Cultural Lies: Taking Back the Rainbow
Cultural Lies: Taking Back the Rainbow • Sermon • Submitted • Presented
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Signs of the Times
Signs of the Times
There are signs of the times. As we look around, we can see signs of a sunny day or a rainy day. We can see signs in the sky to indicate what the seasons and times are. We can view buzzards in the sky and conclude that death is nearby. Very early on after God created everything, there were some signs that we see.
Gen. 6:5 “The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” Gen. 8:21 “For the intention of man’s heart is evil from his youth.”
This is where the world was when God said. “enough.” Then He caused a world-wide flood to destroy all, because of the evil and wickedness that filled the earth.
God saved a family and started over. God remembered the family, made a covenant with the family and establish a covenant sign in the sky for the family and for their descendents after them, and with every living creature on the earth… Verse 13: “I set My rainbow in the cloud and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth… I will remember My covenant, it will be an everlasting covenant; I will never again destroy the earth with a flood.”
“Well brother, that is water droplets refracting sunlight.” Science can tell us how God does some things, but it can’t tell me why. This is why God put the Rainbow in the sky.
Listen closely: The Rainbow is about God’s Promises and it has nothing to do with your Pride. The Rainbow belongs to God. The Rainbow belongs to God’s people. The Rainbow is a sign to remind us all of God remembering His people - God remembers His people and His promises.
Check this out: Did you know that God’s Rainbow, God’s creation, has 7 colors? The LGTBQIA2S+ (alphabet people) has 6 colors in their rainbow. 7 is the number of perfection and completion, and 6 in the number of imperfection, of fallen short, of Satan Himself. The LGTBQ+ people leave out the color of Indigo, the color of royalty, spiritual knowledge, connecting heaven and earth...
Is this a coincidence? I think not. I think some people are not connected to God and some people do not want to be connected to God. This group is not using God’s Rainbow, they have created their own, they have gone their own way, and they have disconnected themselves from God… and this is their own sign against them. And this is their message: “We are going to do our own thing and go our own way.”
Now, this is not limited to one certain group of people. This could be you or someone you know. You are either going God’s way or your way… and you could be wearing crosses, fish, and rainbows declaring the whole time that your are for God and God is for you. But what does Scripture say? What does God say?
“The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons” (1 Timothy 4:1). The last days are described as “perilous times” because of the increasingly evil character of man and people who actively “oppose the truth” (2 Timothy 3:1–9; see also 2 Thessalonians 2:3).
Romans 1:25 - People exchange the truth for a lie… and they give themselves over to vile passions, where women and men leave the natural use of the opposite sex and burn in their lust for one another.
verse 28- When God hands them over to an abased mind, people are filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness and so on… who knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice and or approves of these these are worthy of death.
1 Cor. 6:9-11 - Those who practice these lifestyles of sin will not inherit the kingdom of God. Some of you were… were… living this way, but you have been washed, sanctified, justified in the name of Christ, by the Spirit.
God created man and woman… and it was good. God created the family… and it was good. Gender, the family, your identity, sex, and babies are all God’s idea, it all comes from God, is defined and explained by God… and contrary to some opinions… was also reinforced by Jesus in Matthew 19 where He repeats what He wrote in Genesis… “In the beginning, male and female, a man leaves his family and joins his wife and the two (those two) shall become one flesh.”
Culture lies to us. People lie to us. But God tells us the truth. Satan uses ideas and thoughts to turn a people into an ungodly family, to ungodly communities, to ungodly areas and cultures. God comes to set you free by the truth for His own mouth.
The sign and symbol of the Rainbow leads us to humility, not pride. The sign of the Rainbow draws me to a God who is Holy, Holy, Holy and to the reality that mankind is not… and that God will go to extreme’s in order to deal with sin.
The Rainbow should remind us that God remembers His people, that He remembers His promises, that He will bring salvation even to one family… if they alone will worship Him.
It’s time to Reclaim our Rainbow.
This is God’s Rainbow. Be humbled this day for this Holy God. This is God’s sign to you and to me that He is a covenant keeper and His promises are yes and amen. This is God’s Rainbow… and He has shown you what is right. He has shown you what is true. He has shown you the design and plan He has for you, your bodies, your family, and relationships… and to live under or over the Rainbow, claiming that you worship the Living God while living in a lifestyle of sin… the Rainbow serves as a reminder to you… That God is holy, and He will not tolerate your evil forever… He will bring judgement to you.
He promises to never destroy the earth again with a flood. But He promises to bring absolute justice to the land and to the sinner. And it will be a judgement that will lead you to hell’s torment.
The signs of the times in Genesis was evil everywhere, vile passions; people were living in lifestyles of sin everywhere… and in the fullness of time… God brought judgment and destruction.
Look at the signs of the times. Look around and look within. There is a holy God looking at your heart, your mind and your actions today… and in the fullness of time you will have to answer for this. What will your answer be on that day? “Everyone else is doing it?” All will give an account and all will be judged. In the fullness of time, it will come.
But sinner… Look up and see the Rainbow, and remember that God is a covenant keeping God, a God who will remember His covenant with you. So, that whosoever believes in the Son of God, Christ Jesus, will have everlasting life. Jesus will be his or her ARK and will save them from the judgement and destruction to come.
Look to the symbol of the Cross and remember that through the Cross there is an everlasting covenant between God and His people that God will never forget. There are everlasting promises that God will forever keep. There is an everlasting joy that God will always remember us and that He will save us from the judgement that is to come.
Claim the Cross. Reclaim the Rainbow. And live in Covenant with this Great God. This is God’s Rainbow. This is about our Great God.
And we are humbled by this… Not Prideful.
God goes to extremes to deal with sin. We see judgments and destruction of all kinds… and we also see the most extreme action of them all: God becoming a man and dying for sinful humanity.
Look at the signs… Humble yourselves and Turn to God today.