Bound by God: The Power of Friendship
1 Samuel • Sermon • Submitted • Presented
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· 11 viewsFriendship bound by God at its center is powerful and lasting.
ILL – Friendship bound by common interest.
Pastor Ron and I had a connecting moment in the early parts of our conversations.
We shared our love for ministry, the church, the dedication to scripture, and love for the local community.
David and Jonathan’s friendship built upon their love for GOD.
1 Samuel 18:1-5 – Jonathan and David’s friendship begins.
Jonathan described as one who has confidence in the Lord as he went into battle.
14:6 “Jonathan said to the young man who carried his armor, “Come, let us go over to the garrison of these uncircumcised. It may be that the LORD will work for us, for nothing can hinder the LORD from saving by many or by few.”
17:47 “[David says] and that all this assembly may know that the LORD saves not with sword and spear. For the battle is the LORD’s, and he will give you into our hand.”
Jonathan recognizes David to be a man of God who also has confidence in the Lord. 17:26
“Who are these uncircumcised…”
Notice how God is always at the center of these men**
Jonathan was also one of the Israelites who did not stand up to Goliath.
A big reason why Jonathan knew David was a step ahead of everyone in his trust of God.
1 Samuel 18:3 “Then Jonathan made a covenant with David, because he loved him as his own soul.”
God is at the center of these two men’s friendship
RECAP – Two chapters of Saul trying to kill David. ENVY + JEALOUSY + MANIPULATION
Jonathan is trying to protect his friend.
TRANS – Today’s story begins with David reaching out to his best friend. READ v1-23
1 David and Jonathan’s Plan v1-23
1 David and Jonathan’s Plan v1-23
1.1 David pleads with Jonathan for help v1-3
1.1 David pleads with Jonathan for help v1-3
1.1.1 David wants to find out what is going on
1.1.1 David wants to find out what is going on
1.1.2 Dealing with an ANGRY abusive person
1.1.2 Dealing with an ANGRY abusive person
1.1.3 Instinctively he feels he knows he is close to death
1.1.3 Instinctively he feels he knows he is close to death
ILL – Dangers of being in an abusive relationship of domestic violence, for some reason the one receiving abuse can’t walk away.
Saul has been abusing David through power and control. He was handing out emotional harm and physical danger, alongside promotions within the kingdom, and the honor of becoming a son-in-law to the king. David was being manipulated through and through. But he knows he is at an end.
1.1.4 But why? He has only done what was required of him
1.1.4 But why? He has only done what was required of him
1.1.5 Jonathan is unable to accept his father would go back on his oath to the Lord
1.1.5 Jonathan is unable to accept his father would go back on his oath to the Lord
C.R. – 1 Sam. 19:6 “And Saul listened to the voice of Jonathan. Saul swore, “As the LORD lives, he shall not be put to death.”
1.2 David’s plan v4-9
1.2 David’s plan v4-9
1.2.1 David plans to hide in the fields while not attending an important event
1.2.1 David plans to hide in the fields while not attending an important event
1.2.2 There are two responses to look for from Saul
1.2.2 There are two responses to look for from Saul
Good – pleasantly + Shalom – peace
Angry Angry – Furiously angry
1.2.3 David remind Jonathan of his “Covenant of the Lord” in 18:3
1.2.3 David remind Jonathan of his “Covenant of the Lord” in 18:3
Notice how God is always at the center of these men**
1.2.4 Jonathan restates his trustworthiness to David
1.2.4 Jonathan restates his trustworthiness to David
Trans – How would I know which response is given?
1.3 Jonathans plan v10-23
1.3 Jonathans plan v10-23
1.3.1 Takes David to the same field and makes his promise to warn David
1.3.1 Takes David to the same field and makes his promise to warn David
1.3.2 “LORD, the God of Israel, be witness” v12
1.3.2 “LORD, the God of Israel, be witness” v12
Notice how God is always at the center of these men**
1.3.3 Jonathan makes a personal commitment to make sure David knows v13
1.3.3 Jonathan makes a personal commitment to make sure David knows v13
1.3.4 Three arrows will be shot
1.3.4 Three arrows will be shot
“On this side of you” means SAFE
“Beyond you” means ESCAPE
1.3.5 Moment of Shock!
1.3.5 Moment of Shock!
Jonathan acknowledges David’s calling as the future king of Israel
Jonathan asks David to show his future generation mercy
Jonathan blesses David, creating a divergent path from his father
Jonathan is a true man of God – God is at the center of Jonathan’s life
TRANS – The story now moves to the Festival of New Moon. READ v24-34
2 Saul reveals his Violent Intentions v24-34
2 Saul reveals his Violent Intentions v24-34
2.1 The stage is set and David waits in the field, his seat is empty v24-26
2.1 The stage is set and David waits in the field, his seat is empty v24-26
2.1.1 Saul accepts David missing the first day
2.1.1 Saul accepts David missing the first day
C.R. – Lev. 7:20-21 = Ritual meal, need to be ritually clean, or you are cut off
2.2 Saul finally asks where David is and Jonathan carries out plan v27-29
2.2 Saul finally asks where David is and Jonathan carries out plan v27-29
ILL – Moral of the story ask your boss for a day off during peak season and their response will determine your fate. No, I’m kidding. “Pastor Ron I need to take a Sunday off to go watch the Rams play at 10am on Sunday morning.”
2.3 Saul’s fury v30-34
2.3 Saul’s fury v30-34
2.3.1 Saul insults Jonathan to no end, there is no “my son”
2.3.1 Saul insults Jonathan to no end, there is no “my son”
2.3.2 “Do you not see he will take away the kingdom from you?”
2.3.2 “Do you not see he will take away the kingdom from you?”
2.3.3 Saul and Jonathan’s paths are divided
2.3.3 Saul and Jonathan’s paths are divided
Saul cares for his own legacy, Jonathan care about God’s kingdom
2.4 Saul has no fear of God and is using him for his own personal plans
2.4 Saul has no fear of God and is using him for his own personal plans
2.4.1 There is absolutely no regard as to the New Moon Festival
2.4.1 There is absolutely no regard as to the New Moon Festival
2.4.2 Burnt sacrifices, and PEACE offering
2.4.2 Burnt sacrifices, and PEACE offering
2.4.3 Saul was planning to KILL David during a PEACE offering
2.4.3 Saul was planning to KILL David during a PEACE offering
TRANS – There is now no doubt in anyone’s mind what Saul’s full intentions are. No more excuses can be made for this abusive king, this abusive father.
3 Friends have fulfilled their covenant promises v35-42
3 Friends have fulfilled their covenant promises v35-42
3.1 Jonathan fulfills his promise through secret message v35-40
3.1 Jonathan fulfills his promise through secret message v35-40
3.1.1 “Arrow is BEYOND YOU” means escape
3.1.1 “Arrow is BEYOND YOU” means escape
3.1.2 “Hurry! Be quick! Do not stay!” three-fold message
3.1.2 “Hurry! Be quick! Do not stay!” three-fold message
3.2 Jonathan then fully disarms himself and sends the boy away
3.2 Jonathan then fully disarms himself and sends the boy away
3.3 David responds with his own three-folded message, showing deference to the prince
3.3 David responds with his own three-folded message, showing deference to the prince
3.3.1 It is an emotional moment where two friends are now living in a new reality
3.3.1 It is an emotional moment where two friends are now living in a new reality
3.3.2 David’s journey now ends with either his death or him becoming king
3.3.2 David’s journey now ends with either his death or him becoming king
APP – The days of youthful living has ended, it is time now to grow up and embrace the responsibilities God has given him.
3.4 Jonathan and David one more time reiterate the covenant promises to each other
3.4 Jonathan and David one more time reiterate the covenant promises to each other
BIG IDEA - Friendship bound by God at its center is powerful and lasting.
BIG IDEA - Friendship bound by God at its center is powerful and lasting.
3.4.1 Reminding each other of covenant promises is not because there is a lack of trust. It is because there is comfort in reminding each other by keeping God at the center.
3.4.1 Reminding each other of covenant promises is not because there is a lack of trust. It is because there is comfort in reminding each other by keeping God at the center.
Christians –
David and Jonathan were true friends built on the foundation of their love and devotion to God.
Their friendship was able to endure trials, hardships, and challenges because they knew they made a covenant to each other and with God.
· Having a friendship like Jonathan and David is amazing
· Could we ever have a friendship like J and D?
· Could there be a friend who loves us more than themselves?
· A friend who will never break a promise?
· Sacrifices their own power and prestige to humble themselves to love us?
· Willing to die for their friend if need be?
John 15:12-15 “12 “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. 13 Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. 14 You are my friends if you do what I command you. 15 No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you.”
Jesus is the greatest friend we could ever have! He is a better friend than any friend we could ever imagine. And this friend has made a covenant relationship with us just as D and J did.
When Jesus took the cup and broke the bread, he was establishing the new covenant.
This covenant is far greater than D and J, because the one keeping it is the perfection of steadfast love.
Earlier we looked at J and D reiterating their covenant relationship
It was NOT because of mistrust
In fact, we do the same thing every time we take Communion together we are reminded of the promises Christ gave us!
Church that is who we are, a group of friends bound under the new covenant of Jesus Christ!
Church that is who we are, a group of friends bound under the new covenant of Jesus Christ!
The friends God gives us are a gift. Our brothers and sisters in Christ are what keep us on track with our faith and help us grow. This is also called the church! We are all friends bound together with a single purpose, to glorify God!
Let’s strive to cultivate friendships in our own lives. Let’s strive to place God and his word at the center of our relationships, that as we face all the threats of the world together we would remain steadfast in our love for God and for each other.
Non-Christians –
For my friends who are sitting here today and do not yet have a relationship with Jesus.
Perhaps you are sitting here today because a friend brought you to church.
Your friend truly loves you because they care about your salvation and your eternal safety.
Jesus is inviting you today to be his friend freely! The invitation is there all you need to do is accept Jesus into your heart as Lord and Savior and Jesus calls you his friend.