A Declaration of Dependence
"A Declaration of Dependence 7/4/10
on God's Direction and Correction Ps. 23.4 b"
3 weeks before Continental Congress. Dependence
on God' s Dependence and Correction. Lord is my
shepherd. Lord. David is a sheep, utterly
dependent, defenseless, dumb, easily deceived,
disagreeable. HUMBLY, MEEKLY ACCEPT.
Entering the Dark Valley-Rod (club),
staff round up the Sheep. David has nothing
to fear. same faith, and Lord of David.
Renounce reliance on anything other than our Lord,
Wadi Kelt. valley 4 1/2 miles long, floor, gullies
salt rock, sheep can't turn around. 8 foot
gully, make crossing rounded crook, grab by the
hoofs. Predators in the valley. FEAR No EVIL.
Their master is there to comfort them.
1) Dependent on God' s Rod
2) Dependent on God' s staff
3) Dependent on God' s comfort
1) what is the rod? 3 major things Protector,
correction, inspection. Enemies outside, inside,
on the sheep to harm. Rod-a cut
Rod: correction, shorter implement. a shorter stick
or club. Micah 5 Good depiction. Paul with
Rod, Micah 7:14. Rod of Inheritance. First Samuel 17
lion and a bear. Psalm 23 a far greater shepherd,
for greater nod. Rod, thrown with accuracy.
Sling shot.
2) correction, discipline Job 27:13. physical
discipline 2 Samuel 7:14. a father to him, correct
with the rod. Lear lesson Hah 3:13 Not very
fun. Parental discipline, loving, spanking.
Proverbs 13: 24, 22:15, 23:13. Loving parental
discipline 29: Is reproof. Rod & reproof. brings
shame. what the child wants-Train them up in
the way that they should go.
3) Inspection Ezekiel 20, subject to careful and
all well. counts them, 99 bring back lost.
Time to time, open the fleece. all is well.
comfort A the sheep. Bring healing. Examine ourselves.
submit ourselves to welcome the process. No pulling the
wool over our eyes. Welcome this process Does
it in concern for our souls. BE COMFORTED
Ezekiel 24: 67. Into sheepfold and dependence.
covenant keeping. INTENDED FOR US. Need for
the shepherd. staff-support, lean upon. staff
Moses-Staff-implement A Pharaoh, snake,
Plagues, Red sea, staff of Moses. staff,
Lord and His power Reassure. Tap upon the rocks.
Support.-Lean FULLY upon-Hebrew word. safety,
crook. Rescue sheep. Psalm 23: 2. Feel presence. The
right paths. Psalm 18:18. Lord was my support.
Drew me out of deep waters. Lord was my support
ones comfort
4) Comfort. In God alone HE IS THE ANSWER.
They comfort me, Even when we go through difficult
situation. The one who holds the rod & staff
Genesis 49. Rod. shall not depart Numbers 17.
Greater shepherd. Revelation 2 Rod of Iron. Sovereign
good. Follow Him, John 10, He goes
ahead of them. Psalm 23, beaten by rods, fumbled
The lamb of God, for undeserving Sheep. Experienced
greatest darkness,-so WE CAN EXPERIENCE LIFE.
Nail prints, He went through this valley alone,
and forsaken, so we wouldn't have to. The only