Cancel Culture
In this last exchange with the Jews during the Feast of Booths Jesus hits them with the ultimate truth bomb by saying that he is the same I am that spoke to Moses from the bush.
Key Points:
1. There is an effort to cancel Jesus and make his claims seem irrelevant and irrational.
in an innocence/guilt culture (which includes most Western societies), the laws of society, the rules of the church, local mores and the code of the home are all internalized in the person. The goal is that when a person breaks one of these, her or his conscience will be pricked. In fact, it is hoped that the conscience will discourage the person from breaking the rule in the first place. The battle is fought on the inside. In an honor/shame society, such as that of the Bible and much of the non-Western world today, the driving force is to not bring shame upon yourself, your family, your church, your village, your tribe or even your faith. The determining force is the expectations of your significant others (primarily your family). Their expectations don’t override morals or right/wrong; they actually are the ethical standards