The Need of a Father

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Henri - He is being called the backpack hero.
In France Moms took their children to the park. A insane make showed up with a knife and started stabbing woman and children. 4 young kids and 2 woman were attacked.
There were a number of men in the park who were watching and they didn’t do anything.
Some men fled so they wouldn’t be harmed. One man hid behind a tree with his phone and started recording what was going on and didn’t engage.
There was one guy named Henri and he happened to be in the park, saw what was going on and got in between the woman and children and the man that was seeking to harm them.
All’s he had was a back pack and rebuked the guy in Jesus Name and was able to chase the guy out of the park.
They are calling him the back pack hero.
Henri is a Christian and he mentioned that His love for Lord and his belief in the Bible required him to get between evil and woman and children.
This a Biblical value to protect. Men are to bless woman and children. There’s a couple of different types of men. Those are passive and those who are active.
Men who are passive allow evil to win. Men who are active get in the way of evil and woman and children to stop it because they know evil will not stop itself.
There is now more than ever a time for Dads to rise up who get in harms way to protect their wife and kids from evil.
That means to protect not only physically, but spiritually, mentally, culturally, emotionally, and generational.
Malachi 4:5–6 ESV
5 “Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the great and awesome day of the Lord comes. 6 And he will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the land with a decree of utter destruction.”
He’s talking fathers who will have a heart change and turn back to their children and children who will have a heart change and turn back to their fathers.
If we fail at this thing then everything else will fall apart. The Nation will become cursed.
It all begins or ends with a fathers heart towards their children.
We are currently living in a cursed nation. Because their is a lack of fathers.
We are dealing with the effects of the curse and not the root cause of the curse.
Since 1968, the number of children without a father has doubled to 18.4 million children.
Of 100 countries surveyed, the United States has the highest percentage of fatherlessness, 300 percent higher than the global average.
One thing we are good in country is not loving our children.
If you are father who active, loving, and trying you are a miracle.
The majority of children born to women under 30 are born out of wedlock with a father.
Less than half of adults grew up with a mother and father
85 percent of teens with behavioral disorders have no father.
70 percent of adolescents in drug and alcohol treatment centers have no father.
90 percent of homeless and runaway children have no father.
children without a father are 900 percent more likely to drop out of school.
You think with all this that the government would reset its priorities. You would think something as important as this that you would have classes growing up or in college on how to be a man and a good father.
How to love children, how to serve, to protect, and to provide.
We as the church have an opportunity to set a different example than our culture. The church is really the only place now to learn how to be a man of God.
We are not only failing children but boys in general.
70% of D’s and F’s in school are earned by boys.
By 8th grade, 20% of boys are proficient in writing and 24% in reading
60% of college students are female.
Same thing with church attendance. 60 percent are female.
This is what young men are doing -
Young men spend an average of 8 hours a day on leisure and screen time.
That does not prepare us to be a father.
The American Psychological Association has decided that all masculinity is toxic.
Lets take competitiveness for example. We come to the place of giving participation trophies out for just showing up. They are looking at removing the grading system.
Because boys and different than girls we need medicate and eradicate their masculinity.
Here is an example of different types of fathers.
Some men are absent. They are just not present and involved.
Some are present but are passive. They don’t say or do anything.
Some are present and abusive. They are domineering and overbearing.
Some fathers are present, active, and healthy.
A good father protects, provides, and pastors.
Protects: is like a father builds a home so the family is safe.
Provides so their are resources for their family to flourish in the home.
Pastors so he emotionally and relationally connects with the child to encouraged and love them.
1) Protects:
Nehemiah 4:9 ESV
9 And we prayed to our God and set a guard as a protection against them day and night.
Physical and Spiritual protection. We are up against spiritual wickedness in high places. Even if you don’t believe that doesn’t seem like their is a invisible force behind what we see going on.
That’s why a good father will go throughout the house to make sure every window and door is locked up.
When my daughter goes out with a boy for the first time we are doing a background check, DNA sample, and arm wrestle him to make sure the boy knows who’s going to win.
Our wife and kids not only want to be safe but to feel safe. Emotionally, spiritually, and physically.
Ellie cannot spend the night or be alone with another adult male except my dad or JoAnn’s dad.
Children without a father are 200% more likely to be neglected or abused. Especially girls.
By age 30, males who grew up without a father are 200% more likely to be in prison.
One of the reasons a father is there in the home is to teach the child authority in the home so when they leave the house they obey authority out in society.
We are looking at a entire generation that should be stepping into manhood and fatherhood yet they are no where near ready. They have been overly mothered still living with Mom at 30 and the government has replaced their father.
2) A Good Father Provides.
Genesis 2:15 ESV
15 The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it.
God didn’t put him in the garden to vote for a politician to tax someone who went to work.
It is a mans duty to work.
2 Thessalonians 3:10–12 ESV
10 For even when we were with you, we would give you this command: If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat. 11 For we hear that some among you walk in idleness, not busy at work, but busybodies. 12 Now such persons we command and encourage in the Lord Jesus Christ to do their work quietly and to earn their own living.
Idleness and busybodies. Today that would look like to much time online, social media, video games.
1 Timothy 5:8 ESV
8 But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.
historically protestant Christians have seen work as worship. A German sociologist named Max Weber who coined the phase the protestant work ethic. He said it was the cause of the American dream. If you will work then you could chase your dreams and make generational wealth possible. The Protestant worked hard as worship onto God 6 days a week taking a sabbath.
Protestant parents gave their children chores to teach them how to work.
Protestant didn’t see the difference between sacred work or secular work because all work onto the Lord is sacred. You can be a mechanic, electrician, accountant, full time Mom.
81% of single parents are woman
children without a father are 500% more likely to live in poverty.
Were not talking about a good, a dad going to church, reading his bible and filled with the Spirit. We are just talking about a dad who’s breathing.
a record 7 million men ages 25-54 are not working or looking for work
19% of males ages 25-29 without a father are idle ( not in school or work) that 1 and 5 of young men are doing nothing.
Unless men go to work you run out of people to tax. We now in the hole 100,000 per person to the national debt. 250,000 for every tax paying American.
Fewer fathers means more government.
3) Good Father Pastors
Ephesians 6:1–4 ESV
1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. 2 “Honor your father and mother” (this is the first commandment with a promise), 3 “that it may go well with you and that you may live long in the land.” 4 Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.
When we discipline our children it must be with instruction but absent of anger. As a man I have to cool and calm down before I discipline my child.
We need to connect before we correct. We at times need to talk to the Father to get our heart right before we correct our children.
The father is the head of the house. With Moms and the Churches help it is the fathers responsibility to give them the Gospel, to teach them the Bible, and learn how to walk with God.
Men who are not in church will most likely be a father. There is no other place for a man on how to be taught on to be a husband and father other than the church.
There is nothing in education or where you can get a degree in school on how to be a dad and husband. There is nothing in the woke agenda of politics that would encourage men to be a husband and father.
The church is the only place left.
According to Promise Keepers if the wife attends church regularly, but the father does not, there’s a 2% chance the children will become regular attenders of a church as adults.
The father is the head.
If a father attends church irregularly, there’s a 50%-67% chance the children will attend church with some regularity as adults.
If the father attends church regularly, there is a 67%-75% chance the children will regularly attend church as adults (weather or not the mother attends)
If the father leads the children tend to follow especially the sons. Do you want your sons to be like you and your daughters to marry a guy like you? The children are hardwired to follow the mother and father but specially the father.
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