What Motivates the Lord to Save, Sustain and Shepherd Me
What Motivates the Lord to save, sustain the
Shepherd Me Ps. 23.3. He-it is a high view of
God. causative verbs.-Lead-Leads effectually,
sheep don't on their own, stupid sheep. Humbly yield
or all the credit. Irrestible love. ALL THE WAY.
2 Questions. 1 what does the shepherd dafoe His
Sheep? Why does He do it?
Paths-tracks. Well worn tracks. clearly defined
as safe spiritually.-NOT A Fast OR SMOOTH RIDE.
shepherd is restoring soul. Not the broad road,
not our own way, going astray. America-
Do it your own Isa. 53., Rom 3. The shepherd
Shepherd must seek m. Ps 119. I have gone astray.
SEEK YOUR SERVANT. That is what we should
Pray 1 Pet 23.5. Returned to the Shepherd.
Restore (Return-Brings, carries back. Our
part is to go astray. shepherd-carry him
to get to his destination. Cast down-over on its
had. Douglas Mcmilliam. 2 things pursuit of
comfort. stich in sight. Greater. Sheep have
3 different stomachs. chiselers who pursue comfort
Christ well do the same for His sheep. Long
fleece. Extra weight. shear the sheep. painful
Doing it for our good. extra fluff. ourselves to
destroy ourselves. Bring back to himself. sometimes
very make us lie down. LOOK TO HIS PURPOSE.
All that we really need. we have a different perspectives
Christ's comfort. Protective, Preventive, Pursuing
Grace-Goodness & mercy. Phillip Keller. Counting,
all up on this feet. Predators, cougars, wolves.
whole problem very serious. constantly keeping
track. Buzzards. Count flock. Turned over. Looby
for a single sheep. Lying upside down. a mingled
sense of fear. Tenderly roll over on side. Left
her up. Hold her upright. Sheep, repeat the
process. When are you going to learn. Tenderness
and rebuke. The Lord restores my soul. cast down-
Ps. 42. Why are you cast down. -> HOPE IN GOD.
Lamentations 16. As a comforter. Strength, life.
Pro. 25.13, Ps. 19.7, all convey I Kings 17. As
prays over dead son. Revived.
Restoring lost lamb to the mother. Prodigal son
lost & found Sinner, commend himself. 3 gospel.
pictures. Spiritually dead Pharisees Luke 15.4
This picture of the Lord Images. Wasn't the cross.
shepherd holding sheep. First 500 yrs that 500AD
a picture of our Lord as Shepherd-Father running to son.
Lost, now found. Ezek Lost sheep. Why does the
do this'? Unthankful. angry. Why so patient?
2) What motivates more fundamental? lf I keep
wandering off. WE are prone to wonder. He comes to
me Ezek. 34:11. why does the shepherd do all these
For His names sake. NOT ABOUT US. Motive is not me
FOR HIS NAME SAKE Ezek. 36:18. Poured out
wrath on them, according to their. But v. 21. But
I had concern for my Holy Name. Great name.
I am the hord. Ezek. 36:-Give you a
new heart. saying this to sinful Israel. I" I"
I" I".... This is what the Lord is doing. Not
For your sake. Ezek. 20: 9, 13, 17, 21.22-Has
our name. v. 44. Ps. 106: 6-8. about His glory. Pray
is present. To give thanks save m, dehrer us.
VERY GOOD NEWS. We couldn't get ourselves saved.
Something higher than us drives God. His name is
worthy. He cannot deny HIS NAME. His greatness
character Ps. 143. 11, Ps. 109.21. a whole theology.
Please be gracious to me Ps. 25: 11, Ps. 31.3.
FOR HIS NAMES SAKE. Journal of a 15 yr old 1850
keep me low. Ebss & flows. More 4/6/1850.
continuing to come back
to God. Frozen to death. (like lambs) during
entries. Has ups & downs. ups & downs, stay in
the word. Ps. 19. 5/15/1850. Restore your
wandering sheep. Free Grace. same truth again.
Free Grace, Sovereign Love. 6/4/1850. Forgive me.
Give strength. Mr. C. hurt me, I hereby forgive him.
Interpersonal problems vanish. CH Spurgeon.
and blessed Him. As a needy sheep.