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Those who understand God’s sovereignty have joy even in the midst of suffering, a joy reflected on their very faces, for they see that their suffering is not without purpose.
R. C. Sproul
It is when we view our suffering as meaningless—without purpose—that we are tempted to despair.
R. C. Sproul
The Christian doctrine of suffering asks for more than a patient tolerance of suffering.… The pain and suffering of life fix our spiritual vision on the central, spiritual goods of … the redemption of Christ.
Timothy Keller
Suffering dispels the illusion that we have the strength and competence to rule our own lives and save ourselves. People “become nothing through suffering” so that they can be filled with God and his grace.
Timothy Keller
Trials … are not threats to God’s purposes, but further indications of how meticulously faithful he is to that purpose.
Sinclair Buchanan Ferguson
Trials and tribulations are very good for us in that they help us to know ourselves better than we knew ourselves before.
David Martyn Lloyd-Jones
One of the best tests of Christian maturity is tribulation. When God’s people go through personal trials, they discover what kind of faith they really possess. Trials not only reveal our faith; they also develop our faith and Christian character.
Warren W. Wiersbe
Whilst I continue on this side of eternity, I never expect to be free from trials, only to change them. For it is necessary to heal the pride of my heart that such should come.
George Whitefield
There are some of your graces which would never be discovered if it were not for your trials.
Charles Spurgeon
Trials are the winds which root the tree of our faith.
Charles Spurgeon
The trials of the saint are a “divine pruning”, by which he grows and brings forth abundant fruit.
Charles Spurgeon
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