Sermon Tone Analysis

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Revelation 3:7-13
Stephen Caswell © 2004
Holding The Fort
The hymn with chorus, /Hold the fort, for I am coming!/ written by P. P. Bliss, was suggested to him by an incident in the American Civil War.
At Altoma Pass the fort being held by General Corse was besieged by the enemy under General Hood, who summoned it to surrender.
Corse refused to surrender.
Many were the casualties, but in spite of the hopeless situation the defenders remained faithful.
Then a white signal flag across the valley, some twenty miles away, waved the message, /Hold the fort, for I am coming./
General Sherman was marching to the relief of the beleaguered and faithful defenders.
So too, Christ sent a message to the faithful Church of Philadelphia, /Hold fast what you, don't give up your crown, behold, I am coming quickly.
Last Sunday we saw a Revelation Jesus Christ amongst the Churches.
He serves as */Prophet, Priest and King.
/*Today, we begin looking at the Lord’s judgment of the 7 Churches.
Because today is missions Sunday I am going to jump ahead and look at a Mission centered Church.
/What makes a Faithful Church?/ Obedience to Christ and His Word! Today we’ll see 3 things about the Church of Philadelphia: */Christ’s Character, Christ's Commendation, Christ's Counsel.
/Firstly,   / Christ's Character
*Revelation 3:7-8a: */And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write, These things says He who is holy, He who is true, He who has the key of David, He who opens and no one shuts, and shuts and no one opens: I know your works./
He is Holy/
Because Jesus Christ is God’s Son He is absolutely holy.
He is pure and wants His people to be holy too.
In fact He calls us to a life of holiness.
Our biggest obstacle to personal holiness is our desire to live for self and not for Christ.
The word holy describes something or someone set apart for God.
Christians find it much easier to live holy lives when they realize that their lives have been set apart for God.
We need to recognize that we belong to Christ lock, stock and barrel.
He is Trustworthy/
People can speak lies or the truth.
However, Jesus Christ is the Truth.
Whatever He says is true.
Jesus Christ is the true God.
There’s nothing false about Him.
Therefore the judgments He makes about the 7 Churches are absolutely correct.
He cannot lie.
So we ought to listen to His Words.
He Has Authority/
*/Firstly,/* Jesus Christ has the keys to David.
David was the King of Israel.
He possessed the keys to the Royal Treasury.
The wealth of the Kingdom was at His disposal.
*/Secondly,/* Christ has authority to open and close doors.
As sovereign David ruled over the land of Israel.
He also exercised authority over many of the surrounding nations whom he subdued.
His word was final.
When Jesus gave the Great Commission He said that He had all authority in heaven and on earth.
The Sovereign of the Universe has commanded us to preach the Gospel to every creature.
He Has Familiarity/
Jesus Christ knows His people so well.
He calls us by name.
He knows us intimately.
*/In verse 8 we see that Christ knows the works of the Church at Philadelphia.
/*In fact Christ knows the works of every Church.
He walks amongst the 7 Churches and sees their works.
/Secondly,   / Christ's Commendation
An Open Door/
*Rev 3:8a*/ I know your works.
See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it; /
The word */Philadelphia/**/ /**Φιλαδέλφεια* means */brotherly love/.*
The love of Christ constrained them to be ambassadors and share the Gospel.
The Lord set before this Church an */open door./*
*/What did Jesus mean by this?/*
It is not the size or strength of a church that determines its ministry, but faith in the call and command of the Lord.
If Jesus Christ gave them an open door, then He would see to it that they were able to walk through it.
*/Philadelphia/**/ was on the cross roads of some major roads.
/*Every Church has opportunities around them if they would only lift up their eyes and look at the lost around them.
Paul said this to the Corinthians.
*1 Corinthians 16:9* /For a great and effective door has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.
/When God opens doors and hearts people respond to the Gospel.
Paul knew this when he encouraged the Colossians to pray for him.
*Colossians 4:3: */Meanwhile praying also for us, *that God would open to us a door for the word, to speak the mystery of Christ, for which I am also in chains.*/
Little Strength – Great Faith   /*Revelation 3:8b*/ for you have a little strength, /
* *
In their own human weakness, they had trusted in the Lord.
As a result, they had been able to preserve the truth by living it out in their lives.
This Church had only a few workers.
But the Philadelphian Church didn’t wait till they were stronger or had more people.
They stepped out in faith and knowing God would help them.
In *John 4:35*: Jesus said that the fields were white unto harvest.
The problem is that the laborers are few.
However this is not an excuse to do nothing.
*Matthew 9:37-38:* /Then He said to His disciples, The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few.
Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.
/ /
We must be faithful because God is faithful.
Jesus told us to go out and to pray for more helpers.
The Church at Philadelphia was a missionary minded Church.
They knew that Christ had commanded them to preach the Gospel to every creature and they obeyed.
I am sure they overcame their weaknesses through prayer.
*2 Corinthians 12:9:* /And He said to me, My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.
Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
/ /
*/God’s commandments are also His enablements./*
Since Jesus Christ gave them an open door, then He would see to it that they were able to walk through it!/
/To reach the lost in this world we need everyone’s help.
*/Will you use your gifts?
/*You can help*/ /*in children’s work, lead a Bible study, by singing, prayer.
*/Kids Club – Bus, helpers, R.E Ministry.
/*/A few can accomplish much./
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