Matthew Part 86
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Matthew 23:1-12.
Verse 1-12
Verse 1-12
Vs 1, Jesus’ last public sermon
Vs 2, Moses’ Seat
Seat of authority to teach God’s Law
Vs 3, Do and Observe what they tell you
Jesus’ irony perhaps or being as they relate to God’s Law
They are hypocrites
this is why its a terrifying thing to be a teacher, James 3:1
Vs 4, the heavy burden of the pharisees
The law was already hard to bear, Acts 15:10.
They made hedges, Mishnah Avot. 1:1 ““Make a fence for the Torah.”
they did this because they were legalists, which they would claim they werent
Sanhedrin 11:3, “A more strict rule applies to the teachings of scribes than to the teachings of Torah.” They said they had more authority.
Legalists, in their desire for self-righteousness, think they are speaking or interpreting for God
Walking x amount of steps, cracked dishes were unclean, etc.
they don’t do these things
Jesus invites for light burden, Matt. 11:28-29.
Vs 4, They want to be seen
Matthew 6:1-2, 6:16