We just love you. We bless your holy name. Hallelujah. You so good. Hallelujah, you are so good. You are so good. And father.
Our goodness pales in comparison to anything that we think we can do. That is good father. It has not ever been able to breach your goodness. father, I thank you that in spite of us, in spite of us for you have allowed many things to happen. Father could fix rating for God and so father we just we just declare your goodness in this place today by the we raise our hands that we just speak for God that you are good in spite of what we are dealing with. What it looks like. What we think should happen when we stopped to have her father we thank you that you are good. Hallelujah and father. We thank you that you are. Call Rick Z forever. I got accepted it for your mercy. Hallelujah. Many of us would not be here today. Got accepted me for your mercy. Many of us one. Able to lift our hands on. He's waiting on his father. We are the mighty Miracles this morning for a guy. A rice cooker.
You are good.
We do your good, Hallelujah. Father. We thank you that even now you're continuing going guy. In ways that we can see you, but we know you're there. Hallelujah. Even tell you what we know about father as we go into the score of the Spartan helmets.
Best weapon in a way that we may never have before.
car body work done and to begin to deal with those dates but got that are not Change them. The word. I thank you. My God. Body and her mind. And I swear that's in training to Kingdom today and we thank you for it, I'll let New Year. Hallelujah, lift your hands. Hallelujah, hallelujah. Hallelujah, hallelujah.
Hallelujah. Hallelujah, we're going to worship Him. Amen. Hallelujah, grab your Bibles in men. We're going to go right into the word. Hallelujah.
The title bar message today is exponential. Hallelujah. The destiny of excellence in amen. Hallelujah. Matthew 5:16, amen. Hallelujah. We got to read it. Never going to read it. Also in a few minutes when we when we get To that part of the sermon where I'm going to share with you some things. And we'll read it again, then, we're going to read it now if you have your Bibles,
In the scripture says in the same way, let your light shine before others. So that they may see your good works and give glory to your father. That who is in heaven that want to submit you this Monday. That's a formula. Is a Formula. How many guys took algebra in College Area? High School? Okay, you remember the formula is in the postulates and all those wonderful things but this is the formula when you let your life shine. Before others.
In such a way.
That they see your good works. And what that's going to equal is that they're going to give glory to God. Who is having it hasn't hit man. Hallelujah, Glory, Hallelujah. I want you to be able to really gain some
Extra from the, I mean, I want you to be able to get some extra from this today, because we've been talking a lot about excellence. And, and how Excellence is
It's the substance is the essence of God. It's it is bodies him and everything. Going through this entire series. We jumped over into the second part of it. Where we talked about it being exponential in US. That as we are allowing him to do things through us, an innocent for us in exponentially touches others. Amen. Hallelujah. And so I want to bring The culmination of that today.
We're bringing a full circle, all of this, talk about excellence and all this, talk about it being exponential and doing the things that God intended for us to do for us today, to give you the ability to see it all. From this one thing. that we are the reflection of Excellence only because our origin is from God.
How many guys have ever really paid attention to how a mirror is constructed? Amir Amir. Yeah. Generally most people realize that a blast, right? But there are other types of glass that reflects exactly the same way that the mirror desk. So, the mirror it has behind it, a type of paint. And that paint allow it to only have a certain amount of light comes into it. That doesn't go through. Stop the light from going all the way through. And instead it's causes the light to do what to come back to reflect that.
interesting that when we talk about ourselves,
We sometimes don't realize that we don't speak the same language. God speaks.
When God speaks about us, he says things one. Way, when we speak about us, we say things a different way we talk about. What is I think what we think is in a lot of times those things are based on what was amen. with God speaks of us he talks about we will become even though he's saying it in the present tense,
When God began to create, man. they're just cuz we got to wait for the 27th, but I want to bring attention to 126 Because God spoke something. He said, let us make man in our image.
and he spoke of that in such a way that He talked about something very much like the mirror. In other words, let me reflect me. Based on who I am. Let me not let man see himself as he is, but let him see himself as a Hallelujah. What is a very powerful thing? But before he even creates, man, he sets up the situation that the mirror is rigged. that instead of man looking at himself, and it reflecting back him, he looks at himself and it reflects God,
this is so powerful and God Minister this to me, it was like Because I'm so busy trying to look at who I am and what I did, and what is wrong and and how it became that way and God is saying I made you in my image. So why are you looking at you? Are they using you created a man? Why can't you see the meat? Can you eat the scripture reading with me here? So God created man in his own image. So, the mirror was already read, guys. It wasn't the paint behind the glass that allows you to only see you instead, it was a transparent piece that allows you to Only See, Right.
Read it one more time with me. So God created, man in his own image. In the image of God, he created him male and female he created them.
In the mirror of God. We should be mirroring His Image reflecting him because our origin. Are you starting was there? And nothing has changed vet. I don't mean nothing.
even though we were born in sin,
I said, did not change the image that God created us in.
Oh, hear me. When I say that, I sent did not change the image that God created us in. Tell me, you got to try to figure out what you do, what's going on there. Other people are able to watch this room. Amen. Hallelujah.
What we shared the concept of the fact that Excellence was a seed, and then it grows in it, and I gave it Anna stration last week of How It's like the skin suits or this suit that you got to put on and you stretch out in, it may be a little bit big for you right now. Amen, for that, you're going to grow into your excellent. Because the more and more, you come to know who got the more and more, you can get to operator that the more and more you get your growing him. What happened? You fit into that suit? You fit into that excellence in such a way that is undeniable.
You can't take off the image of God. You can't destroy the image, got his impregnable. The image that God created for you cannot be destroyed. I don't care what you do. and I do mean, I don't care in this case, When you done, what you do, what you're going to do? Can I change what God already did?
Ready. Created you in His image?
That's true enough. You might try to run from your Shadow like a lot of us to do because we're afraid to really operate and everything. God created us to be
John 15:5. Issues said these words he said I am the Vine. You are the branches. Whoever abide in me and I in him he is that beer smudge-proof for apart from me, you can do nothing. Many of us are trying to operate in our own strengths.
We're trying to create this garage. I can do it. Remember I talked about that last week, like the little kids, you know, I can do it. You can do it like this.
He created you in His image but he still has to teach you how to operate in that.
You don't come here with that thought process of how to operate in the image of God.
That's not something that comes with birth. You have to grow up in him. Amen.
Yeshua statement that he's divining and Where the branches?
Show the song, What A Connection.
The branch of cannot operate off the vine. What happens when the branches taken off the vine in time when it's disconnected and how to get nutrients? What is disconnected? It does not get everything is supposed to have. It's all ultimately, it may look like it's alive for a few days. Anybody ever pick some flowers? You put them in the face. You put some water in there, but that is short-lived. Because disconnected from The Source. Those flowers are going to die medicine. I already did that. They're still look like they're not. How many of us are walking around here, disconnected from the Vine.
Dead man looking life we're still alive, but it's only for a short time.
Roasted to Excellence requires us to live in.
It is whoever abide in him and I in him he it is that there's much truth. You can't even bear fruit if you're disconnected.
There's no way.
Not going to happen for a part from me and she was said, you can do nothing.
Hallelujah is required.
We talked about the math of multiplication. Yeah, and how? We are responsible to spread the Excellence of God. We read that initial scripture. Matthew 5:16. And in the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and glorify your father, which is in heaven.
That is a depiction of. The fact that we live our lives in such a way that it spreads.
Is this scripture? Talked about how we get there at 2:40, to read it with me and they devoted themselves to the apostles teaching and the fellowship to the breaking of bread and the prayers. A few weeks ago, we we broke this down and we talked about that, the one true way to be able to have the power to operate in that exponential type of growth as infections that causes other people to want to do this. Truly is only through what being able to get closer to God Drawing Near to him.
Breaking bread, coming in here and having these types of moments where we're in corporate prayer and we're in corporate worship that positions us to become closer to God, and to each other. Are our prayers. We pray, what happens? We get closer.
We can't multiply what we don't have.
It can't be exponential unless there's an exponent up there, right? So we have to do our part.
Get closer read with me and came upon every soul and Many Wonders and signs were being done through the apostles.
Because they came together. They broke bread and they pray.
It was through that, that all came. And wonders a sign we're being done. Ryan.
And all who believed were together and had all things in common. We shared a few weeks ago about the hundred and twenty that were up in the upper room and what made it possible for them to actually be in position to receive Holy Spirit in the manner, in which they did on the day of Pentecost.
But we also need to be very clear about what happened after that, but they had to continue coming together. Fellowship be breaking bread praying because in that continuance is what happened with the people who were being added, 3,500 people,
More than 3,000 a day.
and they were selling their possessions and belonging and distributing the proceeds to all as they had need They came up with plans. They took care of the needs of everyone because of what because of their prayers because of their Fellowship. They got instructions. Because of their prayers and because of their Fellowship.
And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their home. They receive their food with glad and generous hearts. Praising God, and having favor with all the people and the Lord added to their number day-by-day, those who were being saved.
That happens. Because of some actions. The prayers and the regular bread. Amen.
I really desire. back from everything that we got from this particular series that we get this one thing, That there is an action that goes into US operating in the image of God. Yes. God did his party, he created us in His image.
We have to draw near to him. We have to continue in prayer so that what we can operate in His image, we got to be able to see ourselves the way he sees hit us. In order for us to operate in that it does not happen without some work from us. Amen. Hallelujah.
Then we talked about Grace. The Graces of constant.
It doesn't stop. It's always there. And it was a gift.
For by Grace, you have been saved through faith and this is not of your own doing. It is the gift of God, not a result of works so that no one may boast. Hallelujah.
A Journey to Excellence is the gift from God. That Grace are getting there and it's a gift from God. All the stuff you went through to get there. That's a gift from God. Amen. Oh my God. How can my falling away from the face? Big gift from God. You know, it was kind of funny. I really enjoyed something and Kevin said, he said everything that I went through God's used He wastes nothing.
Michael in the prison can use that JoJo is going to prison.
Amen. Everything that you have experience in your life has been used.
Everything and everything that you ever have experience in your life will always be used. None of it was for nothing.
The gift of your grace to go through the situation. It's such a powerful thing when you think about it it could have been that you didn't get all the way through it. How many people went through what you went through and then make it out of it, they're no longer living.
Do you know some of the one of the things that I experienced was spousal abuse? Not from my current husband, amen. But I did experience it in my life that I was married to someone who was abusive. And abusive in a lot of different ways. 73 at that time 73% of the women who have gone through the things that I went through. I'm not just talking about abuse, but the very things that I went through did not live. Someone who committed suicide. Some of them were dying at the hands of their abuser. Many things occur that caused those people to no longer be on the planet.
But the grace to walk through that was a gift from God and it allowed me to even be here to have this conversation with you today. Amen.
The magnetism of Excellence drawers as a Divine favor. We get that favor for the glory of God.
Proverbs 22:29.
Is, do you see a man skillful in his work? I read the scripture before. Do you see a man skillful in his worth? Now, what sound is a kit where I want you to do, is I want you to notice something, he will stay and not, he might, he will say it before King, he will not stand before. I'm secure men,
What you looking another scripture with me? Daniel 63. Then this Daniel became distinguished above all, the other high officials, and that traps because an excellent Spirit was in him. Excellent Spirits. Are you in a lot of people because we know that God is in everybody, right? He created us that way. He blew the breath of life into man and Man became a living Soul. So God is already there. They just have to recognize and acknowledge that Jesus died on the cross for that. He was raised from the dead and as a result of that, now they have access. To being able to be reconnected with their purpose in him. Amen. But knowing this is not enough, you can't just know it. You got to
Interact with him.
And so as we're looking at this, the concept of Excellence being attractive.
we have to also look at the fact that it's attractive because it's seen
Excellence is not seen, doesn't attract anyone. What do we know about that, scripture? It said this Daniel became distinguished above all the other high officials in stature because an excellent Spirit was in him. But the bottom line is, is that they would not have known the excellent Spirit within him. If Daniel hadn't been doing something,
He had to be demonstrating the excellent for them to see it. And so as a result of that and the King plans to send him over the whole Kingdom, that was a response to the Excellence. That was safe.
Hallelujah. I want is to, as I conclude this morning, I want you to consider the magnetic force of God. You know.
God created you? I meant to be the light of the world.
In the scripture, five the mattress. I 14. It says you are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.
I do not care what you do.
Because you've made a decision to take on that position.
You going to be safe?
I don't care what very does. Various safe is not here, he's missed. Where's Barry?
Cuz there's something in him that's causing him to be set above others. And as a result of that, that lighted him is shining and people can see it.
And even though Alex may want to be more obscure Jefferson here in his sunglasses thinking he can hide behind the last. I don't know what that is.
As if the sun were just shining so bright in the building, they need to protect you. But anyway,
he can't hide.
He cannot hide. Because the city that set on a hill cannot be hidden.
Candy, do you can't hide?
Thinking about this for me, I'm with you. You got a magnet if you got a paper clip. Take the magnet for the next to the paper clip. What happens?
Intrax. Pulling back in a paper clip is doing what it's hanging on, right?
The magnet has a magnetic field around it.
and when it's brought near the paper clip,
is it going to interact?
The interactivity is going to cause them to do what connect It is going to be pulled toward that magnet.
This invisible force. Influences, everything within his reach. Anything that is made of that same substance. When you take that back and then you put it next to it is on connection that way, it'll connect to the paperclip Why? Because not because of the paperclip but because of the way, because of the magnet, The magnet has affected the paperclip in such a way. Did it man? I'll have the ability to do what? Attract something to it.
So now you got the magnets, got the paper clip and not, and a nail or screw that's made of the right. Material.
Do you know if you take that and put it next to some sand?
What's going to happen? The sample attract, is it because of the same know, it's because of the way the magnet. That I want you all to see yourself.
not as the mad because we know who the magnet is, who's the magnet Hallelujah. It sure is, the magic. Hallelujah. And he's connected to us. and anything that we do because of the method, we now have the ability to what to connect others. Now, we can let them to us. Well, kind of sort of, but we really are connecting them to us for the benefit of who the madness.
Now, I want you to see this because it sure is one with his father. The ultimately God is who he's the ultimate package.
And his design is to bring us all into fellowship with him. When you connected to everything, that's connected to everything is connected to everything. That's what we called Fellowship, Hallelujah. That's what that is.
This is like the concept of Excellence that I've been talking about. That connection.
Let's go back and read Matthew 5:14. We go to read all the way to 16. Now you are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden, nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket banana stand. And it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others. So that they may see your good works and give glory to your father who is in heaven. I meant why? Because your exponential.
Glory, Hallelujah. Spray. Father. We thank you for this word this morning. We thank you for how you have given it to and allowed us to really understand. What you designed us to be how you designed us to affect the world? How we're connected to you and how we connect everything to us. As with living your life in the fashion that you would expect us to. With the Excellence. Just demonstrating you to all the world. So, they can connect with you. Through us through you. We thank you for this. And now, father, has me going to our communion we ask that you would just
bless this bread. Bless this wine. Hallelujah. Father, help us to see it as the substance. It is the body and the blood of his shoe. And We thank you for it and we ask that you would give us the experience. of knowing you in the way that you intended every single time, We do this that we would do it in remembrance of you. We thank you for this. Name British men. Hallelujah.
The scriptures are there. Let us read. You know, what are, no, I know. Normally when we eat, when we do the community, I know normally I read the scripture, but you know what? I actually let us all stand this all week. Yes, amen, amen.
For I received from the Lord. But I also delivered to you that the Lord Jesus on the 9th. When he was betrayed took bread and when he had given thanks, he broke it. And said, this is my body, which is for you. Do this in remembrance of me. The same way. Also, he took the cup after supper saying, this cup is the New Covenant in my blood do this, as often as you drink it in remembrance of me. Hallelujah. Four is often as you eat this bread and drink the cup you proclaim, the Lord's death until he comes. Amen.
Glory Glory.
Rave God.
What do the word again for the world today?
Thank you so much today.
What? I asked you up, but Kevin is bringing this around. I'm not going to have to, we all hold on to this and we can come do it together.