It is for Freedom that I set you Free
8 Open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all who are destitute.
Pray over this message…
Need the prayer team to be here to help those that are triggered.
It is that important - I need you to strap on the courage of the LORD.
We are going to going to pray right now for God’s power and courage.
This is at the core of what it means to be a christian. This is part of the greatest commandment.
37 And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. 38 This is the great and first commandment. 39 And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. 40 On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.”
If we were destitute, say if we were being exploited by an tyrannical king, or exploited as slaves on a plantation, or being trafficked for human slavery - we would want others to rescue us. This call to love our Neighbors “as ourselves” is repeated in the Bible many times from Leviticus to Revelation. It was made famous by Jesus and Paul. But it was through Moses the Holy spirit first gave those words. It is the most succinct summary of our relationship with God. It is an impossible Goal but it is clear that God expects each of us to echo His Love to this standard, and we will be held accountable to apply our utmost effort.
The cry for freedom is from God
The cry for freedom is from God
the famous cry for freedom in the bible…
Ex 2:23 “During those many days the king of Egypt died, and the people of Israel groaned because of their slavery and cried out for help. Their cry for rescue from slavery came up to God.”
God answers that cry with one of the most dramatic Books of the entire bible. Exodus. AMAZing.
How can anyone read the exodus story, and think that God wants people to live in bondage?
Yet in the Bible the cry for freedom is without a doubt a desire that GOD both planted in the heart of humanity, but also orchestrated to be resounding chorus of God’s heart that keeps getting louder and louder as you read His story through the Bible.
It is the tragic backstory of us all that once we lived in a garden free from and slavery, and yet together with Adam and Eve we chose a life of slavery to sin. The Bible reveals to us that this did not take god by surprised but that he had authored a plan of redemption from slavery before he even started building the Universe.
The story of the bible then a story of God’s plan to break the power of sin, and bring the choice of freedom back to us.
We hear the chorus of freedom whispered as prophesy in garden that the snake the adversary satan’s head will be crushed one day by a promised seed of the woman… the Messiah’s theme begins to play.
Later the chorus rises in volume as a timid humble Moses is called by GOD, to bring freedom to the the Israelites in egypt as Slaves. It is clearly with God’ might power that the liberation is accomplished, yet he chooses to use willing and obedient children to perform the actions and send the messages. Let my People Go that they serve me.
The freedom Chorus rises again At Sinai - God give moses many laws and not least of which is the 10 commandments, and they are filled with strong reminders against slavery.
2 “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. 3 “You shall have no other gods before me.
The chorus for freedom was expressed in laws as God laid down many laws to protect slaves from harsh treatment from their masters Ex 21:20 & Ex 21:26 , and to provide limits on their terms of indentured services - to no more than 6 years. Ex 21:2
& Leviticus 25:39–43 No other nations had such laws that protected slaves before they were to be released without any payment. The idea of slavery should sound harsh to us today. but in a world were slavery was the standard for repaying debts.
The concept of liberty was given full definition among the year of Jubilee
The chorus of freedom is put to the test in 2 Chronicles 28:10 when the King of northern Israel chooses to make slaves of the captives of Judah, and the prophet of God called out the evil, and the people of the army rebelled against their king and let the captives return home and helped them do so.
The Chorus for freedom echoed among the prophets as they described a Messiah that would proclaim freedom to the captives.
Isaiah 61:1 (ESV)
1 The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor; he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound;
The chorus of freedom became the central message of the Jesus ministry as he claimed that verse from Isiah 61:1-2 for Himself and as a sign of His ministry as Messiah. Luke 4:21
He defined the effect of sin as a bondage like slavery, John 8:34
34 Jesus answered them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who practices sin is a slave to sin.
And indeed the picture of slavery that was so prevalent then, proved a perfect metaphor for the power of Sin.
Jesus then expressed the leadership among the disciples should be like voluntary slavery based on love. Matt 20:27
44 and whoever would be first among you must be slave of all.
The Chorus of freedom rose to a full crescendo when Jesus died on cross and rose again on the third day as an atoning sacrifice for the sin of the world, setting free all that would place their trust in HIM. Those would become adopted into the family of God and experience the full Freedom of the Holy Spirit.
Anything and everything we wanted to do would be lawful and allowed for us, for our hearts would be set on Him. No longer Slaves to sin we could now master through the Power of the Holy spirit. We were empowered to train our flesh to follow a new Master Jesus.
13 For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. 14 For the whole law is fulfilled in one word: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
If we are allowed to do everything we want to do… is that Not full FREEDOM? that is teh glorious condition we find ourselves in when we are walking in step with the holy spirit. We want to please god and love our fellow man.
Is it any wonder that it is wonder then, that the God would call upon his Church to Sing the Chorus in with the Holy Spirit to bring freedom to the rest of the world still in slavery?
Freedom as it is defined and embodied by God is a very great and good thing. Therefore if we have a chance to bring God’s freedom to the oppressed, and we refuse… then that would be a sin.
To have the power to set people free, and to squander that chance… How grave a sin would that be?
The Church is called to outlaw slavery
The Church is called to outlaw slavery
As we near July 4th our hearts are turning the idea of Freedom. This year especially, as i recognize how frail and special freedom is. Especially as we see freedoms that have been defended at such a great cost, are being trampled by our politicians, educators, and news media. as if the devil himself were their Master.
Freedom only comes through GOD… so when a nation turns from God, Freedom will dry up.
to sustain freedom we need another revival.
In the Colonies God was laying the ground work to end slavery.
In the Colonies God was laying the ground work to end slavery.
The Great Awakening in America occurred in the 1730s and 1740s, characterized by widespread revivals led by evangelical Protestant ministers, a sharp increase in interest in religion, a profound sense of conviction and redemption on the part of those affected, an increase in evangelical church membership,
after the great Awakening had swept through America in 1770 or so there was an alarm that was being sounded across the churches of america. There was Tyranny and injustice. Attempts to rectify the wrongs were failing one after one. They were getting desperate.
On April 19, 1775, when the Battles of Lexington and Concord initiated armed conflict between Britain and the 13 colonies (the nucleus of the future United States), the Americans claimed that they sought only their rights within the British Empire. At that time few of the colonists consciously desired to separate from Britain.
The heroes of that day were the Preachers - they were instrumental in raising the moral consciousness and building the case for the cause of revolution (not rebellion). TO do so they had to carefully justify each step to the satisfaction of the Holy Spirit. They began to contemplate the unthinkable. Cessation from England.
Only men of faith could seriously contemplate such a step as war with Britain the greatest power on the face of the planet could only end one way… and penalty for Treason was death. but it was clear that under a King so far away, they would never be free.
They were had to be convinced God was guiding them and they had a just cause for which they could appeal for his favor.
If they failed, their very lives were at stake. Think of the courage did it took to stand and deliver those sermons.
it took almost a year for the situation to reach full the point states were authorizing there delegates to vote for independence.
On June 11 a committee consisting of Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, and Robert R. Livingston was chosen to prepare a statement justifying the decision to assert independence.
Thomas Jefferson penned the initial draft. as he was a master at writing. (not as much for speaking)
Adams indicated that the declaration contained nothing really novel in its political philosophy. It was philosophy that was established already by the likes of Christians like John Locke, Algernon Sidney, and other English theorists.
John lock adhered to the Protestant doctrine of "sola Scriptura," according to which the Scriptures contain all that is needed for salvation. Thus, he always made sure that his conclusions were consistent with, and indeed grounded in, Scripture.
Sidney wrote that his life's work was to: “... uphold the Common rights of mankind, the lawes of this land, and the true Protestant religion, against corrupt principles, arbitrary power and Popery . . . I doe now willingly lay down my life for the same; and having a sure witness within me, that God doth ... uphold me ... am very littell sollicitous, though man doth condemne me.[1]”
The document underwent some minor changes to arrive at something that all could agree.
on July 1 & finally on July 2 the document was voted and approved “unanimously” by the votes of 12 colonies (with New York abstaining as they did not yet have authorization— that came a bit later) had resolved that “these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be Free and Independent States.” Accordingly, the day on which final separation was officially voted was July 2, although the 4th, the day on which the Declaration of Independence was adopted.
The declaration of independence asserted the clear justification
It is incredibly important to reviews and understand the document. If forms the very basis and foundation for the constitution and our eventual removal of slavery form these United States.
<<see the the slide set>>
a list of issues that proved to the world why we had to declare independence and were justified.
How many of these items might be just concerns against our own government now?
take a look - we do not have sovereign borders right now. our declaration of independence is about this very topic
You don't have a sovereign country if you do not have sovereign boarders
After 200 years we are once again facing the same tyranny because of our weak education… it is not an accident. Satan
In just a minutes we will examine the question of the wall.
Meanwhile in Great Britain God was also moving in hearts to end Slavery
Meanwhile in Great Britain God was also moving in hearts to end Slavery
Once again God does not DO it for us… but like with Moses… he expects us to speak, and to obey Him to accomplish the tasks. The job fell to a William Wilberforce, and people like him to accomplish God’s plan to make the slave trade illegal. But it was not easy.
it is in the wake of the great Methodist revival that William is growing up, and he spends times with His (grandparents I think), that are strong Methodists, and he learned a bit about the Lord from them - but did not decide to follow Jesus. Many hated the beliefs of the Methodists at this time and the church of England was the only approved Christianity.
At just 21 He was the youngest member of the House of Commons. back then you had to bribe your way into office — and he did.
He went on to become the MP for the whole of Yorkshire.
He was close friends with the Prime Minister, William Pitt the Younger, and the two of them were the political celebrities of the 1780s: their charm, wit and position made them greatly sought after in up-market drawing-rooms and social circles.
His aim was to achieve personal success. He confessed to a friend " own distinction was my darling object."
1n 1784 Wilberforce's life changed radically. On a trip to Europe he spent time with one of his former school teachers; a Christian. Wilberforce read William Law's book A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life. The book touched him profoundly and made him doubt his unbelief. (it is available today in the public domain and in audible format — it is a great explanation as to why we see so many Christians that do not act like Christ)
He found himself moving closer towards Christianity and this led him to ask himself 'Can one serve God and one's nation in parliament?' He wondered whether the two goals might be mutually exclusive.
He discussed the problem with John Newton, the hymn writer who wrote Amazing Grace and a former slave ship captain. They met in secret because evangelical Christians were frowned on by the establishment.
Newton told Wilberforce:
God has raised you up for the good of the church and the good of the nation, maintain your friendship with Pitt, continue in Parliament, who knows that but for such a time as this God has brought you into public life and has a purpose for you.
John Newton
The Quakers, long-standing abolitionists, were joined by other opponents of the slave trade and formed an Abolition Committee in 1787. They needed a champion in Parliament - someone who would bring an "Inquiry into the Slave Trade" before the House of Commons - and they felt that Wilberforce was the man for the job.
I find it notable the two most spirit filled denominations of his day were the most disposed, but were also the ones that were alive and awake to the reality that God was a God of Freedom, and slavery was an afront to
Wilberforce's friend Pitt, the Prime Minister, in a famous conversation under an oak tree on his country estate, also told Wilberforce to take up the cause.
One of the committee's founding members, Thomas Clarkson, travelled thousands of miles across the UK researching the realities of the trade. His work provided the facts that Wilberforce would use in his first passionate speech to Parliament.
In 1789, following his conversion to Christianity, Wilberforce became the voice in Parliament of the Abolition Movement; joining campaigners such as the Quakers, Thomas Clarkson and the former enslaved African Olaudah Equiano. For Wilberforce the slave trade was a sin for which Britain had to repent or be damned.
Making the case against slavery
Making the case against slavery
Although it might seem incredible today, the slavers argued that theirs was a moral trade because they were trying to help people who'd been captured in African wars, who were otherwise going to be executed, and they were taking them to a safe place and a new life.
Wilberforce's speech changed history. After reciting the facts for three hours he said to the lawmakers:
Having heard all of this you may choose to look the other way but you can never again say that you did not know.
William Wilberforce
The full story of how They finally outlawed slave trade is fascinating…
all I will but i will say now is it took every ounce of strength and determination for these people - they used every means they could to raise awareness of the plight of the slaves among the people of great Britain.
they new their cause was Just
5 Out of my distress I called on the Lord; the Lord answered me and set me free. 6 The Lord is on my side; I will not fear. What can man do to me? 7 The Lord is on my side as my helper; I shall look in triumph on those who hate me.
verses like this how that calling upon the Lord, would produce the freedom required. but for how long?
But the Abolitionists were brilliant at public relations and devised radical new ways of bringing their cause to public attention.
They had pamphlets full of eye-witness testimony. They had extraordinary graphics such as the famous image of the slave ship, Brookes, which showed captive Africans packed like sardines in a can.
our modern documentaries and movies are the equivalent ways of reaching the people in our day
the power of the the $$ that was made off the slave trade was a powerful force to defeat.
For Wilberforce personally it meant enduring vitriolic attacks in the newspapers; he was physically assaulted, he faced death threats and he had to travel with an armed bodyguard.
Wilberforce's abolition bill became an annual occurrence in Parliament as year on year he brought the issue before the House of Commons for consideration.
In the end the merchants were wrong-footed by a separate act suggested by a fellow abolitionist and maritime lawyer called James Steven, which in 1806 banned British subjects from participating in the slave trade to the colonies of France and their allies. At a stroke this wiped out around two thirds of the trade and made Wilberforce's abolition bill academic.
On the 23rd February 1807, abolition of the slave trade was once again debated in Parliament. When Wilberforce realised that the majority of the speeches were now in favour and that the Abolitionists were going to win, he bowed his head and wept.
At 4 o'clock in the morning the Commons voted by 283 to 16 to abolish the slave trade.
It had taken twenty years to get this far. The capturing, transporting and selling of enslaved Africans was now illegal but slavery itself remained legal in Britain's colonies.
Emancipation of the slaves
Emancipation of the slaves
Wilberforce retired from Parliament in 1825. Younger MPs like Thomas Buxton took over the Parliamentary battle. Wilberforce continued to support the campaign. In 1823 he wrote his famous Appeal on Behalf of the Negro Slaves.
By now Wilberforce was old and frail; he was often ill and his eyesight was failing. On 29 July 1833, just two days after he had heard that the bill abolishing slavery would finally be passed, Wilberforce died.
United stated Slave emancipation would be delayed 30 years.
United stated Slave emancipation would be delayed 30 years.
For this the United states would have to wait till after america had ripped it’self apart over the issue.
<<Amazing story of 3 cigars>> - Lincoln asked god for a sign.
5 Out of my distress I called on the Lord; the Lord answered me and set me free.
The Emancipation Proclamation was issued by President Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863, during the American Civil War.124 The proclamation changed the legal status of over 3.5 million enslaved African Americans in the secessionist Confederate states from enslaved to free.1 On September 22, 1862, President Lincoln issued his Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation, which stated that enslaved people in those states or parts of states still in rebellion as of January 1, 1863, would be declared free.04 One hundred days later, with the rebellion unabated, President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, declaring "that all persons held as slaves" within the rebellious areas "are, and henceforward shall be free." The proclamation was a military measure and came just a few days after the Union's victory in the Battle of Antietam.4 The arrival of the news on June 19, 1865, is now celebrated as a national holiday, Juneteenth or Emancipation Day
The enduring unchangeable love of God lasts forever...
Out of my distress I called on the Lord; the Lord answered me and set me free.
The cry of Freedom must be heard again
The cry of Freedom must be heard again
Human slavery is so much worse today… is so much worse and so much bigger. bigger than it ever was in civil war or at our revolution.
That power is nothing to God…
God hears the cry of the Children - he is always attentive to the cry of those that have now power.
Innocent children and are is dear to his Heart.
God is raising up heroes. like Moses, Wilberforce, our founding fathers,
Harriett Tubman, "I always tole God, 'I'm gwine [going] to hole stiddy on you, an' you've got to see me through.' - Harriet Tubman (The "Moses" of Her People)
Fredrick Douglas
Abraham Lincoln (was politically astute and new how to “Walk the line” to address the issue, but know how much change the )
That is why I wanted to let you know about what is happening this week....
A chance for us all to encourage others.
This church is already commited to this battle… our prayer team is in anguish over this…
We have been praying over this since at least 2006…
God is our Hope, and our salvatoin. He can bring hope again.
This film is the scrifice of many people that want to wake up america to
This movie clip will tell Story — it is one every american needs to here.
<<play clip>>
The power of God to to change what the devil meant for evil, God has turned to good
The story of courage to do what is right
Tim Ballard is a former Special Agent for the Department of Homeland Security.12 He spent over a decade working as an undercover operative for the U.S. Child Sex Tourism Jump Team and was assigned to the Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force.2 Ballard founded Operation Underground Railroad (O.U.R.) in 2013, an anti-sex trafficking nonprofit organization that has conducted multiple sting operations, some outside the United States, and donated technological and monetary resources to law-enforcement agencies that combat sex trafficking. The organization has been criticised for its conduct during sting operations and for exaggerated claims regarding its work.0 The Sound of Freedom true story reveals that Ballard spent several years busting the consumers of child exploitation material without ever being able to rescue the kids being exploited.
Currently, at the time of the movie's release in 2023, Tim Ballard and his wife Katherine Ballard have nine children. They met while they were both attending Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah.
we learned that it was media personality Glenn Beck who pulled together the funding for Tim Ballard and his team to complete the operations. "Glenn Beck, bless his heart, raised the money for us so that we could even do the operations," says Ballard. "I had no money to do it" (The Daily Signal).
ere's a documentary coming out called Triple Take, which tells everything that happened on that island."
Does Sound of Freedom show the exploitation of children?
No. "I demanded they didn't," says the real Tim Ballard, who insisted that such terrible crimes not be shown in the movie. The horror is instead conveyed in part through actor Jim Caviezel's eyes and expressions as his character reacts to the exploitation. -The Daily Signal
No. "I demanded they didn't," says the real Tim Ballard, who insisted that such terrible crimes not be shown in the movie. The horror is instead conveyed in part through actor Jim Caviezel's eyes and expressions as his character reacts to the exploitation. -The Daily Signal
the Hero story of a dog named Cinnamon Bark, and others…
This is a message of encouragement. to keep up the fight…
The story of how we can be a part of it, and send a power message to the elite and the lying media.
the tide has changed.
We must do what God has called us to do.
If pray, then Pray,
If intercede then intercede,
If help with 2 million see this movie on opening weekend, then yes>>
The great divide
The great divide
there is a gulf between Americans again, like in the days of the civil war, and it is getting wider.
There are those who look to the LORD, who mercy and who walk humbly… And there are those who do not. And the gulf between their perspectives are growing wider each day. David described this Gulf after God delivered him from Saul, and Giant Philistines in 2 Samuel 22. It is also recorded in Psalm 18. As a Psalm of David that that is recorded twice in the bible it has perhaps extra weight in its significance.
Psalm 18:25-26
25 With the merciful you show yourself merciful;
with the blameless man you show yourself blameless;
26 with the purified you show yourself pure;
and with the crooked you make yourself seem tortuous.
Notice how the crooked will not be able to see the mercy and pure blameless love of God… As they despise God they will be lead astray by the deceitful lies of Satan.
I beg of you, if you are letting yourself become tempted by sin, cast it aside like it is a deadly poison… for it is. It’s touch starts corruption in your mind and it never says enough.
We must be pure… we must repent of the things that make us impure.
the affects of Pornography are directly tied to this trade. we cannot be praters with that.
if you have been struggling it is a time to struggle no more but put that sin to death.
27 For you save a humble people, but the haughty eyes you bring down.
Those that are humble enough to be taught, to be corrected to listen and hear the ideas and thoughts of others, that are willing to seek after righteousness above all else.
TO those of us that are still seeing God as pure, blameless and merciful, He is reaching out to you… your help is found in
It goes on to call out the role of the person who follows God in days like this…
27 For you save a humble people, but the haughty eyes you bring down. 28 For it is you who light my lamp; the Lord my God lightens my darkness. 29 For by you I can run against a troop, and by my God I can leap over a wall. 30 This God—his way is perfect; the word of the Lord proves true; he is a shield for all those who take refuge in him.
It takes courage
It takes courage
It took courage to stand up for freedom. It still takes courage.
Jim Caviezel lost his agents over the movie
In an interview with Angel Studios CEO Neal Harmon, Caviezel said that, as with The Passion of the Christ, he and the filmmakers have endured blowback for making Sound of Freedom:
I want this to be so huge that they're forced to look at this. I lost my agents over this. Yep, 17 years, 15 years. I lost my lawyer over this, and now I understand why all these actors didn't want to do the movie because of this. Listen, you do Schindler's List fifty years later, you're a hero. Try doing Schindler's List when the real Nazis are right there. Understand how that becomes more dangerous? I don't understand why people are willing to let children be hurt, but in this time, Hollywood says, 'No, no, let's kick that down fifty years from now and then [see where we're at]. That's crap.
I think most of America would image that had they lived in those days they you be one of these heroes are you going to sit on the sidelines by so many in the north that did.
the heroes of today (Glen Beck, Jim Caviezel, Elon Musk CEO of Tesla)
Tim Ballard’s Wife… I will not let you jeopardize my salvation by not doing this…
outselling indiana jones by 25%
can we change
If I understand scripture, we are being called in our generation to end this. If not, we could loose our republic
this one issue has the power to completely expose what is wrong with the
Isreal - becsuse we have sacrificed our children
Media has been leing to us
trump russion puppet spy
hunter biden laptop is fake
mask will protect you against covid
Ivermectine is not a wonder drug, and will most likely harm you so we must ban it.
we must pour billions into ukraine to protect democracy
trump took classified documents and would not give them back.
how many ties will we listen to their lies before we realize
Vaccine will stop COvid, you wont need ot wear a mask.
the drug cartel… loves open boarders
the sex salary trade is loving open boarders
WHy is our president and his pary unconcerned? - no actively promoting the open boarders and not allowing laws to be enforced… dispight its incredible destructive impact on not ony our country but on those that are being enticed over the boarder.
because they are the party of crime… they are allowing the lawlessness to continue.
the sprit of the anticrist is the spirit of lawlessness.
when this country was founded it was founded on judeo chritsian values. values that were required to be sustained for the nation to continue to operate as it was designed.
those values are no longer the ones that most of america is guided by. - there are still a majority of people with those values today… but they are not “in power”.
this movie can awaken those that are sleeping
they are sounding the alarm. as loud as it has been sounded, but it is not enough the alarm must sound louder in our churches. Much louder
there are people who are willing to sound it. will you be willing to join them? will you also get others to sound the alarm.
The mainstream media and the Deep state swamp want this hidden.
it is a job for the one voice that cannot be silenced. it is a job for the one voice that cannot be intimidated, or scared into cowering submission.
It is a job for the Church of CHrist. we need to go to this film. every one of us… and purchase tickets for others to go.
America is the the #s and technology and people become sex addicts in mass easier here. and have the $.
DO not google child pron or you police will track you.
the child porn has in the last 5K% increase in last 5 years.
we must stop it in the Name of Jesus
We must get others
Contact offender
the power of films - and the cover up on this human trafficking issue
2017 film entitled "The Abolotionists" produced by Gerald Molen (Schindler's List, Jurassic Park) which covers Tim and his team's mission to eradicate child sex trafficking. Tim was former CIA and HSI and left to start this non-profit which has now rescued 549 victims and assisted in the arrest of 243 traffickers around the world.
so we are seeing massive pain and suffering and it is growing rapidly.
Yet there is a remnant. as in the days of Israel. there is a remnant and they are praying and they are on the wall as watchmen.
the boarder wall
the boarder wall
America's current border situation is making it easier for children to be trafficked and exploited.
"This film, the story kicks off at the port of entry at the southern border. That's a true story," says Tim Ballard. "They filmed that exactly where that happened with that little boy and the necklace, that's a real story, the necklace with Timothy on it. That's timely. Look what's happening right now on our southern border." Ballard says that he spent 10 years working at the border as a Special Agent with the Department of Homeland Security. -The Victory Channel
In an interview with The Daily Signal, Ballard explained how the current lack of security at the border is exacerbating the problem of child trafficking:
The economy of pedophilia. The United States is the number one consumer of child exploitation material. We are the demand. So, that means that traffickers want to get children into that dark market. There's a lot of money to be made here. The United States, also according to the State Department, is in the top three countries for destination countries for human trafficking. So, there's every incentive to get children into America, into the black markets here of pedophilia.
And so, when I find out that in the last couple of years that at least 85,000 — I think it's much higher than that — that at least 85,000 unaccompanied minors [have shown up at the border], thousands of them, I've seen the CBP reports, are under five years old. Why is a three-year-old showing up at the border? Well, I can tell you why, because they show up with a name, the name of the sponsor that they're given by the trafficker. HHS gets the kids and they by law have to call the number.
*pretends to pick up phone*
'Hi, we have Jose Gonzalez, Mr. George Smith.'
'Yeah, yeah, that's my kid, whatever.'
They used to actually fly down and have to pick the kid up. Not anymore. Our taxpayer dollars will [now] send the kid by plane or bus to this 'sponsor', no background check, no DNA, nothing. And they deliver the kids. Our taxpayer dollars are literally, for the first time in American history, our taxpayer dollars are going to facilitate the last leg of a child trafficking event.
Ballard says that the only compassionate border policy is border enforcement, including barriers and walls, because, as emphasized in Sound of Freedom, "the walls and the barriers lead the children who are being hurt into that funnel of rescue. Trained women and men in uniform are there. Those kids want to go through the port of entry. Those kids pray for a wall. The wall will save their lives! But let's take it all down. Let's open it all up. Kids are being abused by the thousands and our taxpayer dollars are actually funding it."