Escape Worldliness
Escape Worldliness • Sermon • Submitted • Presented
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-Man argues with God
-Man argues with God
When man cracked the DNA code, He went up to the highest mountain and began to shake his fist at God Saying,
“we don't need you anymore. You created life, now, we can create life too. And we can make him just how we want to.
Bigger, smaller, green eyes, blue eyes, blonde hair, brown hair. However we want, so we don't need you anymore; telling us how to live and what to do and what not to do. Just stay out of our lives, so we can live them how we want to.
Then, God responded.
“So, you say, now you have also created life? You don't need me anymore? Ok, then show me what you are saying is true.”
So then man knelt to the ground and began scooping up some dirt, then God stopped him saying, “Wait a minute, go get your own dirt, for that is mine.”
-We try to do it ourselves without God
-We try to do it ourselves without God
Have you ever tried a certain food and thought to yourself, I could probably make that?
You try it at home but mix in some of your ingredients and it turns out nasty or horrible.
Or you see someone do something and think, that's easy, I could do that? Then you find the process difficult and cut corners to speed it up But it doesn't turn out the same?
Or one that I was guilty of for a spell, watching D.Y.I. home repairs or home makeovers and think, “I’ll go and buy a bunch of tools and repair or make it myself?”
Without having enough experiential knowledge of it, and you either hurt yourself trying, or having to pay someone to come and repair Your repair?
Somehow, no matter how well-intentioned we started out to be, and no matter how much effort we put into it.
Most often, it never works out in our favor. Something is almost always missing.
Wether we didn’t put a screw here or we didn’t do this first or that.
Next our end result is worse than it was before we ever started out.
Unfortunately, many of us today find ourselves doing this with life as well.
Although sometimes, things aren't how we like it in our lives, we try to mix In a few ingredients that we feel will spice up our life, Pun intended
Or, we try to build or generate an arm here or put a bigger gear there, or get rid of this, or shed that, change this or add that.
-Many of us forget that God is still in control
-Many of us forget that God is still in control
Many of us seem to forget that God is still in control of everything. All the while not considering what the maker intended.
Notice, I said “considering” not “understanding,”
See, when you embrace this type of a worldview It transforms your whole outlook on everything in life.
In matters of the mind, body & the Spirt completely. This is what Paul meant in Romans when he talked about transforming your mind
Romans 12:2 (CSB)
2 Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.
He says don’t be conformed to this worlds way of thinking. Don’t fall for that trap of believing you are the one in control.
Because you aren’t. Case in point for an illustration only.
There are many health-conscious people in the world, who swear by a healthy diet, and rigorous exercise as a means to live a healthy life without sickness.
Although diet and exercise are worthy and do have their benefits for a fit life, it is not a guarantee that you won't ever get sick.
Many unfortunate people believed this and still ended up stricken with cancer or Diabetes, and any of all the other diseases known.
Once again let me reiterate, “we aren’t called to understand why, only to trust, that He alone saves.”
Many of us forget this principle in our lives today.
We are reminded of this when we end up screaming out to God when things in our Lives seem to go awry, or crazy and out of control.
Let me tell you, when you don’t allow God to control it, by definition, it will be out of control.
Let me illustrate it like this.
Let’s use a car for this example; Say, your car is broken down. You call the dealer where you bought it.
They may say to you, “let me transfer you to the service department.”
Then they will say, “let us transfer you to the scheduling department”
After that, the scheduling,
They will transfer you to the billing department so you can pay for it,
Then they’ll transfer you back to the service department.
But then you find out, it’s a rare part and no one locally has it.
So now you’ll have to contact the Factory,
Why? Because, no matter
how rare,
how special,
how expensive
or unique
If it belongs on the car, the factory has a department that cares for it.
Jesus said in this world you will have trouble, but be of good cheer for, “He has overcome the world.” Amen.
God is the factory that made you!
If it belongs to you, then God has a department that cares for it .
There isn't anything in this “world that can offer you what the factory of human beings can offer to you”
Whatever you are suffering from,
If you are suffering in finances, yes, Heaven has a finance department
If you are suffering from sickness, heaven has a triage center
If you are suffering from broken relationships, heaven has a social worker
If you are suffering from emotional issues, heaven has a psychology department
Whatever you can experience in this human experience, God has a plan for you, and it was already written out for you since before you were born.
Jeremiah 29:11 (CSB)
11 For I know the plans I have for you”—this is the Lord’s declaration—“plans for your well-being, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.
Whenever we try to fix ourselves without God, we are guaranteed to get it wrong.
Do you know why? Because we are still conformed to this world.
We allow this world to influence everything we do.
So, in the process of fixing ourselves, we add or take away ingredients that we like or dislike.
We get impatient and frustrated and try to cut Corners, then end up missing a key component, or leaving something too lose in one way or too tight in another.
All these things happen because we keep calling on the world’s measly little service departments that continue to pawn us off to each others departments,
“Oh, you have an addiction, go to this place and they'll give you fresh drug use tools, like needles and pipes.
After all, you are already suffering from an addiction, the last thing you need is to get HIV or STD’s.
Nothing at all about “HEALING” you, it’s just keeping you more comfortable in your weakness.
You need to go to the factory, that handles all complaints. God.
You need to go to God. Not just in your petitions or needs, but on your knees in true repentance and submission to His and only His will.
And if you want to stay in His will, then you have to live in His will.
You need to leave this world behind you completely, wholly, and 100%
And be transformed by the renewing of your minds
Romans 12:2 (CSB)
2 Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.
We are going to have to get over the fact that we can’t stay in this world and please God at the same time.
We have to understand, we can't have it our way & God’s way with God.
It’s His way or the wrong way.
The sooner we come to that realization the better and happier we’ll feel.
“God didn’t send Jesus into our world to make your life happy, He sent Jesus to make your life Holy before God.”
We forget that truth. Especially those of us blaming God because our plans never work out.
Maybe, we should start allowing God to start designing the plans for us.
We need to shed this world like a snake sheds its skin. We are the body of Christ.
How can we be the body of Christ while we are of the same world that crucified Him?
Don’t forget, it was the world that crucified Jesus, and you can be sure, that if Jesus were alive and teaching His message today, this world would probably not only crucify Him but broadcast his execution live on every social media channel that exists.
Then they would broadcast His body being dragged all over the streets.
This is the world!
This is with whom we align ourselves whenever we move outside the will Of God.
This world is full of sin. You cannot find your healing in this world.
But, if you are transformed by the renewing of your minds, then nothing this world can do to you, will by no means define you any longer.
For weapon told that no weapon formed against us will prosper.
Isaiah 54:17 (CSB)
17 No weapon formed against you will succeed, and you will refute any accusation raised against you in court. This is the heritage of the Lord’s servants, and their vindication is from me.” This is the Lord’s declaration.
Meaning, what used to depress you, will no longer have power over you, because the mind is used to the attack, it is no longer susceptible to understanding it as a negative.
In other words, if the world gets sick, it would get depressed, but if a person whose mind has been renewed and fixed on the hope of Heaven hears this, it would mean they are going to see Jesus sooner.
You see the outlook or perspective changes according to the worldview. If you see & live as Christ is our blessed hope, what can the world or its effects hold over you?
They lose all their power.
Jesus disarms the aggressor.
The demons that haunt you can no longer wage war against your minds because they have been removed of their weapons against it In Christ!
If you lose a job and finances keep you awake at night, its because you are still worried this world has power over you.
To cause your life misery Instead of “Knowing” whatever happens, You are more valuable to the Creator God.
The Factory of all human experience, is more concerned with your life than all of the animals He created along with you, that He feeds every day and clothes the fields with lilies, flowers, and crops.
Knowing this, you leave worry behind and eagerly await His next move in your life, regardless of the outcome.
Remember, even if it be His will that you die of exposure or starvation, all it will do is bring you to your eternal reward all that much sooner AMEN!
Don’t you see? There is nothing in this world that should hold our minds here
God is the measure of truth, and He is our eternal Salvation.
Where else can we go if He has the words of eternal life?
James, the Lord’s brother sums this up when he wrote in his book
James 4:4 (CSB)
4 You adulterous people! Don’t you know that friendship with the world is hostility toward God? So whoever wants to be the friend of the world becomes the enemy of God.
So, what do we do? As James continues by saying
James 4:7–8 (CSB)
7 Therefore, submit to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. 8 Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.
We must shed this world completely.
Every thought we should hold captive as Paul tells us.
We should be determined to live as He wants us to live not at all how we want to live.
We can’t have it both ways, either we are going to submit 100%
Or we are still considered part of this world, it’s that simple
Galatians 5:9 (CSB)
9 A little leaven leavens the whole batch of dough.
Even the smallest minute particle, by definition, makes it impure.
If you take a glass of water clean and pure, then add the smallest piece of dust, it is no longer pure.
That is how we are to live in Christ, 100% pure in Christ 0% of this world.
Now, with man this is impossible. But with God all things are possible.
That's why we need to continually keep ourselves fixed on the “Mind of Christ” and not of our own!
We aren’t called to understand, only to trust in Him
Remember, it's designed for our holiness, not for our happiness
Happiness comes as a result of living in the spirit.
Joy is a fruit of the spirit Amen!