Water. One of the essentials of life which covers much of the earth’s surface and is the primary component of the human body. Life cannot be sustained more than a few days without it.In the beginning, when God first created the heavens and the earth, water was created before light, dry land, or vegetable, animal, and human life. The Lord declares that scoffers “deliberately ignore this fact, that by the word of God heavens existed long ago, and an earth formed out of water and by means of water” (2 Pt 3:5).The amount of water and the relationship between water and land are important. The Lord used an overwhelming mass and movement of water to destroy “the world that then existed” (2 Pt 3:6), as punishment for its wickedness. V 2, p 2133 p 2133 On the other hand, extended drought also causes death.When the Lord created the garden of Eden, he made a river to water it. This river divided into four rivers, of which two are identified with certainty, the Euphrates and the Tigris, which have sustained agricultural life in the Mesopotamian area both in antiquity and today (cf. Gn 2:10–14). The Bible also relates that early in the history of the earth there was no rain, but a mist that watered the earth (vv 5, 6).In the Near East, water is of special importance, for much of the area receives only moderate amounts of rainfall. In Egypt, for example, only two to four inches of rain falls in the area of Cairo, and at Aswan the average annual rainfall is zero. Egypt was dependent upon the Nile, which was sustained by equatorial rains. On the other hand, Palestine “drinks water by the rain from heaven” (Dt 11:10, 11).Water has many symbolic usages in Scripture. It is used in ceremonies of purification and cleansing. The consecretion of the priests involved washing with water (Lv 8:6); parts of the animal sacrifices were washed (1:9, 13).