A New Beginning 123007
A New Beginning
Romans 6:1-4
I hope everyone had a wonderful and Christ centered Christmas. It seems like the year flies by so quickly. Just yesterday, or so it seems, it was the end of summer; now we are coming up on the New Year. This is the time of year when many of us set New Year resolutions. There is something in our lives that we have been doing, or not doing, that we need to change; and so, the New Year always seems like a new beginning for us each year. This year’s top ten resolutions are:
1. Spend more time with family and friends
2. Fit in fitness (exercise)
3. Tame the bulge (diet)
4. Quit smoking
5. Enjoy life more
6. Quit drinking
7. Get out of debt
8. Learn something new
9. Help others
10. Get organized[1]
[1] Powell, Kimberly & Albrecht. About.com:Pittsburgh. 2007. http://pittsburgh.about.com/od/holidays/tp/resolutions.htm (accessed December 27, 2007).