Godly Men Not Allowed!

The Bait of Satan  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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Good morning and happy Father’s day to all our Fathers out there. I pray you will have a relaxing day focused on family and Jesus!
I do have an exciting announcement for all of us today before I go any further watch this
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Let’s Pray
Today we are going to continue with our Bait of satan series with the message
Godly Men Not Allowed
satan hates godly men
satan wants to kill
and destroy families
because families were established by God
one male
one female
leaving their mother and father and becoming one flesh
having children
teaching those children the ways of God
That is God’s design for the family
our society hates that because it hates God
our society hates strong men
our society hates Godly men
men who do what God calls them to do regardless of the sacrifice or cost or consequence
Today I want to wrestle with what a godly man looks like
the characteristics of a godly man
i do want to pause for just a minute or two to show you this trailer
Men on Wednesday nights we are going to begin Be A Godly Man a 5 week discipleship series as we transition from a Men’s Bible study to a true discipleship group
Still focused on God’s Word but more from the angle of how do we as men live out that Word
Our sole focus will be Jesus and God’s Word but from a discipleship perspective
I challenge each man here today to make an excuse to commit to discipleship
I don't care if you are 18 or 118 commit to being discipled and discipling others today
Wednesday nights is a place to do both
If because of work or school or family obligations you can’t make it Wednesday evenings I am open to meeting with a few on Saturday am or we can meet during the week if possible
Rightnow media has a virtual option where we could meet virtually if we could make the time work but not the place......
Don’t let anything stand between you and discipleship
Back to this morning
This morning I want to look at. I will be reading out of the ESV this morning

II Timothy 3:16-17


“All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.”
I want to pull 4 truths for men found in this scripture....ladies they also apply to you

1. Must Stand on Word of God


Look at verse 16
“All scripture is given by inspiration of God....”
All scripture given by God’s inspiration
The Bible is not just a book
It is not just a collection of letters
It is not open for debate
It is not something that you can pick and choose what you accept and reject
It is the inspired Word of God
Written by men indwelled with the Holy Spirit
It is perfect
It is flawless
you must stand on God’s Word and God’s Word alone
There are may scriptures that I could have used here but I felt led to this one

Psalm 37:23


“The steps of a man are established by the Lord, when he delights in his way;”
1st we must remember the words of Jesus in

Mark 10:18


“And Jesus said to him, “Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone.”
That means Psalms refers to a godly man or woman
A Christian
One who as truly accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior
I was over at Mom and Kenny’s the other day playing hand and foot with them and Melody and Kenny asked what percentage of your church is true believers
He said he read a statistic that said most churches have a very small percentage like 20% that are true Christians
That got me thinking so I did some quick research online and found an article from Sept 2021 about a survey and this floored me
“Today, 176 million Americans claim to be Christians—69% of the population. Yet, only 6% of U.S. adults—which is 9% of those identifying as Christians—possess a biblical worldview, believing the Bible to be accurate and reliable, among other convictions.”
Are your steps ordered by the Lord?
If you are not a true Christian then no they are not
If you are not in the Word of God then no they are not
For your steps to be ordered by God
you must actively listen to Him
You must actively seek Him
You must surrender
You must submit
You must humble yourself to the Lordship of Jesus Christ!
Do you truly delight in God’s Way?
9% of those identifying as Christians believe the Bible to be accurate and reliable
Are you part of the 9%?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
One way to know is your attitude towards prayer
How many have a vibrant....
all consuming prayer life?
That is the minimum by the way…God says to pray without ceasing
What is your attitude towards church and bible study and discipleship?
I found another statistic that only about 20% of those who identify as Christians attend church every Sunday.
How do you react when God calls an audible and changes your plans?
He says help that person on the side of the road or
help that person mentioned in the groupme message
all while when you are on the way to go golfing or fishing or are in a hurry
Do you allow the Lord to order your steps?
Do you truly delight in His Way?
Look at verse 24 when you fall you will not be destroyed if the Lord orders your steps and you delight in His Way!
This is difficult for us as humans
It is simple but hard
Do you really allow God to order your steps or do you present your agenda and schedule to God for approval?

2. Allow the Word of God to Perfect You


I don’t know if allow is the correct term here
God doesn’t need you to allow Him to do anything
He is God and you are not
Because of disobedience you can stop yourself from becoming perfect and complete
Look at the last part of 16 back in II Timothy 3
and is profitable for doctrine
for reproof
for correction
for instruction in righteousness
Again to be a godly man you must stand upon God’s Word
I want to make sure we are all on the same page in terms of what is listed here
Doctrine-Greek noun meaning instruction or learning or teaching or doctrine
Websters 1828 defines doctrine as
In a general sense, whatever is taught an example they gave was
The doctrines of the gospel are the principals or truths taught by Christ
The truth of God’s Word is doctrine
The only place you get true doctrine is from the Word of God
Reproof Greek noun meaning proof or conviction or evidence
Websters 1828 defines reproof as Blame expressed to the face; censure a fault
Taking a fault or error to someone
1st God reproofs you in and through His Word
He may call you to reproof others
those you are in a discipleship relationship with
co-workers etc
Correction Greek noun meaning straightening up again; reformation
This is more than reproof…bringing up or pointing out error
This is helping straightening out the error and problems associated or caused by the error
God corrects you through His Word
Instruction Greek noun meaning education or training; disciplinary correction or chastising
Righteousness Greek noun meaning righteousness
Websters 1828 defines righteousness as Purity of heart; conformity of heart and life to the divine law
Education or training in how to conform to God’s Word with a pure heart is what instruction in righteousness means
Again you must be in God’s Word
You must be applying God’s Word
You must be a doer of the Word as we read in James 1:22
Stand on God’s Word

3. Flee from Temptation and Snares


I Timothy 6:9-12


“But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs. But as for you, O man of God, flee these things. Pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, gentleness. Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.”
God through Paul is instructing Timothy to teach about relying on money for security or identity because it leads to destruction and many sorrows
Then in 11-12
“O man of God flee these things
Flee from temptations and snares that the unrighteous fall into
Look at the things God says to follow after
Do these things mark you?
Do these things come through in all you do?
If not you are following temptations and snares not fleeing from them!
Fathers what you do or don’t do will be followed by your kids and grand kids
your spouse
your friends
your co-workers
your church family

4. Please God and Not Men


This is not directly in II Timothy 3 but it applies here
Most men struggle with trying to please people
Your Bride
Your kids
Your grand kids
Your boss
Your co-workers
Your church family
even strangers
When you try to please people you miss out on pleasing God
First you need to make sure your wisdom comes from the right place

I Corinthians 2:5


“so that your faith might not rest in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.”
Where does your faith truly lie?
When things go well where do you turn?
facebook to post about it or to your knees to pray a prayer of thanksgiving and gratitude?
When things go wrong where do you turn?
Friends and family for advice, self-help books.....by the way there is now self-help, our hearts are wicked how in the world could we help ourselves?
Maybe you are one of those who turns to social media for advice.....you know....post a question for anyone to answer.......you should only be taking advice from Christians who base that advice on God’s Word......seeking the world for advice is seeking advice from satan himself!
Prayer seeking God’s will and strength and endurance to face these problems in a manner that brings God glory?
Seeking your pastor or elders for prayer and counsel?

James 1:5


“If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.”
If you lack wisdom ASK
It goes deeper

James 3:13-18


“Who is wise and understanding among you? By his good conduct let him show his works in the meekness of wisdom. But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast and be false to the truth. This is not the wisdom that comes down from above, but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice. But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere. And a harvest of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.”
What is your wisdom
or from God
If you have bitter envying and strife your wisdom is not from God
Your hearts matter
Your love matters
Your attitude matters
Your foundation matters
Does James 3:17-18 define your thinking and lifestyle?
Men don’t just write this off as another sermon
God is speaking to you this morning
God sent Jesus to die for you
Pay for your sins
Cover your sin
Shed His blood in place of your blood
Pay your price
All while you were His enemy
Our world is full of chaos and pain and evil and sin and YOU have the answer......JESUS!
If you refuse to live as God calls you to live
If you refuse to stand on God’s Word
If you refuse to seek after and follow godly wisdom
Nothing will change
You will not change
Your bride will not change
Your kids will not change
Your world will not change
The enemy will continue to draw them further and further away from God
Men where you stand matters
Make no mistake you have to stand
Not standing is standing for satan
Men I implore you to make God and His Word
In your life
satan wants to, and is having great success in, destroying the roles that God created when He created men and women
satan wants to, and is having great success in, destroying marriage and the family as God designed it
satan wants to, and is having great success in, pushing godly men out of the mainstream of society and everyone is paying the price
Men statistics don’t lie the following is directly from Burgess Owens, who is a US Representative, Utah’s Fourth Congressional District’s website
There is little doubt that America is experiencing an unprecedented fatherless crisis. Approximately 80% of single-parent homes are led by single mothers; therefore, leading to nearly 25% of our youth growing up without a father in the home.
This staggering statistic has not only destroyed the nuclear family but has devastated communities across the nation. For example, 85% of children and teens with behavioral disorders come from fatherless homes, and over 70% of all adolescent patients in drug and alcohol treatment centers originate from homes without fathers.
Fatherless youth eventually become adults who, without the structure of a two-parent household, struggle to gain their footing in the world.
As America deals with a rise in crime, substance abuse, incarceration, decreased social mobility, and economic strains, we must acknowledge the impact that fatherlessness has had on all these issues. We must recognize how we, as fathers, empower, teach and develop our children plays a direct role in their well-being, mental health and ability to persevere through adversity.
Shocking numbers and remember of that only 9% of confessing Christians are true Christians so the number of children being raised in a true godly home is far less than these
God is no dummy
He designed us to be raised first by Him the perfect Father
But also designed earthly fathers to be heavily involved in raising their kids
These statistics are only part of the problem
What about fatherless homes where the father still resides in the home
What are you talking about pastor Josh?
Just because a father is in the home doesn’t mean it is not fatherless
Fathers can focus on
be so busy outside the home that when they are in the home they are non-existent
they do not pray with their kids
they do not read the Bible with their kids
they do not instruct their kids in righteousness because they themselves are not being instructed in righteousness by God
they are too busy for the secret place
the do not make prayer is a priority
they are not being discipled
they are not discipling others
their brides are also neglected
they are not prayed with and over
they don’t read the bible with their brides
their brides are not loved as Christ loved the church
Fatherless homes where a father lives but is not engaged!
Where are you this morning?
I am going to do something a little different for invitation this morning I am going to show a video and as it plays know the altar is open to come meet Jesus
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