A Lost Coin

For the One  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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The rabbis had a rule, ‘One must not associate with an ungodly man’, and they took this rule so seriously that they would not even teach the Law to someone they understood to be ungodly
- In other words, they would not allow sinners into their equivalent of church
Last week we saw:
1. The heart that Jesus (the Good Shepherd) has for sinners (you and I)
2. The heart that we, who are called to be like Jesus, should have toward sinners
Luke 15:8–10 (ESV)
8 “Or what woman, having ten silver coins, if she loses one coin, does not light a lamp and sweep the house and seek diligently until she finds it? 9 And when she has found it, she calls together her friends and neighbors, saying, ‘Rejoice with me, for I have found the coin that I had lost.’ 10 Just so, I tell you, there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents.”
woman” - This would have been a shock - not only because a woman was the central figure of the story, but also as this is a parable, the woman represents GOD.
having ten silver coins, if she loses one coin,
drachma - about a day’s wages. According to some it was the price of a sheep
Could have been a part of a headdress that many women in the ANE wore - possibly part of dowry. If so, this coin would have relational / sentimental as well as monetary value.
does not light a lamp and sweep the house and seek diligently until she finds it?
Houses were generally dark, many did not have windows.
floor was either dirt or stone with cracks large enough for a coin to fall through - archaeologists have found coins in the dirt and stones of floors so much that it helps them date the house.
And when she has found it, she calls together her friends and neighbors, saying, ‘Rejoice with me,
Similar to the last parable about the lost sheep, the woman wants to celebrate with her community - indicates how valuable she understood the coin to be.
Similarities and Contrasts
unlikely people at the center of the story
1 lost while several still remained
lost was sought intensely
lost was sought until found
there was joy when the lost was found
there was a celebration with others
there was joy that echoes heaven
Shepherd looks for the sheep out of care for the sheep and out of responsibility
Woman looks for the coin because of her understanding of the coin’s value
10 Just so, I tell you, there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents.”
One Jewish scholar has noted that through this story Jesus teaches a completely new thing about God - that He searched for us.
A Jew at that time would readily agree that God might grant pity and mercy to a sinner who comes to him in repentance and begging for mercy, but a God who seeks out sinners was unheard of.
Jesus is painting this picture to explain what he, as God in flesh, is currently doing.
The real question is why? Why would God search for sinners?
God knows your value, and it is worth the cost to find you.
Undergirding this statement is both a theological truth and a gospel reality. An understanding of both are needed to feel the full weight of this parable.

God does not need you. (theological truth)

He is self sufficient
By definition of being God - he needs nothing (aseity)
He is the Creator of everything from nothing
What are you going to give him?
God will simply point out that he made it!
You add nothing to God
One day you will die, your stuff will all be given away, and the world will continue.
Unless your in a history book somewhere, in a few generations you will be forgotten by the people of this planet.
While we may never actually say it, sometimes we believe God is privileged to have us.
“Aren’t you glad I’m here in worship today? What would you have done with out me?”
I know this is the case because we sometimes view our relationship with God as somehow transactional:
“Why aren’t you blessing me? I’ve done X, Y, Z for you!”
As if we have helped him, therefore he should help us.
Psalm 50:8–15 (ESV)
8 Not for your sacrifices do I rebuke you; your burnt offerings are continually before me. 9 I will not accept a bull from your house or goats from your folds. 10 For every beast of the forest is mine, the cattle on a thousand hills. 11 I know all the birds of the hills, and all that moves in the field is mine. 12 “If I were hungry, I would not tell you, for the world and its fullness are mine. 13 Do I eat the flesh of bulls or drink the blood of goats?
Acts 17:24–25 (ESV)
24 The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in temples made by man, 25 nor is he served by human hands, as though he needed anything, since he himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything.
God doesn’t NEED our worship because God doesn’t NEED you. But. . .

2. God wants you. (gospel reality)

How many of you would spend all day looking for a penny?
Most of us would not because we would say it is not worth it.
Our effort to find something is based on the value we understand it to have.

You are valuable to God.

The shock in the parable is that sinners, who hold littler value in the eyes of the religious leaders, are viewed by God as valuable enough to seek out.
Remember point 1 -
You are not valuable to God because of what you can do for him.
You are valuable to God because of WHO YOU ARE.
And who you are is enough reason for God to seek you out.
ILLUST - birth certificate. It holds no intrinsic value, but it is valuable to me. In the hands of someone else, it is a useless piece of paper. But it holds extreme value to me because of it’s relationship to me.
In the same way, you are valuable to God because of his relationship to you - He made you.
Though we are all lost (even when we didn’t know it - the coin doesn’t know it is lost) God initiated the search for us.
While we were somewhere in the dirt and in the dark, God sent his light to remove the dirt and make a way for us to be found.
You are so valuable to God that you are worth the life of his Son.
Romans 5:8 (ESV)
8 but God shows his love (your value) for us in that while we were still sinners (lost), Christ died for us.
The same is true for everyone. They are valuable to God - even in their sin.
This smacks in the face of
Religious pride
Everyone is valuable to God.
Legalistic works
Legalism says your value is based on what you DO
Grace / Gospel says your value is based on who you ARE!
God says you are so valuable that there is nothing I won’t do to find you.
You are valuable to God.

God values you.

God gives you your value. He determines what you are worth. No one else.
You are made in his image.
God values you.
God values you regardless of how valuable YOU think you are.
Your value is not based on how you feel - It is based on what God says.
ILLUST - Pawn Stars - people tend to feel their items are worth a lot of money, so they call in an expert.
If your value is not based on how you feel but on what God says, then when you are not feeling very valuable - like a dirty coin lost in the dark - you remember what God has said. Go back to the expert - the Bible.
Matthew 6:25–26 (ESV)
25 “Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? 26 Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?
God values you regardless of how valuable OTHERS say you are.
Others can determine your usefulness - for a job, for a relationship, for their own selfish desires, but only God can give you your worth.
It doesn’t matter what your boss says about you - God values you
It doesn’t matter what your ex-spouse has said about you - God values you
It doesn’t matter what you’ve been told all your life growing up - God values you
To allow someone else to alter how you view your worth is to disregard the shock of this parable.
The woman went searching because the coin was valuable to her.
To say that you are worthless is to say that the life of Jesus is less than worthless since God saw it as worth the cost to send his Son for you.
Stop trying to please others simply so your value might increase in their eyes.
people pleasing - you feel if you disappoint someone you are not as valuable
Workaholic - you believe your value is based on what you can achieve. If someone else beats you to the promotion, they are somehow worth more
Most people value you transactionally - based on what you can do for them.
God values you relationally - simply because of who you are.
The world has the wrong price book.
ILLUST - how do you know which baseball card is worth more? The standard (book) tells you
God sets the standard - the value of a soul. It has infinite worth
Why is gold valuable?
Gold is valuable because it does not rust. It is scarce. It is long lasting.
Your soul is valuable because it is eternal. It is worth something more than gold. It is worth something eternal - Someone eternal.
1 Peter 1:18–19 (ESV)
18 knowing that you were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your forefathers, not with perishable things such as silver or gold, 19 but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without blemish or spot.
This is how we are to see everyone else - as invaluable souls.
This is why the parable was so shocking to the Pharisees - they saw people transactionally and believed God did as well. Jesus showed that SINNERS are just as valuable as SAINTS
*Do view people this way? Or
do you avoid people because they are not worth your time
While we Walk together. . .
We should also be Looking together. . .
Every soul is invaluable
India report
“I am happy to share the following story of VES children as received from brother Samson Reang. Thank you so much for your continuous prayer and financial  support for these needy children. The Lord is truly bringing transformation in their lives and making a big difference to society. May His Kingdom be established. We are grateful.
In Him,
Our school children are mostly coming from disadvantaged and economically weaker section families where parents are hardly earning below one dollar a day .Due to geographical challenges they have been deprived from the mainstream of development for decades. There is no school, road connectivity, electricity, water and medical facilities .Many of them were weary, sick, and sometimes even faced premature death, especially pregnant mothers and children.
In response to ongoing challenges we, the V.E.S  as a Victory slogan for the community. we have been providing quality education with the dedication to promote holistic development for younger generation.Your donations make us possible to carry on the work
Here is the story we have:
1)Pontheram Reang from kachari village has four siblings besides him ,none of them got opportunity even primary level  education whereas they have to go  earning for family since younger age that continuously going on generations. Among them, Pontheram Reang is the youngest member in his family. He was admitted to our VES when he was ten years old .He started learning basic knowledge of  alphabets and numbers after that he was admitted in class one within a year he is able read and write, after three years now he is studying in class vi .With him there are some more children came in VES and getting free food , and their basics needs along with parental care .Now they are growing physically, mentally and spiritual as well.
2) This the most challenges life testimony of a boy Named Mungthang Joy Reang from Tharma village, the age of the village is almost 70 years running but still now there is no basic facilities are met in the village. They have to track 30 km distance the hilly footpath road to reach in town , They are totally deprived from mainstream life.
This boy was once admitted in another school but discontinued in class three due to  poverty. After they came to know about VES they came and were admitted in our school in the last 2022-2023 academic year. Now he is successfully completed and has scored above 90% and got an opportunity to double promotion in class V. He is truly very happy and enjoying his study.
3) One more interesting story
A little girl from Helenpur village, her name is Teresa Reang. Her parents are very poor and couldn't provide their basic needs .Her parents couldn't even read and write and it was very hard to take care of their siblings . Though she is a little girl, she encouraged her parents that she will become great one day and she will take care of her family one day . Now she is studying in VES for the last two years. Now she is studying in class One .
Similarly many of our children are having their own stories.
There are thousands of children who have been deprived for decades.
Their needs are truly very genuine. Only your faithful prayer and financial support make possible the better life of destitute children.
Thank you so much.
God values you because you bear his image.
ILLUST - you know a coin is valuable because it bears the image of someone in authority.
You bear the image of the KING.
no matter the dark corner you find yourself
no matter how dirty you feel
You are valuable to God - you bear his image and as he shines his light and finds you, he picks you up, and cleans you off so you can better bear his image.

God is simply happy to have you.

This wording does not do justice to the idea of joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents.”
Notice how the woman calls her friends to say she found the coin, not that she is somehow wealthier or that she was finally able to get what she wanted because she found the coin.
The joy in finding the coin was not in what the coin could do for her, her joy was in having the lost coin back with her.
God is not happy to have you so you can start doing things for him. His joy over you is not dependent on what you do or don’t do.
He is simply happy to have you.
In fact, it sounds like heaven has a party someone who was lost in sin repents and is found by God.
Because heaven understands the value of a soul.
God wants you to display your value by bearing his image.
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