Romans 3:21-31
From God’s perspective, there is no difference between Jew and Gentile. Both are sinful. And neither is there a difference in how they restore a proper relationship with God: He justifies them freely, out of grace, because the death of Jesus paid for their sin (3:22–24).
People are still unworthy and unable to do anything to contribute to their own justification, so God does it by His grace. They don’t deserve it, but He loves them and initiates action.
He doesn’t make the person righteous. Believers will continue to struggle with sin, yet can continue to be assured of God’s declaration of righteousness, thanks to the sacrifice of Jesus on their behalf.
It can refer to payment of a ransom. Jesus’ sacrifice (His blood) was the necessary atonement to pay for the sins of humankind—past, present, and future (3:25–26).