Strathallan - Matariki
Hymn - To God be the Glory
Hymn - To God be the Glory
Prayer of Adoration & Confession
Prayer of Adoration & Confession
adapted from Jeff Shrowder
Eternal God,
by your word you create
and by your breath you give life.
We worship you with joy and thanksgiving,
praising you for the fullness
that your presence brings to our lives,
and our life together.
We praise you that by your word you feed us;
we are satisfied, and there is always more.
Your goodness is displayed in your wonderful works
for all humanity,
and in your perfect love.
Lord we confess we are stubborn and rebellious,
following after foolish ideas;
going ways which lead away from life with you . . .
And yet, when we cry out you are there,
heal our emptiness and pain,
embrace us, lead us in your life-giving ways.
Forgive us Lord, and restore us to freedom in you.
For your unending faithfulness, revealed to us in Christ Jesus,
and made present to us in your Holy Spirit
we praise you, Lord God. Amen
Reading: Amos 5:7-8
7 The Israelites[u] turn justice into bitterness;[v]
they throw what is fair and right[w] to the ground.[x]
8 But there is one who made the constellations Pleiades and Orion;
he can turn the darkness into morning
and daylight[y] into night.
He summons the water of the seas
and pours it out on the earth’s surface.
The Lord is his name!
Hymn - What a Friend we have in Jesus
Hymn - What a Friend we have in Jesus
Talk: God of the stars of heaven
Talk: God of the stars of heaven
Magellanic clouds
Magellanic clouds
Pleiades all over the world
Pleiades all over the world
seven sisters
Brazilian flag
World of brokenness, sometimes we contribute
World of brokenness, sometimes we contribute
God is the one who makes all things new
God is the one who makes all things new
Stars Hurl Light
Stars Hurl Light
Stars hurl light
To the darkness
Of the void that wells between
Scattered eons
Photons sparkle
And drift
From one eye to the next
But never again
To this moment
To this time
To these eyes
The brilliance
And majesty
The miracle of birth
As distant stars
Shed the light of your glory
Creation groans
And grows
At the touch
Of an artist's
Prayers for ourselves and others -> Lord’s Prayer (trad)
Prayers for ourselves and others -> Lord’s Prayer (trad)
Gracious God,
we pray for the faithful all over the world,
that all who love you may be united in your service.
We pray for the church . . .
Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.
We pray for the peoples and leaders of the nations,
that they may be reconciled one to another
in pursuit of your justice and peace.
We pray for the world . . .
Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.
We pray for all who suffer from prejudice, greed, or violence,
that the heart of humanity may warm with your tenderness.
We pray especially for all prisoners of politics or religion
and for all refugees.
We pray for all who are oppressed . . .
Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.
We pray for all in need
because of famine, flood, or earthquake,
that they may know the hope of your faithfulness
through the help of others.
We pray especially for the people of . . .
Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.
In this season of Matariki
We pray for the land, the sea, the sky—
for your whole creation, which longs for its redemption.
We pray that we may live with respect for your creation
and use your gifts with reverence.
We pray for the creation . . .
Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.
We pray for all who suffer the pain of sickness,
loneliness, fear, or loss,
that those whose names are in our hearts,
in the hearts of others,
or known to you alone,
may receive strength and courage.
We pray for those in need . . .
Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.
God our creator,
yours is the morning, and yours is the evening.
Let Christ, the sun of righteousness,
shine forever in our hearts
May your Holy Spirit draw us to the light of your radiant glory.
We ask this for the sake of Jesus Christ, our Redeemer who taught us to pray…
Our Father, which art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy Name;
Thy kingdom come;
Thy will be done
in earth, as it is in heaven:
Give us this day our daily bread;
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive them that trespass against us;
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil:
For thine is the kingdom,
the power, and the glory,
For ever and ever.