It's All Good
It’s All Good
It’s All Good
Attention Grabber
Attention Grabber
Explain Sherry having to go into work and spend the night because of the storm.
Explain falling
As I lay looking at the sky . . . I would have had a difficult time accepting that “It’s All Good”
people of the world say it, and it’s not true
Christians often don’t say it, but it is true for them
Let’s read the scripture
A Psalm of David.
1 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: He leadeth me beside the still waters.
3 He restoreth my soul: He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.
4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
5 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: Thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: And I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.
God reveals to David an understanding of what it is like to serve the Lord, imagery and scenes of a shepherd
imagery David definitely understands
David was a shepherd as a boy
And he understood the relationship between shepherd and sheep
sheep - weak, foolish, dumb, tend to wander . . . sheep and depend on a shepherd
1 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
The Lord is my shepherd
The Lord is my shepherd
my shepherd, not the world’s shepherds, not my mom’s shepherd
this is personal
Who is your shepherd?
who/what is responsible for guiding you, leading you, directing you, protecting you, feeding you, caring for you?
I hope you are not depending on a political party
I hope that you are not depending on yourself:
be my own shepherd; trying to guide yourself, protect yourself, care for yourself, direct yourself
that’s like trying to doctor on yourself, there’s only so much you can do
what if you have to operate? You can’t give yourself anesthesia and then cut on yourself, it just won’t work
I can’t speak for you, but I am with David, The God who created heaven and earth is my shepherd
The one with all power watches over me, all knowledge has my back,
he all wise God is my protector
My shepherd is Jehovah Jireh, my provider
My shepherd is Jehohvah Rapha, healer
Shalom, gives me peace
Nissi, fight my battle
The Lord is my shepherd, the Good shepherd
that’s why I can say, “it’s All Good”
I shall not want.
I shall not want.
I shall not be in want, fancy way of saying, “I will not be in need”
With God as my shepherd I get everything I need
Maybe not what I desire, but what I need
maybe not what I think I need, but what I actually need
Maybe not when I want it, but when I need it
Not how I want it, how I need it
If the lord is your shepherd, and you don't have it, then trust that you don't need it
if you don’t have it yet, then you don’t need it yet
if you never got it, then you never needed it
because I have a promise that I shall not want
it’s all good!
Since the Lord is my shepherd, then RIGHT NOW I have everything I need to make it, be successful
don’t forget to look at what we have instead of what we want
if you just have faith, you will discover that the resources that God has provided you with are enough
all Moses had was a staff
All David had was a slingshot
All Daniel had was a set prayer time
All Nehemiah had was an opportunity to ask a favor
Peter and John said, silver and gold have I none, but what I have I give to you . . .
if you realize that it’s all good, you will start using what God has already provided
some of you are waiting, but you are already smart enough
already talented enough
already enough funds
already enough talent
because God plus whatever you have is enough
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want . . . it’s All Good!
2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: He leadeth me beside the still waters.
When the Lord is your shepherd, there are times of being still
sometimes my shepherd says “Lay down and eat right here, stop and drink right there”
He'll put you in a place where the spiritual nourishment is good
A place where you can get close to God, hear His voice clearly
Understand more about God, grown in God
But we must remember that many times, the best spiritual nourishment comes during worst natural circumstances
He'll allow situations arise that will make you lay down
can't go forward, just stuck right there, seemingly no progress, no breakthrough, no changes, you want to move on , but you are made to lie down, be still
So if we could calm down and look around , we’ll notice that the pasture is green and the water is still
Jesus said blessed are they which hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled
Green pastures – That Bible come alive for you, a living Word, not just sentences is a book, but a word that speaks directly to your mind, life, situation
Still waters - God can lead you to where life is not rushing by, like a river
but God’s Word causes everything to be still, get real clear
easy to see Who’s important, what’s important
who you can count on, who your friends are, who your enemies are
you will get a perspective on life you’ve never had before
But the verse doesn’t say that he makes you eat and drink, he’ll make you lie down, lead you to it, but you have to decide to eat
Some of us could go forward in life if we go ahead and eat
Stop complaining about the situation and just eat
stop worrying about everybody else has done and just drink
stop being mad at what so and so did to you and just eat
Quit being impatient
you’re in a time where you should lay down, and just get some nourishment and grow
just be still and know that He is God
It’s all good
3 He restoreth my soul: He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.
He restoreth my soul
He restoreth my soul
one way he restores me is through forgiveness of my sins
i mess up, i wander away from his will, I do what I want to do, I ignore his instructions
but when I go to him in earnest prayer, he restores me
cleans me up, gives me a brand new start
gives me another chance, a do over
and I find my self saying, “Amazing Grace . . . “
it’s all good!
another way God restores my sou is that when I am torn down, he builds me back up
When my soul is worn, he props me back up
When I’ve been bruised and hurt by life, I can turn to Him
he gives me new strength, renews my courage
I’m a witness, I have gone to sleep with a million problems and woken up with none
Because sometime in the middle of the night he soothed my troubled mind
he restored my soul
no, my situation didn’t change
but my thinking changed, outlook changed, my attitude changed, My expectations changed
because my shepherd gave me strength to fight on, keep on, hold on
the last time I was going through, God sent the song, “I am not forgotten, God knows my name”
And I felt hope begin to rise in my soul,, And joy swell in my heart
because God caused me to remember that he knows and he cares
Another time, Sherry was preaching in East Texas, and I felt every which way but happy
but the elderly choir, sang an old song. “It’s another’s day Journey, and I’m glad about it”
and a wave of thankfulness came over my heart, and my whole perspective was cleared, and thus my soul was refreshed
and it was all good!
some of you are thinking that you need your bank account restored, your health restored, your relationship restored, and I don’t doubt that you have needs
but even if God did all of those things today, you still wouldn’t have joy because what you really need, is your soul restored!
and things can’t do that
only my shepherd can do that
in fact, there are some people going through more than you, suffering more than you, dealing with more than you, but they have joy because their soul has been restored by the Lord
ask the Lord to restore your joy, today!
it’s all good!
he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
i’m confident that he will restore me because he has plans for me
after laying down in green pastures, it’s time to move
and HE leads me
i am not supposed to pick the path
the shepherd leads the sheep and not the other way around
For God has some paths of righteousness, specific paths, particular paths for me to take
With God as your shepherd, you don’t live a random, meaningless life
There is purpose, special plans, destiny for you, a calling , A ministry
he restores me for a purpose, to lead you in the paths of righteousness for his name;s sake
down paths that are going to bring his name glory and honor
that means that some of the paths might be rocky and rough
in fact some of the paths will bring you to dark valleys
4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me;
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me;
Even God's sheep see trouble
David had been through several near death experiences
he fought a lion, bear, and giant named Goliath
King named Saul tried to hunt him down and kill him
one time he was trapped in the city of his number one enemy
his own son tried to kill him
another giant named Ishbi-benob tried to kill him
David is saying that I’ve been through some things and death was so near, destruction was so close, calamity was right there
so close that I could see death’s shadow
if you see a shadow or are in the shadow of something, that thing is close, nigh
But David says that even when death, destruction, calamity, failure might be right there close to me, I will fear no evil!
because God, you are with me!
the shadow exist because that thing is near
also, we must remember that in order for that shadow to exist, there must be light
don’t let the shadows of life cause you to forget that the light is shining
when you’re in the valley, remember that God is still there, like that light, shining over it all!
you just keep walking through the valley, keep walking by faith
faith that says that God is with you
faith that says, you’ll see trouble, but it won’t overtake you
faith that says, you’ll hear about trouble, but you’ll survive
find out about the trouble, but you’re gonna make it
you’ll even be in trouble, but you’ll come out
it’s all Good
thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
when I think of the things at God’s disposal, I am encouraged
I Remember his power and take comfort in that
I Remember his legions of angels and take comfort in that
Remember that he owns everything and take comfort in that
Remember that promotion comes from the Lord and I take comfort in that
Remember that even winds and the waves obey him
remember that he is a very present help in trouble
it’s all Good!
5 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: Thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
now The scene switches from the shepherd in the pasture and valley, to a banquet
David moves from the Lord is my shepherd, to the Lord is my Rewarder
6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
in other words, in order to please God, you must have faith that it is worth serving him
have faith that God will reward you, believe that God is a rewarder
and David describes this reward
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies:
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies:
it’s all good, because the Lord, My rewarder is going to promote me in front of my enemies/the haters
reward me In front the people who tried to stop me, don’t like me just because
reward me in front of the people who talk about me, even though they are doing the same thing
bless me in front of the demons who tried to block me
God is gonna set the whole table of blessings for me, in front of them
so I have enemies, but it’s still all good!
a note that God will not eliminate all your enemies, he will leave some around to see your success
David is encouraging us to trust God and let him prepare the table, and set it all up
good meals, fancy meals, gourmet meals take time, your destiny is not fast food or a snck
your life might not look like much now, but have faith and just him just set the table
He’s gonna put everything in proper place, at the proper time
Just let him finish cooking
some of you, God is trying to season
some of you, God is trying to stir up
some of your destiny’s are almost ready, just need to simmer a little while longer
some of you, he’s put in a hot oven so that you rise up
if you get out of the kitchen and let God cook, it will be all good
God is using the recipes from the ultimate cook book
let God do this thing, and move out of the way with all your suggestions, and microwave dishes
thou anointest my head with oil;
thou anointest my head with oil;
something you did to an honored guest in those days (talked about this in Bible Study)
The Rewarder is going to treat me like an honored guest
anoint me to show that I have a special place, his hand on me
David was anointed to be king and nothing could stop him from becoming that king – not jealous brothers, Goliath the Giant, King Saul, people who betrayed him, not the philistines
In other words if the Lord is your shepherd/rewarder, you are chosen and given power to accomplish whatever the Lord has for you
What God has for you is for you, nothing can stop you, nothing can block you
in fact Your enemies never had a chance to stop you in the first place
it’s a done deal when God is your shepherd
it’s just a matter of time when God is your rewarder
10 Declaring the end from the beginning, And from ancient times things which have not been done, Saying, ‘My purpose will be established, And I will accomplish all My good pleasure’;
It’s all good!
my cup runneth over.
my cup runneth over.
He Blesses me with overflow, running over, too much for one person to contain
he will reward me with too much for one person to use
Here, you take some, you have some
I’ve got too much to use on myself
it’s all good!
6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: And I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life:
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life:
God rewards me with goodness and mercy
I receive blessings/good stuff that I don’t deserve – that’s his goodnesss
I don’t receive the bad stuff that I do deserve - that’s his mercy/unfailing love
they shall follow me!
God is so good that he his going to make them follow me/pursue me
goodness is chasing me
mercy is chasing me
why do they have to pursue us, follow us? . . . cause we run from them
ex. God’s laws - meant to protect, bless, help, assist, but we ignore them and make up our own rules
ex. God’s call on our life - fulfill us, satisfy us, but we ignore and make our own plans
but God does not give up on us, he will make goodness and mercy chase us!
go catch him goodness!
go get him mercy!
some of you can testify that though you gave your heart to the Lord, you messed up, you failed, you slipped up, you went into a period of rebellion
yet goodness and mercy were still right there!
goodness chased you down and said, I’m still going to give you blessings you don’t deserve
breakthrough, protection, finances, open door
this is mercy caught up with you and said, I still have another chance for you!
restoration for you!
healing for you!
help for you!
i keep telling you about my college days, if you see my transcript, it’s like God said, “you gonna graduate! I don’t care how much you try to mess up!
here’s another chance
here’s favor with a teacher
here’s favor with the dean
here’s favor with the scholarship committee
until I got my act together
why? I had to get on the path of righteousness for God’s name sake!
This boy needs to teach, his degree will help Ekklesia get acrredited
all the days of my life . . . In other words, I’m set Just like some rich people have trust funds
so much money in the account, that the interest is enough to live on
they just draw it out when they need it
I’ve got a trust fund full of goodness and mercy
And I call it a trust fund because I trust in God
The Bible says blessed is the man that trustheth in Him
so much goodness and mercy, more than enough to last a life time!
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever
now the scene switches to eternity
The Lord, my rewarder, rewards me with an eternal home
I will dwell, I will make it, I will have a mansion not made with hands
I will live forever, praise him forever, shout forever, thank him forever
no more sorrow, tears, crying, sickness, death
no more missing loved ones!
I won’t have to be in this world of sin and sorrow forever
but I will be in the Lord’s house forever!
One of these ole morning, won’t be very long . . .
Just say, “ He’s dwelling in the house!”
Praise God, He’s in the house! Now that's my situation. It’s all good!
That's where I'm coming from, that's how I'm living