Sermon Tone Analysis
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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
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.8 - .9
> .9
Philippians 2:16-30
Stephen Caswell © 2004
No Need to Be the Best -- /D.L. Moody/
I know perfectly well that, wherever I go and preach, there are many better preachers known and heard than I am; all that I can say about it is that the Lord uses me.
Moody couldn't speak well, and was not overly brilliant.
But Moody was humble and available.
That's why God used him.
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As we have seen over the past month, Philippians chapter 2 concentrates on service.
This is not surprising since the secret to joy is */Jesus/*/ first, *others* second and *yourself* last/.
If we place others second /we must serve them/.
Paul recalled the ultimate example of service in the person of Jesus Christ.
Today he presents three pictures of /joyful service/ to show that it’s really possible.
/The three pictures are /*/Paul, Timothy, and Epaphroditus.
/*Let's have a close look at these three examples.
/Firstly/ Paul
*/Others/* is the key to */joyful service/*.
These three examples all show a Christ-like concern for others.
All three men put their own needs last.
/How do you know when you have the mind of Christ?/
When you talk about Jesus and not yourself.
When you serve others on Jesus' behalf.
When you don't look after your own needs.
Our thinking must be like Paul's, /to live/ */is/* /Christ and to die is gain!/
Paul’s name *Πα**ῦ**λος* means */small/*.
Jesus Christ was very important to Paul.
He saw himself as */small./*
Serves Others/
*Philippians 2:16/ /*/holding fast the word of life, so that I may rejoice in the day of Christ that I have not run in vain or labored in vain./
Paul knew that God would reward both the Philippians and himself for their service.
Paul's desire was that the Philippians would bring him rejoicing at Christ's return.
The words */holding fast/* are in the /present tense/.
It means /to continue to hold/ /forth/ the Gospel in ministry.
If they */completed/* their ministry for Christ, then Paul's service amongst them */would not be in vain/.*
They would rejoice together and be rewarded together.
Paul labored diligently at Philippi when he started the Church there with Silas and Timothy.
His ministry benefited them, not himself.
The word */labor/* kopiaw means */to toil, be wearied, to work hard/*.
Paul worked hard and led them to Christ.
He suffered a good deal in prison to do this.
Suffering didn't stop him because Paul put the needs of /others/ before his own.
He */rejoiced/* whenever he had the opportunity to */serve others /*on behalf of Christ.
/ /
A Chinese Sells Himself
Lough Fook, a Chinese Christian, moved with compassion for the coolies in the South African mines, sold himself for a term of five years as a coolie slave, and was transported to Demerara, to carry the Gospel to his countrymen working there.
He toiled in the mines with them and preached Jesus while he toiled, till he had scores of whom he could speak as Paul of Onesimus, whom I have begotten in my bonds.
Lough Fook died; but not until he had won to the Saviour nearly 200 disciples who joined the Christian church.
*/Like Jesus Christ, Lough Fook humbled himself, took upon Him the form of a slave to labor among them.
Then he made the greatest sacrifice he could.
He gave his life for others./*
Sacrifices For Others/
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*Philippians 2:17* /Yes, and if I am being poured out as a drink offering on the sacrifice and service of your faith, I am glad and rejoice with you all./
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Verse 17 says that he */rejoices/* in /sacrifice/ too.
Paul says that he */rejoiced/* at the opportunity of being poured out as a drink offering /on the sacrifice and service of their faith./
/What did he mean by that?/ N*umbers 15:1-10* gives the details of the /drink offering/.
A drink offering of wine was poured out on the main offering to add a sweet smelling savor.
Because it was absorbed by the fire of the sacrifice it disappeared and could no longer be seen.
It added a sweet savor and then was gone.
The purpose of the drink offering was to enhance the main sacrifice.
Paul could lose his life in Rome if the case went against him.
But he rejoiced at the opportunity /to be sacrificed/ for the sake of the Church.
Paul said that their Christian service was the main sacrifice, his ministry only added savor to theirs.
To think this way Paul had to be humble.
He had the submissive mind.
Only Christians with the submissive mind can rejoice in /service and sacrifice/./
/Paul put others before himself.
*1 John 3:16* /By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us.
And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren/./
*Paul rejoiced in sacrifice for others, do you?*/
*/ /*
Sacrifice In A Russian Prison
A Christian named Uri was imprisoned in Siberia.
He was desperately trying to keep warm during a cold winter's night.
Uri clung to his blanket managing to stay alive.
The temperature was well bellow zero.
During the night another prisoner was brought into the room.
As Uri looked at his beaten form shivering in the cold, the Lord spoke to him.
He won't live through the night without a blanket.
Uri said, I know Lord.
The Lord said give him yours.
But Lord I will die.
The Lord said, I know, give him your blanket.
In the morning the new prisoner was alive and warm.
He looked at the blanket and wondered where it came from.
Then he noticed Uri's lifeless body on the bed across from him.
As a result, this prisoner came to trust Christ.
It has been said that */the blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church./*
Growth requires sacrifice.
Unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies it remains alone.
The question asks us is, /will/ we /make sacrifices for others?/
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Strengthens Others/
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*Philippians 2:18*/ For the same reason you also be glad and rejoice with me./
Up to this point Paul has expressed his own joy several times.
Now he */commands/* them /to rejoice/ with him.
/Why should Christians rejoice in suffering and sacrifice?/
*/Firstly,/* because it’s the greatest thing we can do with our lives.
To lay down our lives for the Lord is an honor, the grandest homecoming we could recieve.
*/Secondly,/* every sacrifice made for Christ will be rewarded.
Paul shared his suffering with them to strengthen them not weaken them.
Paul’s example strengthened other believers.
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