the text. I don't look at commentaries yet because I want to try to just figure out. What is it saying? Be honest I stared at this one for maybe a couple hours and I couldn't figure it out. I don't know if that's how you are. Maybe you just know what's going on in the the the train of thought that Jesus has that I looked at this, I ran over this time and time again. I just couldn't figure it out. What is Jesus asking what? What is the logic? The reasoning here, I couldn't get it. So I gleaned on some wisdom, relied on some people who were able to tease this out and connect the dots for me. So here goes Matthew 22 verse 41. I read it earlier, but this is, Matthew's recording of this account there. Jesus asked the question to them. What do you think about the Messiah? Whose son, is he a little more easy for us to understand to relate to what do you think about the Messiah, whose son is he? Okay. Little bit number 11 is the Messiah. What is a messiah? We throw that word around in church all the time. What does that word mean in the Hebrew? The word messiah in the Greek? The word is Christ, the same word, same meaning and meaning is Anointed one of the most dictionary definition of what that word means, Christ, Our Messiah, the anointed one, the setup part 1, the chosen one, the special one, the one who was long-awaited, the promised one, who would come If they understood this, that the Jewish people, they understood this to be the one whom God promised to deliver his people to rule over his people in Justice and in peace. So what do you think about the Messiah? Okay, he's the one God promised. He's the king. He was going to come. It's going to deliver us is going to rule over us in perfect. Peace and Justice. I got that right. But then Jesus asked whose son is he? Where does the Messiah come from pop out of nowhere. Whose son is the messiah? Well, that's easy. Also, he's the son of David. He's a descendant of David. He comes from the line of David and this is also common Jewish knowledge 2nd. Samuel chapter 7. Let's do some store drills today. 2nd Samuel chapter 7, turn there. If you would like to

2nd Samuel, chapter 7 verses 12 and 13.

what we see is the Lord promising giving the very first promise, Of God. It's Tabitha King David's. Throne of God. Raising up an offspring from David to be the king. Look at 2nd Samuel 7 verse 12. When your days are over and you rest with your ancestors, I will raise up your Offspring to succeed. You your own flesh and blood and I will establish his kingdom. He is the one who will build a house for my name and I will establish the Throne of his kingdom forever. I will be his father and he will be my son.

This is one of those prophecies promises that God speaks ultimately about Christ himself about Jesus. Fast forward a little bit. Go to Isaiah, chapter 9.

Anybody know what Isaiah 9 is significant for off the top of your head?

What was it? Yes, Bingo. Which is what's what's that relevant for? I'm sorry. Yes, I'm thinking usually that's right during Christmas time kind of wet out where I was going. So we actually think about it this morning. The first two songs like a wonderful counselor and then the very first song, I never heard that one before I believe it or not, but we're saying about these words, it was into the lyrics, so Isaiah chapter 9 verses 6 & 7, listen to for to us. A child, is born to us a son is given. The government will be on his shoulders and he will be called, wonderful, counselor, Mighty God. Everlasting father, Prince of Peace. The greatness of his government and peace. There will be no end. He will reign on David's throne and over his kingdom establishing a nap, holding it with Justice. And righteousness from that time on and forever Zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this Did you catch all of that? God is going to send somebody to the king of the Jews to rule over them in. Perfect, peace. Perfect Justice, perfect righteousness. And the Jewish people knew they thought, yeah, this is this is the Christ. You going to come from the line of David. So far so good, right? Okay. So the Messiah would be a son of David. The Messiah is a son of David. The Jewish people would agree with it all of this so far. But a little bit, the Jewish people didn't necessarily think that this person coming would be God himself. It is going to be a man, it's going to be a godly man. It's going to be a good king with a very Son of God the very God himself coming in human flesh. No.

Jesus, what is he doing here? Why is he staring this conversation? Asking this question. He's trying to reveal to them. What his true identity is is trying to explode and expand their tiny little brains that though. They know these texts. Do they know the Old Testament? They still truly don't know the scriptures, they don't connect the dots. They don't see how it all points to Jesus, and how Jesus truly is the Son of God. The son of David, God himself, So how does Jesus do that? How does he open their minds? Longboards 42. Would you just us here? And if you will turn yet again, to Psalm 110, Psalm 110, but we run this morning. David himself declares in the Book of Psalms. Jesus is calling from Psalm 110. Now, some Bible trivia for you. Something I like to do. Psalm, 110 is the most quoted Psalm in the New Testament. and if you include illusions, It could be argued. That Psalm 110 is the most quoted chapter in the New Testament. but you regardless, the most quoted Psalm in the New Testament, and for Jesus, for us today, The psalm is heavily heavily, Messianic, meaning it's explicitly about the Maasai, explicitly about who he is and what he's going to do. That's what Jesus understood this song to be likewise how we should view this home as well. So, look at the first verse with me. Hopefully you're there in in the Book of Psalms that says, the Lord says to my Lord sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool for your feet. Now, look at that very first word, their first line in the Lord says to my Lord. Tour English ears. What that, this doesn't make sense. The Lord said to my Lord, what, what is? I don't get it. Look at the specific wording. There, you notice the first Lord should be all capitalized in your Bible. Hopefully, it is And whenever you find that in the Old Testament and the New Testament, that is the personal Covenant name of God Yahweh, as you might have heard before the second. Lord, as you seen a text, it's just normal text. It might even be not not even capitalize, the first L I use the NIV, it's not even capitalize. So the Lord Yaweh says to my Lord Hebrew, that's a deny. You might have heard that word before and that's it. That's simply a generic title that refers to ruler or king or even an Earthly Lord, I sometimes British contacts, they still might use that term. Lord, my Lord over me so it's not necessarily the Divine. It's just the king ruler, somebody over me. All right. So y'all way the father in other words, you always says to my king, my route. My Lord sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet. Not break us apart. What is this? What is this talking about? What is the right hand? The right hand of Fellowship, sometimes it's referred to in the Bible, but in the Bible, the right hand in life, we still kind of hold on to this. There's something significant about the right hand and typically, those who sit at the right hand, that's why you see the New Testament with James and John, they come up to Jesus was a request of him. Jesus, in glory and Heaven, let one of us did it, your right hand the other at your left hand. It's a place of honor, the highest place of honor regarding royalty and even in somebody's house. So if you come to our house and you sit at my right hand which is typically reserved for Megan, but that's the place of honor. So the Lord said to my Lord sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool for your feet, Look at a few other things, you always saying that this person, whoever might be sit at my right hand, I'm going to esteem you and honor you with the highest Prestige, and glory and Majesty. The father that you go on verse to the Lord will extend your Mighty scepter from Zion saying, rule in the midst of your enemies? Yahweh is going to extend your Mighty scepter you just see all this language about God Almighty establishing in blessing, this individual to rule and so far, guess what? The religious leaders would still agree with all of that. Yeah, I got it. God is going to honor this individual. I got that but the big sucker punch. If you want to the face, the big twist happens really on one personal possessive pronoun. The very first line in. You can look at Luke chapter, 21 of turn back there. Keep your thumb and Psalm 110.

but all of the, the big conflict, a big disagreement happens because of one word A point that out to you. The Lord said to my lord, it's the word my right. There you might be wondering what on Earth has that significant a big deal? The Lord said to my Lord who is speaking who wrote that song? King David King. David King David? So Jesus, Jesus is logic here. It's absurd for King David to refer to anybody else as his Lord as his King as his ruler because he is the king, he arguably, he was the greatest of the Kings of Israel and in modern-day, this is true back then. Especially but even today I think again about the British contacts the queen or the king, you never see them, bowing to the prince or the princess. It's always the opposite. The younger serves the older. That's a general principle throughout all cultures those who are younger serve, those who are older. That doesn't mean they're perfect. But typically, they're Weiser, they are in a place of honor, is God calls us, his children, children are your parents Mindy's context, the king, the son honors. The King David's grandsons are honor him so on and so forth. The king would never ever bow to somebody younger than him his own grandson. It just does not work that way. And this is what Jesus is pointing at the Lord said to my Lord, David is referring to somebody as his Lord. How is that possible? How why would David do such a thing like that? Why would they would do that for a mere human being for a mere man? This is what Jesus is teasing out. So, what's the answer? I want to know the answer. This isn't just a man. It's kind of obvious that this isn't just a man. This isn't just a descendant of David. It's not just David's child grandchild and great-grandchild. This is God himself. This is the Messiah, the Christ, the son of David, the son of the Living. God When you read and Matthew and Luke, two gospels that record the genealogies of Jesus, you see explicitly that Jesus Christ is the son of David. He literally physically came from the line of the bloodline of David got that. He's much more than that. He's much more than just a descendant. He has the davidic heart. And what is David known for a lot of things right in that Shiba butt. In the book of Acts, he's known as a man after God's Own Heart. And Jesus, not only as a descendant of David, he is the one who truly had the heart after God. Go perfectly had to perfect as a man, after God's Own Heart.

So David says the Lord said to my Lord, sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool for your feet. What's 44? David calls him? Lord, David calls, him King ruler. How then can he be his son? Only way that's possible. Is if this descendant is God, Is if this descended is far more than a mere human being.

Hopefully, they give you some clarity and let me wrap all of the shop. Is Jesus brings up this topic. I'm curious a couple of things 1, Jesus doesn't explicitly give the answer there, because a lot of times again, in scripture, when Jesus poses a question, it's not necessarily the give you the straight answer, right? Then, and there sometimes he speaks truth because he wants it to ruminate in your soul. He want you to meditate on it and think about it and dwell on it and pain. And that's what we see here. We don't see an explicit answer, how then can he be your son? He doesn't answer that question. Nor do we see the religious leaders answering him back? We don't know if they acknowledged it. If they got clear from the rest of the gospels, I didn't get it, didn't piece it together but we don't see what their response was. We don't see Jesus getting a clear explanation of answer to this. So we're kind of left hanging in a sentence. but, This is true with a lot of things regarding Jesus, the clarity. You might want the clarity that they are wondering about comes when at what point does, a lot of its click Somebody know.

I heard there it is. Bingo, the resurrection. Okay. A lot of what Jesus talk about because is you read the disciples. What did they say? Jesus spoke about so many things to us. I didn't really get it. I didn't get understand it. But after the resurrection when they met the resurrected Christ, a lot of these pieces are put together. The puzzle of Christ identity of his power of his divinity. All came clear was hounding way after the resurrection and this is true in Scripture. Romans chapter 1 verse 3.

The gospel. Is about the Sun. So about Christ. The Gospel is about his son who asked to his Earthly life with a descendant of David good. So far, soak the sun regarding his Earthly human, like he was a descendant of David within also, listen to this. And who flew the spirit of Holiness was appointed the Son of God in power by his resurrection from the dead Jesus Christ. Our Lord. Think about it like this. Jesus is Earthly physical life when he was born. That's a clear. Testimony that he is the son of David that he is a son of David. His beast on David after the resurrection, It's as if God clearly and boldly told the world, he's not just a ton of David is not just a physical to send it. He is my chosen one, he is my son he is God himself in power VI's Resurrection from the dead will also look at Acts chapter 2 verses, 32 to 36 is another instance where is quoted. Acts chapter 2 verses 32 36. This is when the Apostle Peter is preaching on the day of Pentecost and he clarifies this issue beautifully. Listen to this God has raised this Jesus to life, and we are all Witnesses of it. Exalted to the right hand of God, he is received from the Father, the promise. Holy spirit is poured out what you now? See, and hear for David did not defend for David did not Ascend to heaven. And yet he said the Lord said to my Lord, sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool for your feet. Therefore let all Israel be assured of this. God has made this Jesus. Whom you crucified both Lord and Messiah. You see this getting a little clearer, a little bit. Jesus is the son of David but he's also the Son of God in power in his exalted established as such after the resurrection, we're going to unpack that a lot more in Luke chapter 24. Take note of where this is in the gospel. Jesus is within the last week of his life for the crucifixion and time and time. Again, Jesus is alluding to both his death and his resurrection. The disciples don't get it. The religious leaders don't fully get it when Jesus talked about how he must die. There thinking? No, you're not.

You going to come back to life if you just you're not making any sense. Jesus just stopped in the disciples. Did that a couple of times. Peter said that Jesus has responded, get behind me, Satan. Jesus speaks a lot of Truth, sometimes we don't fully get it. And sometimes today in our own contacts when Jesus speaks promises, we may not fully get it a big one. Perhaps the biggest one practically speaking is Romans 8:28. And if you might know that verse all things work together, for the good of those who love him who been called, according to his purpose. I don't get that. I don't see how this that happened in my life. Going to turn out for good. I don't get how Jesus you must die. Jesus. You talkin I don't get how that's going to After the fact. After the fact. And because of the Resurrection, Answers become a lot clearer. Alarm clearing, when we meet him face-to-face, the resurrected Christ. All of our questions will be fully answered. We may not fully get it. We may not fully understand explicitly. Every single detail about what Jesus is saying here. But the point is after the resurrection, in the resurrection, our deepest longings will be answered. It will be able to fully know who he is. The church today. Last verse, I promise 2nd Timothy 2 verse 8.

2nd Timothy 2 verse 8.

I mean, question, our main concern today is regarding the identity of Jesus. Who is Jesus, what do you think about the Messiah?

when the Apostle Paul was at the very end of his life,

it's coming agreement among Scholars, 2nd, Timothy that letter is the very last letter, the last book that he wrote No, it is addressed personally that Timothy is also believed that this these were Paul's Last Words. Terms of what he inscribed down, it is the last communication to the outside world because Paul is writing this from a jail cell from prison. and as, you know, Your last words should be meaningful. and if you, if you, you're still able to think, well, your last words you want to leave your children, your grandchildren, your friends, whoever might be, you want to leave them with what's most important in life, Does Paul is writing to Timothy, there's a lot of different things. Timothy needs to keep in mind, don't neglect, the spirit of God who is in, you fan of in the flame. The gift that he's giving you so much for me, commands and truths of the Gospel. But in 2nd, Timothy 2 verse 8. Notice what he says. Remember, Jesus Christ. Raise from the dead. Descended from David.

When you think about the gospel, when you think about Jesus, how often do you think about those two components?

Remember. Jesus Christ, he was raised from the dead and descended from David was the last time you ever heard that in a gospel presentation. Explaining who Jesus is descended from David. Very rarely if ever the Apostle Paul thought this was so important in the spirit through Paul inspired him. This was so important. So Central to the identity of who Jesus is Cuz it's a command that you and I are to live by today. Remember, Jesus Christ, he's raised from the dead but he's also descended from David. I hope as we walk to the text, I have tried my best to try to piece together. What Jesus was talking about the significance that Jesus is the son of David, not just a physical to send it, David didn't just call him, call him Lord, and signifies that there's something greater something more powerful of who he is. He's not just a man, he's not just a good thing, he is God himself. He is the Christ is the messiah. And the day, can you say that you acknowledge Him as such? Do you see that? That's his true identity. And can you say as David did it? He is your lord, can you say Jesus? You are my Lord. You're my Lord. I hope you can.

Let's pray and then we'll close with the doxology.

Father, we come before you grateful. Did you reveal yourself to us, and you revealed your son to us?

You have not left us in the dark. But you've spoken a powerful powerful word for our ears to hear.

But not only did you speak audible messages for us? You spoke to us by coming in person as the clear beautiful perfect word. The Living Word as you stepped into this world, almost about two thousand years ago.

Thank you. Jesus, for revealing yourself to us. Thank you. That you are the king. Who is Cam. You are God. You are the Christ. You are the one who was promised in the Old Testament,

We ask that you will please help us to remember your identity to never lose sight of the fact of who you are.

I bet you help us to remember you and submit Our Lives to you continually

that we may not fully know, all the questions, all the answers. Please help us to trust you and faith. With the knowledge that we do know how best to respond to you in humility.

And it as we do. So you'll continue to expand and increase our knowledge of you and our experience of Grace in you. Be with us today as we now depart as we leave.

Papastew. Glorify you in all things. It's in the name of Jesus that we pray. Amen.

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