M H2H: Better than Happy
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we are going to attempt to talk about some deeper stuff so I need your help
the world and the opposition to God in it is trying to influence you every second of every day
it becomes easier for that to happen every day that technology advances
I don’t hate technology and it can do good, but it has also become a detriment in a lot of ways
the world wants to influence you into thinking you need to achieve its ideal
there is a “legitimate” occupation now that is called being an influencer
I sink a lot of time into youtube- I’ve done a lot of research to try to optimally build muscle
its extremely difficult to find the truth in the midst of all the marketing lies that are really just the truth twisted slightly
this is what the world tries to do with Christianity as well
the opposition tries to sell you “happiness” and “success” when in reality, those are not the things that will truly give you a fulfilling life
Sermon on the Mount
Sermon on the Mount
how do the first four of those sound in comparison to that ideal that we have been talking about so far?
what does it mean when Jesus says that blessed are the people like this?
to be full of joy in these circumstances
does that sound normal today?
the truth is that wasn’t normal back then either, even for the people who were supposed to be the ones closest to God
Jesus will spend most of his time teaching people combating the religious practices that had become common in his time
that’s a kind of funny turn of the application
being poor and mourning and meek and hungry are the way that Jesus describes as being filled with joy
going through all of the things listed in those last few verses, that is where Jesus says we will truly be fulfilled
not in doing whatever might make us happy for the moment
why do you think that is?
Paul and Contentment
Paul and Contentment
Paul explains it well in his letter to the church in Philippi
Paul is writing this letter knowing that he is nearing the end as he sits in a Roman prison
what all has Paul gone through to get to that point?
despite all of that, what is the attitude of his writing?
4:13 is not about being able to win the underdog basketball game or manifesting superpowers all of a sudden
its about the idea we’ve been building to this whole time
Paul has learned to be content, to be able to rejoice always despite all the horrible situations he finds himself in
all of that because he knows he is doing all of those things for the sake of real life and hope and salvation, giving people the real joy of knowing their savior and encouraging others to keep the faith to the end
you won’t find that kind of fulfillment anywhere else because nothing we can make or do by ourselves can come close to eternal life and hope and joy
the difference between what the world offers and what God offers is its lasting effect
the “happy” and “good” or anything else one might find in a hashtag are things that are here today and gone tomorrow
the life that Jesus presents here as blessed is blessed forever
if you want to really be content, this is what it looks like, because all of these are seeking after the immortal, not the mortal
God’s blessing is not temporary its far different from the world’s ideal
seek a different ideal life than everyone else. strive for goals that are eternal, even if doing so might make you stand out