Just ask (2)

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Do you ever feel like living your life for God is really hard?
That’s because it is.
Life is hard. It’s uncertain. It’s filled with highs and lows. It’s messy. It’s filled with challenges and questions. Life is hard but it can also be full of joy, laughter, hope, promise, faith, love, mercy, goodness and more.
Life in the Kingdom of Heaven is a life in the world but not of the world. It is a life with God opposed by Satan.
We have been studying the Gospel of Matthew this year and we have been in section of scripture called the Sermon of the Mount.
Over the past 8 weeks we have been unpacking what it looks like to live out our calling in the Kingdom where we live by the righteousness of Christ which He gives to each us.
We have looked at anger, lust, divorce, oaths, retaliation, loving your enemies, giving, prayer, and fasting. We talked about the secret life of saints and the treasure in their hearts that requires seeking first the kingdom of God.
We have come face to face with a heavenly father, who shows us that when we seek His kingdom and righteousness, we will have what we need in this life. As Jesus said …
But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Matthew 6:33
Last week we looked at the beginning of Chapter 7 a section where we are told not to judge unfairly. Why? Because that is not how we treat each other. We are told that we reap what we sow. As Jesus said …
For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Matthew 7:2
This is what is called …
The law of reaping and sowing!
As Paul writes in Galatians …
Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith. Galatians 6:7–10
So, Jesus is talking about judging in the bigger contest of how we treat one another.
When we look at all the topics in the sermon on the mount that Jesus teaches his disciples … they are all about our relationship to God and others.
In this Kingdom where we have received grace, mercy, forgiveness, and unconditional love, and God calls us to give grace, mercy, forgiveness, and unconditional love living.
But living the life that God called us to is hard. It is not how we are bent in our human nature. In our brokenness and yet in the redeemed person, man or woman, in Christ we have all that we need.
But Jesus has taught us that our Father in Heaven cares more for you than any other part of creation. So what can we do? Where can we turn to receive what we need to live this life we are called to live? So today let’s look at what might be a familiar passage that has a not so familiar understanding.
The key to living life in the Kingdom.
Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. Matthew 7:7
For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened. Matthew 7:8
Overall, Matthew 7:7-8 conveys the message of having faith in God's willingness to respond to our prayers, guide us, and provide for our needs. It encourages us to seek a relationship persistently and earnestly with God, confident that He will answer our prayers and reveal Himself to us.
Ask for what you need to live the life God has given you.
Just ASK! - Ask Seek Knock!
What are the things you find yourself asking God for?
The things we ask God for can vary greatly. However, there are some common themes and areas where we often seek God's intervention or assistance.
1. Help and Strength:
we often ask God for help and strength in times of difficulty, adversity, or personal struggles. we may seek God’s assistance to overcome obstacles, cope with emotional pain, or find resilience in challenging circumstances. – Life is hard and God doesn’t expect you to just grin and bear it. Are there areas in your life where you know that you need help and strength? He is with you and wants you to ask for help and strength. Just ASK.
2. Healing and Health
Praying for our healing is a frequent request, we are seeking God's intervention in restoring physical, emotional, or spiritual well-being. We ask for healing for themselves or for loved ones facing illness or suffering. Are you struggling this morning in your health? He is with you and wants you to ask for healing and heath. Just ASK.
3. Forgiveness and Redemption
Imperfect people need forgiveness, salvation, redemption and restoration. We need to ask for forgiveness for our past actions, present sins and we need to seek a fresh start and a renewed relationship with God. Are you feeling that your relationship with God is stale, has staled, do you need to come home to Jesus this morning? He is with you and wants you to ask for forgiveness, or maybe this is the first time and you need to put your faith and trust in him as your savior. Just ASK.
4. Provision and Financial Help
Many of us ask God for provision, financial blessings, and assistance in meeting our basic needs. We may seek God's help in finding employment, overcoming financial challenges, or experiencing abundance. Are you struggling financially this morning? Are you wondering what will happen?He is with you wants you to ask for provision and financial help this morning. Just ASK.
5. Peace and Comfort
Many of us are often asking God for peace, tranquility, or emotional comfort. We may seek solace during times of grief, anxiety, or emotional turmoil. Are you feeling uneasy this morning about life? Are you feeling conflicted, anxious, uneasy? He is with you and He wants you to ask for His peace and comfort this morning. Just ASK.
6. Relationships and Love
Because life is messy and it all boils down to relationships, marriage, family, friends. It is not uncommon to find ourselves seeking God for help in marriages, in our broken relationships, our loneliness. We seek God's guidance in fostering healthy relationships and healing broken relationships. Is your marriage struggling? Is there a relationship in your life that is broken, loveless, resentments. He is with you and He wants you to ask for his love to flow through you and into the relationships of your life. Just ASK.
7. Protection and Safety
Many times we ask God for protection and safety, both for ourselves and our loved ones. Many times Gail and I prayed for physical safety, protection from harm, and even divine intervention in dangerous situations, for our children, ourselves and others. Do you need to protection, safety or just to be reminded that nothing can separate you from the love of God? He is with you and He wants you to ask for his protection and safety in your life. Just ASK.
8. Gratitude and Thankfulness
Sometimes our prayers of gratitude and giving thanks to God for blessings, answered prayers, and the goodness in life. We are called take time to acknowledge and appreciate the positive things we have received. Is there something in your life that is wonderful and brings a heart felt thanks and gratitude to God. He is with you and He wants you to hear your gratitude and thankfulness even in the midst of asking. Maybe this morning you want to see His hand and to be filled with gratitude and thankfulness. Just ASK.
9. Guidance and Wisdom
Lastly, we all need guidance and wisdom. Especially when we are making important decisions, needing clarity in confusing situations, and seeking wisdom to navigate life's challenges. Are you facing a difficult decision, are you trying to navigate a challenging time in your life. He is with you and He wants you to ask for his wisdom and guidance in your life. Just ASK.
Ask for what … wisdom!
Wisdom … to see through God’s eyes!
To see my life through the prism of God’s purpose, plan, promise and provision for my life.
If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. James 1:5
The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, ‘Look at him! A glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!’ Yet wisdom is justified by her deeds.” Matthew 11:19
The phrase wisdom is justified by her deeds, emphasizes that the true value and authenticity of wisdom is revealed by its outcomes and the practical application of its principles. Wisdom is not merely theoretical knowledge or intellectual understanding but is manifested through actions that align with the righteousness of Christ.
My problem is, I don’t ask until I am frustrated or make a mistake. I might struggle to forgive, or justify by judging, or provide things for myself that are not what God intended.
Why don’t we ask God more often?
1. Lack of Awareness or Belief
You mean God really wants me to ask, see and knock about all those things? Yes! Just ASK.
2. Self-Reliance
Some of us may have a strong sense of self-reliance and we rely more on our own abilities, resources, or external sources for solutions and support. We feel more comfortable seeking help from people, professionals, or their our own problem-solving skills rather than asking, seeking and knocking in prayer. It takes humility.. Just ASK.
3. Doubt or Skepticism
You may be thinking this morning, I’ve been there, done that and it didn’t happen. You might filled with doubts or skepticism about the effectiveness of asking God or the possibility of receiving a response that you want to hear. you may question the efficacy of prayer or have experienced unanswered prayers in the past, leading to decreased motivation to ask God for help. But listen, He cares for you. The answers are always yes, no, wait. But God is always working for our good. Just ASK.
4. Distance or Disconnection
You may be here this morning and you feel a sense of distance or disconnection from God. You might be thinking He doesn’t want to hear from me, I have really messed up. If you feel disconnected or experience spiritual dryness, or have gone through personal crises that have strained their relationship with God, you may be less inclined to just ASK. But, God hasn’t moved. He is still here and wants you to draw close to him in this moment. Just ASK.
5. Lack of Priority
With busy and demanding lives, we prioritize other aspects of our daily routines and responsibilities, leaving less or no time and energy for seeking God through prayer. We end up overlooking and underestimating the importance of asking, seeking and knocking in prayer. If this is you then tell Him you want to make your relationship a priority. Just ASK!
6. Personal Struggles or Disillusionment
We’re back where we started this morning … life is hard. Difficult circumstances, personal struggles, or encountering hardships can sometimes lead us to question whether asking God matters. If you have experienced significant suffering, unanswered prayers, or disappointment in the past, I hear you, it has dampened your motivation to ask God for help. But he is there and he wants you to come to him with all your pain, struggles, disillusionment, questions. Just ASK!
What do you do when you are in need?
Just ASK! - Ask Seek Knock!
Or which one of you, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a serpent? Matthew 7:9-10
If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him! Matthew 7:11
Jesus ties us this section with a single statement that most of use know as The Golden rule … It sums up the idea of you reap what you sow. You might as ask … what does that have to do with asking, seeking and knocking? I’m glad you asked. We said that all that teachings of the law and the prophets are about relationships. Prayer is about our relationship with God where we lean into experiencing the God who is our heavenly Father. Caring, compassion, providing for our needs, forgiving our sin. You might say that we are becoming the person we wish everyone else would be!
Be the person you wish everyone else would be!
So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets. Matthew 7:12
This is Jesus saying it begins today, right now with you. What will you do? Who will you be? Will come to Jesus this morning, overcoming your unbelief, your self-reliance, doubt, skepticism, disconnection, struggles, disillusionment to bring to him your need for help, strength, healing, health, forgiveness, salvation, provision, financial need, peace, comfort, your marriage, your family, your loneliness, your need for protection, safety, guidance, wisdom or just your thanks!
Our prayer team is here, let everyone come for prayer, come to ask Jesus, to follow his command to ask …
Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened. Matthew 7:7-8
Don’t hesitate, just come and just ASK!
There is a song called Holy Ground. The first verse says …
Here as we wait seek Your face
Come and make Your throne upon our praise
Here in this place have Your way
The moment that we see You we are changed
Don’t hesitate, just come and just ASK!
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