The Benefit and Blessing of the Lord's Supper
The Benefit and Blessing of the Lord's
Supper Matt. 26,1 Corinthians 11 The ordinances that
officially instituted Lord's supper, communion,
enchant, sacraments, (Diff than catholic)
2 new communion Lord's Table, Bars,
Means of grave. spiritual Blessings
Sacramento derived from Sacramento
Past centuries. Past centavos some died
in Europe, Bloody Mary. Not treat these
ordinances lightly. Need GOD'S HELP.
Lords supper, Baptism., Matt. 26
1. why Do we celebrate?
2. what happens during communion?
3. who should take communism?
4. How should we take communion?
1. What Matt 26.26 parallel Lk. 28 (
continual tense. Important aspect. Jesus
not drink until that day to come. There is a
kingdom still to come. Eating and hunting
in glorified bodies Rev. 19. Last supper
as not really the last supper. hook found
b that Wedding sipper of the lamb, • 17, 19
on remembrance of the Passover. Jesus takes
6. elements from Moses -> Jesus.
Redemption accomplished. Jesus is the
Passover Lamb. Pass over you, if you are
saved. Fulfills all that imagery. New covenant.
next month.. messiah in the background
why. Christ and His command. Do it regret?
2. 11W hat happens during communion.
see stable. T transubstantiation RC. 1215.
Body to Blood real in communion. 1551 Council of Trent.
Transubstantiation (sacramental union). Luther-
own quote more accurate. Zwingly-memorial view.
more Baptists any implication. Real presence
not Physical Body. "means of grace". Reformers
Deny too far the other way. presence. Not less
than-want to be totally Biblical. Original
content. Jesus-talks to human disciples
Lev 17:10. Peter never shy. Acts 10. Jesus
asking in a dream. Not how. Parables and
metaphors. Jesus-I AM THE DOOR., GATE
not becoming physically, e.g. head of life.
on the opposite. How Jesus SPOKE. is the
key. The v. 29 fruit of the vine. Matt 13. The
spatial analogy. Matt 19:20-23, then =
this represents This is = the law and prophets.
a powerful way to summarize. a spirited
reality of the golden rule. This is = in the
relation to the covenant. Rainbow. as the
covenant-is a reminder. never again to
flood the earth. Gen 17: this is my covenant
the sign. circumcision. On the very occasion
OT scriptures Exo. 12:11This is how you
u A eat-Pass a. thesis a day how you
are to commemorate. Jews saw this as a memorial
covenant. Exo This is the new covenant Parallel
language. New covenant. In Jesus blood.
Thursday might. only one sacrafice in the world
Jesus died on Good Friday. IT Is FINISHED.
1 con 11. 23. Do this in remembrance of me.,
v as. a repeated phrase-No Jew would think
cup represents. Baptism =t circumcision
The ordinance is communion v. 26. Happens.
Remember, Proclaim, commune. a sharing.
1 Koinonia Breaking of head. The table of the
had a showy or communion. one body-
THE SPIRITUAL BODY. a loaf many parts.
oneness and unity. shared communion with
the Lord. communion a mental remember
of the Lord. Paul-Patchy.. empathy.
Taking something in. John Calvin: Nourish
and refresh. Lord is not absent. Really
spirituals presence. Vivifying operation.
s- who should take communion? Some
churches R.C. seven yrs. Matt 28. Loan
and observe. acts Matt 28. Repent and be
baptized acts 24.1 communion. Corinthian.
1 Corinth 10: I. Baptized into Moses. a spiritual
role. • 16. 1 Cor 12:13, all made to drink
Baptism. lactating one time act. communion
repeated, continually early. Rom 6: 4.
Life of obeying, v-14 under grace, Not
To EARN. a gift, not earned Gal. 3.
Not the source but the sign. Repentance
obtain-Justin Marty. Didache too SA.
Church Discipline, Disagreement some Baptists
who. whitey in the body. some unnecessary,
cut Daniel. extra-spirited. southland. communion
token. Jonathan Edwards-Infant
baptized. Disagreed. a credible. Got fired
from his chunk. curt Daniel. Past age of account-
ability very Different. Westminster View. Lot of wired
chip 1 Cor 11:28. Examine himself. Eat and
drink. v 31
4. How should we take communion? Not to
take it in an unworthy Manner 11: v. 2 8, 29. I Cor.
11.-28-33. How A vein. Read through. and
indicate. The crunchers. Prosceniums and
faction. why people. Rush children, Not to
heart lightly. kids introspectively. Not
superficially. when are kids. Truly regenerated.
God knows where we can't. Demonstrate some
fruit. obey and glorify. Publicity-Not because
mom and Dad. They love. Mature and memorable.
1-29. Judgment For believers. Eternal slate.
but can be a chastening. In sin in the body,
make it tight. unrepentant. Jesus warned
against that. Make it right. Matt: 22-24.
Pastor can't police what is in our heart. God
commands us to examine our heart Great God
apply this message. The blessing of communion
Forgiveness of sins.