Great is the LORD and HIS Works are to be Remembered!

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Great is the LORD and His Works

Basic information about this Psalm: 111 and 112 were most likely written by the same author with an artistic style and forms a single unit. The acrostic structure of the two psalm’s reveals an artistic composition with the first letter in each line beginning with the successive letter of the Hebrew alphabet. If you have ever tried to write anything in an acrostic manner you realize quickly the issues this author had. Finding the correct word to fit into that composition and be tough and sometimes liberties are taken to get a word to fit. We don’t realize this in english but the original Hebrew reveals a questionable word to make it fit. (prey for food) or (commanded for ordained).
v.1 Hallelujah (Praise the LORD)This is not part of the acrostic but starts both psalm’s and sets the mood for both psalm. A calling to all who read to Praise the LORD!
v.1 Two words here for gatherings. the first Hebrew word for Company (sod) intimate fellowship or friendship a word referring to circle of friends or close advisors; what we might call small groups. Not a closed small circle such as a clique, but open and welcoming.
And the next word (eda) refers to a larger gathering or congregation , broader in scope like our Worship service gathering.
Hebrew can have many different words that carry slightly different meanings as in v.1 with company and congregation, and it shows up again in v.2-6 with the same word works but having different meanings.
v.2Great are the works of the LORD, v.3 full of majesty and splendor is his work. v.4…caused his wondrous works to be remembered. v.6 He has shown the people the power of his works.
It may appear since in english we translated it all the same word that it means the same, but they are not the same, they don’t mean the same.
That shows us the beauty and expressiveness of the Hebrew language, and also the limits and limits of the english language.
In v. 2 and 3 the word for works here is referring to his creative acts and his deeds. Pretty obvious what are those?
And in v.4 and 6 refer its a different word referring to his saving acts . What are those?
V.7-8 summarizes both of these words into one when it states “the works of his hands are faithful and just; all his precepts are trustworthy! This entire psalm, the psalmist is instructing the reader to remember and don’t forget ALL the LORD has done, from creation to salvation. This is obviously a repeated phrase throughout the entire Psalm and Old Testament.
Why? Why is this such a repeated phrase, theme through all of scripture? Why does God tell is to remember these things and repeats it over and over and over to remember and don’t forget?
Then v.10 does it seem like its thrown in at the end?
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