The Need For Armor
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ILLUST: Building a House, Skin around a body, City walls
Most important part
Foundation, Internals? - Stability
Exterior? - Protection
What is it you are protecting?
READ - Ephesians 6: 10-17 passage - Armor of God
Armor - protects
What is Paul stressing to be protected?
“Finally” - Final step in the building process; time to protect what’s been built
Starting with chapter 5 - believers are being built
Inside the church
Believers, in the community of church
Inside the family
Husbands, wives, children
Individuals and a collective group
Love, gentleness, truth, nourishing, cherishing, submission, thankful, preparation to meet Christ, relationship
Then....the talk of war
BIG ASSUMPTION HERE: You are growing and building spiritually inside - IF NOT, there is nothing to protect
1) The Nature of the Battle
1) The Nature of the Battle
A battle between two kingdoms
The Nature: Battle is Spiritual
The Nature: Battle is Spiritual
Satan, the “adversary,” vs Yahweh
You belong to one kingdom - CANNOT claim partial citizenship to Yahweh’s
Paul uses physical armor to connect people - visual metaphor
They understood - soldiers, farmers, athletes, for instance
v. 12, the forces at work are in the heavenly places
Earthly bodies - temporary, but with an internal spirit inside
That’s the spirit referenced in being “born again” - spiritual re-birth
Once born again, Satan cannot change that, BUT…he can try to make you ineffective spiritually
The cultural happenings, evil on display, is driven spiritually by these forces
EXAMPLES: The social, cultural, anti-God movements are driven and fueled by spiritual forces
POINT - Have you built the spiritual inside to be able to withstand what is happening? Your kids?
The Nature: Battle is Personal
The Nature: Battle is Personal
You are the prize - if you fall, score one for Satan
Unbelievers not getting saved is another
So if he can get you to fall, there are people who won’t get saved by hearing the Gospel from you
v. 12 - the struggle is NOT against people
Though it may seem like it is
However, Satan his demons, tempt you in unique and specialized ways
Like talking out loud about something and seeing ads on your phone :)
What is tempting to you may not be for me, and vice versa
And when tempted, it is a personal matter to take responsibility for what follows - surrender to Jesus or surrender to sin
The devil doesn’t make you do ANYthing - that’s on you
A major challenge with temptation:
- being ignorant of the battle; so many “Christians” don’t even know there is a battle raging
Luck, fate, nature, meh...
Yeah, I know, the church is under attack - the church, collectively, is individuals, you and me
The Nature: Battle is REAL
The Nature: Battle is REAL
‘If I can convince you that the Flood was not real, then I can convince you that Heaven and Hell are not real”
in whose case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.
Satan is a master of deception, father of lies
More people believe in Heaven than Hell, though both are equally REAL -
And Satan LOVES “religious” people who are not actually born again - he has them living in a false sense of security
SATAN is REAL, a real created being, who tempted Jesus
He tempted GOD! Why do you think he, his demons, won’t bother you?
Evidence: Very clear, if you know the Bible (which also speaks of Satan)
Romans 1 - God explains creation as evidence of God
Satan’s influence permeates the world - the anti-God stuff you see, energy comes from Satan and his demons
You can live in denial of this real battle - your choice
You just won’t be of help to the Kingdom that Jesus commanded us, the church, to build
2) Preparation for the Battle
2) Preparation for the Battle
Can’t go into battle untrained
Chess can be won in a two-move checkmate
Saved - Born again - great start, a necessary start
Many settle here, “good enough”
It’s not!
Suffer hardship with me, as a good soldier of Christ Jesus.
Bible importance to you
Focus on prayer?
Church - worship and service
We’ll always involve teaching here
Gathering like this is crucial
For many, this is not a key part of preparation, there are usually 3-4 things in front of this in priority
And those we are trying to influence know it (kids, friends, family…)
IMPORTANT - The battle is not a fight, but rather a defense
Stay strong, stand firm, hold fast...
Speak out in defense, defend the truth (involves preparation)
The assumption here is that you as a believer are growing stronger, that your family is solidly on board with surrender, that this church is filled with spiritually-minded people intent on strong faith. BIG ASSUMPTION
The Armor of God - the FULL Armor....all of it (more next week)
It’s God’s Armor - available to YOU, to prepare to protect your faith
3) Avoiding Defeat
3) Avoiding Defeat
Must understand the battle
Good game players, fishermen, hunters, have excellent strategies - the plan is to succeed
Strong believers, strong spouse, good parents, have excellent strategies
Without solid spiritual strategy, easy pickens for Satan
What is your strategy to succeed spiritually? Do you understand why this is important?
Must treat Satan, and SIN, as real
Must train, learn, work, grow, accept responsibility (steps on toes with this one)
Lack of biblical instruction
Lack of Bible knowledge
Unable to discern false teaching, even from so-called “Christians”
Must recognize the lure of earthly treasures
SERIOUS Q: What is more important to you than your spiritual relationship with the LORD? Just be honest
How are others making spiritual decisions based on your guidance?
What do others see you making more important?
(REM, three pillars - Bible, Prayer, Church (and not just Sundays)
Must not succumb to temptation >> sin
“Sin costs more, takes you farther, keeps you longer than you ever planned”
Holy Spirit
His Armor - Check out Isaiah 59 - God wears this spiritual armor, and He’ll let you, too!
If you want to
This is YOUR responsibility
Living for Christ takes strength and power
Christ’s victory provides both
CLOSE - So, DO you need the armor?
This is NOT a rhetorical question
What are you making more important than a surrendered life for Jesus?
IF (big IF) you are surrendered to Him, the LORD has you protected, COMPLETELY
The Lord is your keeper; The Lord is your shade on your right hand.
Which Kingdom do you claim as where you dwell?
We know that we are of God, and that the whole world lies in the power of the evil one.
CHOICE - Power of this world, or Power of God
This World
Politics, Education, Economics, Entertainment, Religion
All in the power of evil
Hostile to surrendered believers
Contaminating to surrendered believers
Looks, smells, tastes good - so did the fruit on the tree in Eden
Cleverly deceptive
And the church has all but given in
(? - check time) Believers KNOW they belong to God, and His Kingdom
Believers exist here, but not really a part of here - John 17:14
Children of God - John 1:12-13
Aliens here - 1 Peter 2:11
Citizenship in Heaven - Phil 3:20
Light vs Darkness
Darkness cannot exist where there is light, no place for it in Heaven
No place in heaven for those surrendered to this world
Jesus said you are with him or against Him - His words, not mine
“He who is not with Me is against Me; and he who does not gather with Me, scatters.
That sounds harsh, line drawn in the sand, polarizing, black and white, cut and dried.
Two sides - Satan and Jesus
Your choice
Your decision determines whether or not you need God’s armor