The importance of the book is found Revelation 1:3
Revelation is addressed to seven of the local churches of the Roman province of Asia.
After the death of Paul in A.D. 67, John, led by the Holy Spirit, moved his headquarters to Ephesus, the capital city of Asia, and assumed apostolic supervision of the Paul-planted churches of Proconsular Asia, which supervision continued until John’s death around 30 years later.
John addressed Revelation to seven of these churches under his supervision.
In the Book of Revelation we find:
A warning to the churches about the dangers of sin and disobedience;
it reveals the power of God that will overcome Satan;
it magnifies the majesty of the Lord Jesus and heaven’s worship around His throne;
it reveals the end of human history;
the rise of the Antichrist,
the false peace in the world,
the coming tribulation,
the Second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, His 1000 year reign on earth,
the doom of Satan, the judgment on mankind,
the eternal joys of the new heaven and the new earth,
the eternal agony and separation from God in hell for those who reject the Lord!
Satan hates the Book of Revelation—as he also hates the book of Genesis.
◦ In Genesis his rebellion is declared—in Revelation his ruin is declared.
◦ In Genesis we note the dawn of Satan—in Revelation we will learn about the doom of Satan.
◦ In Genesis we see the entrance of sin—in Revelation we will learn about the end of sin.
◦ In Genesis sin starts—in Revelation sin stops. ◦ In Genesis the tree of life was given up—in Revelation we learn that the tree of life is gained back.
◦ In Genesis we see that death makes its entrance—in Revelation death will make its exit.
John wrote from the barren and rocky island of Patmos, located in the Aegean Sea around seventy-five miles southwest of Ephesus. The Roman emperor Domitian, during a time of imperial persecution of the church, had banished John to this island because of his faithfulness to God’s word revealed through the testimony of Jesus Christ (John had refused to worship the emperor, who claimed deity), 1:9.