Psalm 36| Inexhaustible Joy Found in an Inexhaustible God

Psalms: An Exile's Prayer Book  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  37:06
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Good morning! My name is John and I serve Mission Church as one of the pastors. I'm thankful to be with you this morning and I’m excited as we continue our summer series through the Psalms! A series that we have entitled, “An Exile’s Prayer Book.”
Did you know that while the people of God were living in exile…the Psalms served them as a prayer book? And today, as we follow Jesus and as we await and prepare for His return... we too are living in exile. But....the good news is ....these Psalms still serve us in the same way, as a prayer book.
And in this prayer book...God has given us the words to pray…no matter what you may be experiencing…no matter what your circumstances are.... His grace…He has provided us with words that we can lament…words that we can confess....and words that we can worship God with!
Now....This summer we've added an element to our series. We have several amazing artists in our congregation who will be creating art pieces to accompany some of the Psalms that we will be studying. The first art piece is by Ms. Dawn Bundick and her piece is being displayed in the foyer. Take some time this morning to appreciate Dawn’s gift to us and appreciate the beauty of God.
Now...... if you would…please grab your copy of God’s Word and turn with me to Psalm 36. When you get there and if you are able to....I would like to invite you to stand for the reading of God’s Word.
Psalm 36 (CSB)
For the choir director. Of David, the Lord’s servant.
An oracle within my heart
concerning the transgression of the wicked person:
Dread of God has no effect on him.
For with his flattering opinion of himself,
he does not discover and hate his iniquity.
The words from his mouth are malicious and deceptive;
he has stopped acting wisely and doing good.
Even on his bed he makes malicious plans.
He sets himself on a path that is not good,
and he does not reject evil.
Lord, your faithful love reaches to heaven,
your faithfulness to the clouds.
Your righteousness is like the highest mountains,
your judgments like the deepest sea.
Lord, you preserve people and animals.
How priceless your faithful love is, God!
People take refuge in the shadow of your wings.
They are filled from the abundance of your house.
You let them drink from your refreshing stream.
For the wellspring of life is with you.
By means of your light we see light.
Spread your faithful love over those who know you,
and your righteousness over the upright in heart.
Do not let the foot of the arrogant come near me
or the hand of the wicked drive me away.
There! The evildoers have fallen.
They have been thrown down and cannot rise.
This is the Word of the Lord. Let’s Pray.
Its been said that joy is the defining characteristic of a follower of Jesus. Because nothing else…shows whether or not we truly believe the gospel. You see....Joy is proof of an authentic life that is lived in consistency with the gospel…joy is proof that one trusts in the promises of God. In other words... Joy is gospel authenticity.
Now…it’s important to note that ...Joy is not an emotional high. Joy is not a result of an absence of difficulty. Rather…to know Jesus Christ means to taste and to want to taste more of the goodness of peace with God the Father who loves us and cares for us and sings over us....of the Son who walks with us and relates to us…and of the Spirit who empowers us and sanctifies us.
But…I dont have to tell you that crushingly hard days come.....and the good news of the gospel can be overshadowed by pain and difficulty. The truth is....being a human is hard.....because life in a broken world is hard. And If you’re like me then maybe you too find yourself feeling overwhelmed by the suffering, pain, and grief that exists both in you and around you.
The truth is…it can be exhausting living in a world that rejects God and opposes His ways. It can be overwhelming living amongst people who hate God and love the darkness…who hate God’s ways and who oppose God’s people. And this reality leads us to wonder.......As we live in a dark world that rejects God, how can we experience joy and the fullness of life?
Brothers and Sisters....the Triune God is with us…and He is our joy…in fact....true satisfaction and joy can only be found in God....and this morning …in Psalm 36 ....we are going to see .....that because of God’s faithful love…you and I can find joy…we can experience an abundant life, and find refuge and safety in Him.
Here in Psalm 36 David cries out for God as he longs to experience joy and the fullness of life with God and he does so by providing us with a contasting picture of the horrible corruption of the human heart with the perfect character of God ....and as he does so…he reveals to us our need for Christ and why it’s imperative that we seek to experience the fullness of life with God—namely because there is Inexhaustible Joy found in an Inexhaustible God.
So...let’s pursue our understanding of Psalm 36 by looking at it in three movements.
The Way of the Wicked (v. 1-4)
The Confession of the Truth (v.5-9)
The Prayer of the Righteous (v. 10-12)
The Way of the Wicked (v. 1-4)
David begins by painting a picture of everyone who has rejected and ignored God…and he doesn’t speak of the wicked as those who simply do wicked things but as those who have wicked hearts. In other words…those who do not belong to God …their hearts are rotten to the core…they are full of evil, and they have no care or fear of God.
Psalm 36:1 (CSB)
An oracle within my heart
concerning the transgression of the wicked person:
Dread of God has no effect on him.
Now....this phrase, “Oracle within my heart” is awkward....and confusing …but I found that the New Living Translation to be helpful…it says,
Psalm 36:1 Sin whispers to the wicked, deep within their hearts. They have no fear of God at all. (NLT)
Deep within the hearts of the wicked…sin is whispering and this truth is a helpful reminder of why we must have a proper understanding of salvation. You see…the gospel is not a call to be a better is not a call to live a moral or upright life and to make better decisions......No!…The Gospel is a call to move from death to other words…Salavation begins with regeneration....which is an internal work of God in which he replaces your corrupted .... dead heart of stone with a heart of flesh. God makes us alive through the new birth....which is a radical transformation that takes place from the inside out. And this radical tranformation is the only solution for the wicked because their problem is internal…not external.
Consider 2 Corinthians 5:17 which says,
2 Corinthians 5:17 (CSB)
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away, and see, the new has come!
Consider also Ephesians 2:4-5
Ephesians 2:4–5 (CSB)
But God, who is rich in mercy, because of his great love that he had for us, made us alive with Christ even though we were dead in trespasses. You are saved by grace!
Brothers and sisters.....our only hope is found in the merciful unconditional love of God for his enemies....for apart from God’s saving and transforming grace we would remain enslaved to our wicked passions and and blinded by our wicked desires. Look back at v1
Psalm 36:1b (CSB)
Dread of God has no effect on him.
The wicked have no fear of God. In other words…there is nothing that holds the wicked back....nothing deters them from giving themselves over to whatever evil their hearts cook up.....nothing restrains them from pursuing whatever sin their evil hearts desire. ....for they have no dread of standing before a Holy God…they have no fear of facing God’s judgement.
David’s words assume that when sin is found…it will be hated…but for sin to be hated we have to get past the allure of sin’s superficial veneer to see its evil…and the best way to do that is to experience God and fear him. Psalm 130:4 is says,
Psalm 130:4 (CSB)
But with you there is forgiveness,
so that you may be revered.
In other words......those who fear God have their hearts searched by His holiness…which then exposes their sin…and because they fear God…they know they cannot escape His justice…so they hate the sin that robs them of what matters most…so they confess it, and experience God’s forgiveness.
But....because the wicked have no fear of God…rather than experience freedom from their sin.....they are enslaved to sin.
Now…there appears to be a companion-piece to this “no dread of God” element....look at v2.
Psalm 36:2 (CSB)
For with his flattering opinion of himself,
he does not discover and hate his iniquity.
The wicked imagine that they have immunity.....they don’t believe they will ever be caught or face the consequences for their their own estimation …in their own thinking…there is no authority other than themseves....they belive they are free from punishment and therefore they are free to inflict all sorts of harm.
Look at v.3-4
Psalm 36:3–4 (CSB)
The words from his mouth are malicious and deceptive;
he has stopped acting wisely and doing good.
Even on his bed he makes malicious plans.
He sets himself on a path that is not good,
and he does not reject evil.
Friends…when we sin.....we do not act in accordance with the truth and unless we confess and repent of our sin…our words are not in alignment with the truth. In other words…the wicked person lies to himself and has done so for so long that his heart has become calloused....their ...already ....hardened hearts grow harder …as they give themselves over to their own lies.....and sell themselves to evil. …and even at night…when everyone else is resting....the wicked are scheming and conspiring to carry out their next wicked deed.
So.....The wicked man does not know God…he says untrue things that do not give wisdom....he contemplates evil schemes.....he takes his stand in wicked ways…and lastly…look bacck at v4
Psalm 36:4 (CSB)
.... he does not reject evil.
And why would he? Evil is only rejected by those who look…not at what evil offers....but at what it costs and what it takes from you. Friends…dont miss this…those who do not reject evil will be rejected by God.
The life of the unbeliever is a sad life... It’s sad because it ignores all that is good and right in this life. ....It’s sad because it rejects wisdom and chooses to walk a path that will ultimately end in destruction. It’s sad because they are being hardened by sin and as a result they are storing up increasing punishment. Ultimately, it’s sad because they are missing all of the goodness that God offers.
Ultimately…these first 4 verses reveal the horrible corruption of the human heart. Even though God created us and and despite the truth that we are living in His world..... man does not truly honor the Lord…you see.... Instead of glorifying God…we flatters ourselves. Man’s heart is a constant fountain of lies and evil. And this diagnosis reveals our desperate need for Jesus Christ.
Now…maybe you’re thinking, “But John... I know a lot of lost people who aren’t like this. They are great people. Yes..they don’t know Jesus, but their lives are not sad.” But friend..... It might appear that way, but that's not the reality. You see..... Without Christ, every person is spiritually dead, disobedient, and doomed (Eph 2:1–3). They are living lives void of all that is good.
Now I understand that if unbelievers heard us talk like this.....they might immediately feel as if this confirms what they have always thought about us—that we are arrogant and think that we have it all together. But .....that couldnt be further from the truth....for we acknowledge that we are terrible sinners who deserve nothing more than an eternal hell.....and the only reason there is any good in us at all is because God, by a gracious miracle, has done a work in our hearts to show us our sinfulness and our need for a Savior, and he has made us born again. The truth is…we are not great but we do worship a great God!!!! Which leads us to the second movement found in Psalm 36.
II. The Confession of Truth (v.5-9)
In direct contrast to the way of the wicked David provides us with the satisfying reality of God. You see…in contrast to the sad reality of ignoring God there is a satisfying reality of God himself and this second movement shows us a beautiful picture of the magnitude and vastness of God. Look at v.5
Psalm 36:5 (CSB)
Lord, your faithful love reaches to heaven,
your faithfulness to the clouds.
These are words of a man who knows God and who worships God....and with these words he is inviting you and I to marvel at the beauty and majesty of God. There is no place higher than the heavens…there is nothing that extends to a greater distance..........except for God’s faithful love!
Now....make note or underline these two word in your Bible.... “faithful love”…these two words are translated from one of the most important words in Scripture..... “Hesed” which speasks to God’s covenantal love that He has for His people. It’s a love that is based upon who God is…not on who we’s a love that will not give up…will not walk out…or move on. It’s a love that is faithfull, patient, steadfast, and immovable. It’s a love that is full of fact…there is no end to the mercy of God’s faithful love.
David furthers this thought in v.6....take a look....
Psalm 36:6 (CSB)
Your righteousness is like the highest mountains,
your judgments like the deepest sea.
Lord, you preserve people and animals.
In other words…God is committed to save you! His love and his truth reaches to the skies above and underneath are the mountains of God’s righteousness.
Have you ever stood in awe at the foot of an amazing mountain? I’ve never been but I hope to one day stand at the foot of El Capitan in Yosemite National Park. I imagine that as you look up at the solid, sheer, awesome wall of rock that you would feel so small. In the same way but much more grand is the character of the shadow of his righteousness we stand in awe of God.
I love the ocean and I love to look up the crazy deep sea creatures that sometimes make an has been said that scientists know more about space than they do the ocean.....for the ocean is so vast and so deep …and David says God’s judgements are deeper! In other words …God’s thoughts and His ways are impossible for us to fully understand let alone exhaust.
The skies, the mountains, and the seas are perhaps the most mesmerizing of God’s beautiful creation…the sky enchants in its beauty....if you’ve ever experienced a desert sunset…and seen the overwhelmingly striking colors of reds, oranges, and purples…then you have stood enveloped in the beauty of God’s creation.....and in the same way the skies of God’s steadfast love envelop every mountain of righteousness.
I love going to the always helps give me perspective as i stand on the shore and get lost in the sound and the power of the breaking waves.....and David says…in the same way that the waves rise and fall upon the ocean’s shore… the wonders of God’s judgement rolls in....rhythmic, powerful, unstoppable, and constant.
How amazing is our God?!?! He is perfect, just, and fair…He is fuill of goodness and perfection…there is no way to meausure the depths of his goodness and perfection…The clouds, mountains, and the great depths of the ocean reveal that God is full of inexhaustible love, mercy, grace, and goodness.
And David says....what’s more amazing than that is that God is personal…in fact.....these attributes of God or not simply platitudes but they are personal ways in which God relates to those who depend on him.
In light of God’s faithfulness we see that our human standards…where everything is relative....are like a swamp next to His exhilirating mountains of righteousness....and our human assesments are like a shallow puddle in comparison to the depths of God’s judgements. You see…the solid weight of God’s glory exposes the emptiness of sin and helps us to see the rare treasure of knowing and being known by God.
No wonder David cries out as he does in v.7
Psalm 36:7 (CSB)
How priceless your faithful love is, God!
People take refuge in the shadow of your wings.
Friend....when you seee God for who He truly will see that His love is not only vast and all encompassing…but it is as precious as a rare stone.....and you will run to him for refuge…you will run to Him and find safety, security, and a home.
Brothers and Sisters.....sin will never leave you satisfied.....Sin will never give you lasting joy…rather it will leave you broken, unsatisfied, and in shambles. This morning you are being invited to take a seat at God’s table…and eat....for the meal he’s offering will not only leave you satisfied but you will never hunger again......and the good news is…you dont have to pull yourself together before you come....this morning if you find yourself broken, guilty, and full of shame…you have a God who loves you and longs for you to turn from your sin…and to find your rest and your fill in Him.....look at v8.
Psalm 36:8–9 (CSB)
They are filled from the abundance of your house.
You let them drink from your refreshing stream.
For the wellspring of life is with you.
By means of your light we see light.
Friends...God is inviting you today to not only marvel at the abundance of His goodness but also to feast on it. God is “all-satisfying”…..and this morning you are being invited to come and see just how good God is and how good it is to know Him.....and if you dont know Him......if you have yet to experience the goodness, faithfullness, and love of God....turn from your sin, trust in Jesus to save you ,and submit to Him as your Lord and find the inexaustible joy and satisfaction that can only be found in an inexaustible God.
III. The Prayer of the Righteous (v. 10-12) the final movement of our text, the prayer of the righteous.... we find David praying for the Lord to continue his loyal love....and David’s prayer is a prayer of longing…it’s a cry of deep desire. In light of the sad reality of the wicked compared to the satisfying reality of God, this prayer expresses the longing to find full satisfaction in God. look at v. 10
Psalm 36:10 (CSB)
Spread your faithful love over those who know you,
and your righteousness over the upright in heart.
In verse 5 David stated the reality of God’s love and faithfulness and here in verse 10 He is crying out to God....he is expressing a longing to personally experience God’s love and faithfulness. You see it’s one thing to know about it and a whole other thing to experience it....and friends....if you are going to experience God’s love and faithfulness....there needs to be a longing in the depths of your soul to feast and drink for yourself from the abundance of God’s goodness!
But....if we’re honest… I think most of us would say, “ I dont know what it looks like to experience the reality of God’s goodness and love.” Maybe you believe he is loving…and you believe He is good....but .... the truth’s really hard to trust in these truths because His love and goodness hasn’t reached from your head to your heart....hos love and goodness remains a concept rather than an experience. Why? Well David gives us a diagnosis in v.11
Psalm 36:11 (CSB)
Do not let the foot of the arrogant come near me
or the hand of the wicked drive me away.
There are two reasons why you may not be experiencing the satisfying reality of God.
Pride - Brothers and sisters.....When we choose to live independently of God and center our lives on ourselves....we will miss all that God has to offer. You can’t serve two will either worship God or yourself . And this is hard because.....we are a prideful people....but David gives us the word’s to pray
“God…do not let the foot of the arrogant come near me” …in other words.... “Lord, keep me in step with your will and with your ways”
The root of pride is saying that we can do without God.
James Montgomery Boice
But friends....if we spend time daily in God’s Word we will remain centered on him....and as we daily recenter ourselves on God we will be able to fight the constant pull of self-centeredness …especially as we are intentional to meditate on the truths of the gospel.
2. Wickedness and evil is the second reason why you may not be experiencing the satisfying reality of God. look back at v.11-12
Psalm 36:11–12 (CSB)
Do not let the foot of the arrogant come near me
or the hand of the wicked drive me away.
There! The evildoers have fallen.
They have been thrown down and cannot rise.
Is the hand of the wicked driving you away? Are you being influenced and distracted by the ways of the word…the flesh…or the devil? Brothers and sisters....we cannot feast on the world and feast on Christ at the same time. When you say yes to sin you are saying no to God. You can’t run to God for joy, satisfaction, and refuge when you are seeking to find joy, satisfaction, and refuge in sin.
If you truly believe that joy, satisfaction, and refuge can only be found in God then you will pursue a life of holiness. Otherwise you are simply living as a Christian atheist who claims to know God with your words but your heart is far from Him…and the result is a life that is lived in opposition to God.
This morning…I am calling you to turn from your sin.....and by faith....choose to believe that walking with Jesus is always the most satisfying way to live.
I love what Eugene Peterson says in His book “A Long Obedience in the Same Direction”…He says,
There is a general assumption prevalent in the world that it is extremely difficult to be a Christian. But this is as far from the truth as the east is from the west. The easiest thing in the world is to be a Christian. What is hard is to be a sinner. Being a Christian is what we were created for.… In the course of Christian discipleship we discover that without Christ we were doing it the hard way and that with Christ we are doing it the easy way. It is not Christians who have it hard, but non-Christians. (Long Obedience 1980, 115)
Friends…there is nothing more satisfying than walking with the Lord…and I promise you that when you get a taste of the satisfaction and joy that God will want more and more.
Lets Pray
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