2023 Spring Branch Father's Day: Father's Leading God's Way
Fathers Leading
Fathers Leading
Fathers lead. Fathers lead the way. Fathers are commanded by God to be leaders in the home, in the church, in the community, and throughout the world. The Word of God places this privilege and weighty responsibility on men and on fathers, to come to Christ, to imitate Christ and model Him before our spouses, our children and the world around us, and to stand firm on the Word of God.
And that is something that is not being done today. Men are abdicating from their position and role and are placing their God-given mantle and responsibility on their wives to carry out what God has given them. And by God’s grace… this needs to stop.
We wonder why revival won’t come to families and nations… Many people say “We need revival in the family,” and this is true. However, before there can be revival, there must be reformation… and before we can have reformation in the home… there must be a biblical conviction that comes over a man, that moves him to be that which God has created him to be.
Listen to this quote: “The role of men in their families is so important that God honored it by conferring upon us His own title, Father.” – V. Baucham Jr.
Fathers are called to be the governors and guides of the families. The fathers are called to be the priest, prophet, provider and protector of the home. And the way he leads has far-reaching implications.
Taken from the National Fatherhood Initiative, the 2017 US Census Bureau reported this:
-Around 20 million children, more than 1 in 4 live without a father in the home, and the research shows that this was the result:
1. The children were 4 times at greater risk of poverty. 2. They were 7 times more likely to become pregnant as a teen. 3. They were more likely to have behavioral problems. 4. They were more likely to face abuse and neglect. 5. They were more likely to abuse drugs and alcohol. 6. They were more likely to suffer obesity, drop out of school, commit a crime and go to prison.
This is secular statistics… and the numbers are getting worse, it seems.
“Ryan, are you telling me that fathers make that much of a difference in a families life, in their children’s lives?” I am telling you that even this secular world can see and recognize this reality.
More statistics show that only 1-2 hours are spent with children, 37 minutes of quality time. On average, the father may spend up to 6.5 hours a week caring for their children. And it gets worse…
And less fathers are going to church, and this is what research shows: According to Promise Keepers and Baptist Press, if a father does not go to church, even if his wife does, only one in fifty will become a regular worshipper.
“But… come on Ryan. The rest of the fathers are hanging out with the guys, playing golf, focused on work all the time, and they don’t spend much time at home. Come on, there is too much to do on Sunday and the game is on… and it is not that big of a deal.”
Research shows otherwise. Research shows and confirms what we know from God Himself, and what we are hearing from God’s Word today is a word that Fathers must get inside their spirit before it is too late.
Verse 14 – God’s people - Fathers, fear the Lord and serve Him with sincerity and truth and put away all the other gods you have, that lead you away from Him.
Throw away anything that hinders you from knowing and serving your God. Your mind matters. Your heart matters. They are going to affect your behavior, and your behavior matters as well.
Spouses are looking to you. Children are looking to you. The world needs leaders, promise keepers, world changers and until there is reformation at home there may never be revival for any of us.
Now is the time. Today is the day that fathers need to stand firm and are honored as reflectors of their Heavenly Father. Now is the time to walk before your God with fear and trembling, understanding that wherever the father leads… the family will follow.
Serve the Lord! How? Worship God alone, follow Christ as your Lord and Savior. Lay down your lives for your wives and children. Teach your family the Word of God and do your best to live it out in front of them every day. From Deuteronomy 6 to Ephesians 5-6 we see this command.
But from Genesis to Revelation we also see this dilemma and question: “Which god shall I serve and obey?”
Verse 15 – Joshua lays it out there for Israel to consider and to deal with. He allows an “alter call,” if you will, to take place. He calls them to think and to profess. He calls them to think about their choices and to respond and make it publicly known.
Choose this day, for yourselves, individually, whom you will serve. If it seems evil to you to serve the Lord… well then don’t serve the Lord. If it seems best to you to serve yourselves and other gods… well go do it and suffer.
Make up your minds whom you will serve this day. I have told you what will happen if your will follow the Lord all the days of your lives and the blessing that you will receive and your future generations will we receive if you will serve the True God. And I have also told you what will happen to you if you don’t. I have told you what the future generations will have to suffer if you will not stand and lead with the True God in your life…
You can do what you like… but as for me and my house… we will serve the Lord.
1. What was Joshua willing to do? He was willing to stand alone and be the man that God had called him to be and to lead as God had called him to lead. He was willing to stand alone even when the rest of the guys wanted to do their own thing and abandon their calling.
Fathers must be willing to stand alone for the sake of Christ and his family. Fathers must be willing to lead even if the only one following him is his family.
2. Joshua was committed to God, and he was committed to leading his family. He spoke on their behalf. He didn’t ask if his house wanted to serve the Lord. He didn’t ask his house if they wanted to go to church. He said, “As for me and my house…” this is what we are going to do.
I don’t see Joshua asking his family if they wanted to go to church. I don’t see Joshua asking “well, where do you want to go and what do you want to do…?” I see Joshua saying “get up, it’s time to go worship God… it is time for family devotion time…” I see Joshua leading.
Joshua was committed to leading his family to worship God and to serve Him alone. Joshua was convinced that God was their lives… and he would center their lives on God alone as they functioned as a family.
3. Joshua believed that since God gave them the victory on the battlefield, that God would give him the victory in the home and that God’s blessing would be upon his home if they would be committed to the Lord.
God will give the family victory if they will be surrendered and centered on Him as Lord of their lives. Are we convinced of that today? Are we convinced that God’s way is best?
*Got a question for every one in here, but with a special emphasis on men: Whom will you serve?
You are going to serve someone. Who will it be? Will it be you? Will your lives be centered on someone else or something else other than our Lord?
What must each and every one of us do today? WE MUST MAKE UP OUR MINDS.
If God is evil to you and He is not worthy to be trusted and worshipped… then don’t follow Him… but understand your confession and understand what you believe this day.
Understand that this is the reason why you don’t want to obey Him… this is the reason why you won’t worship Him and lead your family His way… Why? Because… His way is not best to you; your way is best.
As a preacher and pastor… I do not you to stay there, because God doesn’t want to you stay there.
To everyone, to every man, and to every father in the room, I offer this charge: Make up your mind to live for God. Make up your minds to follow Him. Make up your minds to trust Him and believe that He knows what is best for you and your family.
To every father and to every man – Be the man. Play the man. Don’t step down from your position. The next generation needs you. We need you. You are game changers/world changers, and the world needs you.
Stand up in this day that does not know how to identify manhood, godly fathering, or a godly marriage… and be the men for the next generation.
*Lets us know the Heavenly Father and reflect Him in this great hour of need.