The church He builds
Dear brothers and sisters, friends. Yes, Christ is the foundation of our church. Today we gathered together to celebrate, and espeically thank God for his blessings, for he continue to build this church. U know, sometimes instead of seeing the strong foudnation, we see church is like this little boat in the storm. It is dangerous out there, the wind, the water. The shaking of the boat, the chance to be sunken. It is easy to be discouraged and frightened. And in the past, sometimes CABC-WR felt like that as well, but there is somebody who is in the boat, there is somebody who is building this church. While CABC-WR seems all grown up, today I want to share with you once again the fundamental passage about church, the first time Jesus mentioned church and how he builds it. Let’s pray: Dear heavenly father, thank you for this time to gathered under your word. May your word once again give us life, and that it by the Holy Spirit we would understand, and that as a collective church we would be transformed. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
Peter Confessing Christ
Peter Confessing Christ
There is power of the church that Christ builds. This is very famous passage of scripture. Jesus entered Philippi and without the crowd they could finally have the opportunity for quiet reflection. Jesus took advantage of the situation first to clarify their thoughts about who they are following. so he asked them this question, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?” What are they saying about in the community? So the response, John the Baptist, Elijah, and still others Jeremiah. But Jesus didn not stop there, he asked, But who do you say I am? Jesus turnas attention away from the public to his closestest followers. The most important question for all his followers. Who do you say I am?
Peter, the representative of the twelve, said, you are the Christ, the son of living God. He is saying Jesus was God’s only anointed One. He could not have ascribed a higher place to him. His words bring out the essential being of our Lord in the most comprehensive experession in the gospel. you are the bridge between God and his people. You’re the way-maker, miracle worker, light in the darkness. Jesus replied, yes you are right, you are blessed.
And this is the turning point of Matthew, or the gospels if you know, it is because this confession, Jesus started to turn to his final mission on earth, to die for all humans, to wash away their sin. But also, it is when his disciples responded, he blessed him in turn and tell them about his succession plan. He is to build his church to continue his mission and salvation in this world. And this is what we would focus on. Verse 18.
“And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”
On this rock
On this rock
Now this verse have been debated for hunderes of years. If you talk to Catholics, they believe the rock is Peter. And the succession from the next person are succession of Pope. And the Pope has the power to define law. But this does not seem to be what the scripture is saying, as Scripture could be much clearer and say church is built on Peter intead of this rock. It is not simply Peter but Peter who confessed Jesus as the Messiah whom the church is to be built. Church is built upon people confession of Jesus as Christ, starting with Peter and the apostles. And even Peter recognized this, as he used this rock metaphor, 1 Peter 2:5 “you yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.” And so our church was built upon, is the confession of Jesus as Christ, as our only King, as our only God, as our only allegiance, as our only foundation, as our only salvation, as our only hope. You know, in the most critical turning point of Jeusus ministry, he told us about his church. The church is the instituation that God uses to change people. It’s not the schools, the governments, the sport clubs, not even the nuclear family, it’s the church.
Illustrate: CABC-WR is a church that is also built on this rock. It is built of people who continue the apsotlic tradition, those who confess Jesus as Christ. That they commmit their lives to be disciples of Jesus. Since 1984, Pastor Joseph Fung - In all the challneges of settling down from Hong Kong, responded to God's guidance, and with other believers began to reach out to the Cantonese speaking Chinese migrant community, and in 89 established CABC-West Ryde. And in these 34 years, the church continue built on people who confess JEsus is Christ. Let’s look at two photos. Left hand side is ordination of Joseph Fung, right hand side, yes Lawrence, so young, and is still young today.
Apply: Brothers and sisters, Will you confess Jesus as Christ? Will you do it daily? Will we be the living stones for this spiritual house?
I will build my church
I will build my church
Church is built on this rock, the confession of Peter and ours, and Jesus here is telling us another very important truth. Jesus said, I will build my church. This mean it isn’t my church or your church, or particular congregation, not owned by pastors, not owned by founding or long-standing members. It’s Christ church. He bought it with his blood. CABC-WR belongs exlcusively to Jesus Christ. my needs and your needs are not the most important thing compare with Jesus Christ purpose. Jeuss Christ owns it and it only allows to serve His kingdom purpose.
Jesus not only owns it, he builds it, he promises to build it. \It is not me or you that builds the church, it is him. That means we rely on him, rely on his words in the bible and the spirit he has given us. As a soceity that continues to believe we can do anything we dream, We might start to use worldly methods to build the church. May God is reminding us today CABC-WR to get back to the fundamentals, to preach the word, to pray, to make disciples. Being truthful to biblical ways. We continue to water, but God grows his church, we ask God daily to build, strengthens, and edifies his church, we ask God daily to give us wisdom to walk in his ways.
Illustrate: The story of present
And it was the story as me as well. Because of these faith confessing believers, I was attracted by God’s people, God’s love. And in 20 years ago, I came here from HK to start my studies for high school. I was welcomed into into church, and he built me. He built me in Uni times, he let me understand the love of cross and the foundations of my faith. he built me during the time I am a young worker seeking him, finding my purpose and my calling. He built me during my time as a husband as a father, his love and wisdom continue to guide my everyday challenge. He built me as a pastor, to share in his suffering and resurrection, and to have a front row seat in his grace.
But I am just one person of this whole church, one little rock, he built you too, and he continue to built our church. He gave us three locations. He continue to build those who first came to this church to be elderly, he continues to build those who come from overseas. He continues to build up the generations to come, to be baptized in the name of the father, son and holy spirit, he continues to build those who are in our community through our outreach. He built us in good times, and he build us in bad times as well, That we would be refined like gold. he will to build us into his likeness, with inner strength and outward witness.
Apply: The qeustion is, will you rely on Christ who builds? When things are not looking good for the church, it so often we got distracted, we bail, scrambled and we panic. But Jesus Christ reminds us it is he will build his church. Let us continue to be dependent on him. As in this anniversary, will you pray for the church to be what God wants it to be? Will you pray for faithfulness on our part?
Gates of Hades will not prevail
Gates of Hades will not prevail
Church will be built on the confession of Jesus Christ, and Christ himself will build the church. Lastly, Church is built to be indestructable. Gates of Hades will not prevail. Gates is a symbol of a place of power. It is this major defensive structure that protect the entrance way. Hades is a place of death, a place like hell. And Hades could sent their greatest, the most powerful , but they would not prevail against the church. Isn’t this exciting. Whatever the devil sents against the church, it will not prevail. Hell cannot prevail, Sin cannot prevail. In other words, We are winners! And why are we winners? We are winners because of Jesus Christ. Because of the hill of Calavery, Jesus hanging on the cross, devil thought he won, hades thought they won. They thought Jesus was dead his kingdom was dead. But they were happy only three days, early Sunday morning, the gates of hades, there is a voice. The voice said I am, the resurrection of life, I am the light of the world. I am coming in and snatching keys of death and sin. And all power is here. That’s how we know we’re winners, because Jesus wins. The story of church, is a story of winner, because the gates of hades witll not prevail. He’s alive and gates of hell will not prevail. There is power of church where Jesus builds.
Illustrate: The story of future
Hallelljuh! And so our story, our future is bright. Not because of us, not because of the circumstances surround us, but because Jesus already conquered everything. And gate of hades cannot prevail and the gates of heaven is wide open. So Let us as a church continues to be that confident community that declare God’s good news. From 2019, God gave us a chance to see our church revitalized, we would see the gospel not only continue to reach to migrants, but also this community west ryde, meadowbank. We have a mission of following Jesus, building community and brining hope. We have a vision of building a community that embraces all people in this spiritual home where we eat, laugh, love one another. Will you join the mission of God? These are some of the photos that we are on that journey.
Apply: And so will you confess Jesus as Lord, WIll you rely on him, But finally will you have confidence in Christ? The circumstances may not look promising, just as Peter saw the momumtual work before him. They were only 12 normal Jews who are not well-educated, even Peter betrayed Jesus. But it is upon this rock, that Jesus build, gates of hades will not prevail. Jesus today is still buidling this church, and let’s celebrate today of God’s great love for us through Jesus Christ. Let’s pray. Dear Lord, thanks for giving us your son, He is Christ, the son of the living God. And today we give praise to him because he is the founder of church, he will build his church on those who profess him as Lord. And even gates of hades will not prevail. Jesus may we daily confess you are Christ, daily rely on you to build this church, and daily have confidence that you have already won. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.