230715 - Hastening the Coming of Mashiach- SD2206

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Shabbat shalom.

Good to see you all here today. Particularly good to see some people here that I haven't seen for a long time. Mary Sylvia, Etc. So, good to see you.

Ward, it's so good to have you with us. We welcome you and we thank you for being here guide us, lead us, protect us instruct us Amen. Welcome everyone. It's raining outside, somewhat plenty of rain and whenever it rains, even when I don't like it raining, I think about the idea that Cleansing water is pouring over us. It's it's cleaning the sky, it's cleaning everything and even clean my car driving in today. I don't need to get a car wash cleanser. So Lord From Oliver goo. Amen. Amen. Is handing out a sheet called the whole a loan? It's a Hebrew word, ale loan, means one another or one to another. I've handed it out. Maybe Maybe three times in the past twenty-some, 28s years, it's a wonderful list. I learned it is the 29 ale, loanwords, 29, one another's, but that was a particular translation. Things translate differently in different Bibles so I'm just doing a Layla. And I'm not telling you the number, the word is used a hundred times in the New Testament. It means one another, what we should do one to another and that's part of the topic of today's sermon, but I wanted you to have it, I'll people have asked me for this over the years. And they asked me for different things and I have no idea what they're talkin about because it's a very specialist for them and one way or another. Melanie wanted it a couple years back and she said, you have that list that and I go what list and you know, I only know it is the one another's, so there you go. It's a great list. If you're curious about how to live in Christian Community, this is a fantastic list to have. And what not to do. Also there's some - all alone words at the end of this list. Hastening the coming of King machine Messiah. We're hastening the coming of the king. Are we can we? That's an interesting question will get there. These are the verses of chose not quite in keeping with the scheduled readings. but the, I think it's What are we supposed to do? Lord, we ask your blessing again. Guide us instruct us, help us to hear. Amen. This is the key verse in the in the reading Frank mentioned. It earlier if you come across that's what he talked about the bird's nest in the tree or on the ground with young ones or eggs, and the mother is in the nest. Don't take the mother with the young. It's okay to take the young. How many raise chickens

So you take the young all the time, right? Or you just kill the chicken.

Don't take the eggs and kill the chicken at the same time. It's not a good thing. Bible tells us not to do that. Why? That it may go well with you and that you may live long. So, when you're getting a chicken egg out of the nest, are you thinking? I'm doing this. So I will live long.

It's in it. Be careful, not to freak. The mother bird out.

Get her away from it. If you can help her to not realize what's going on birds, don't have a great memory I've heard, I don't know. Birdbrain, I don't know. Anyway. Do this because it will it make it so that it may go well with you. And that you may live long life. Now, there are just this this different opinions on what this means, live life in this world or live life well and long in the next and whenever you have such arguments, you kind of have to say, yeah. There's truth to both of these things. I'm not sure how but you don't have to settle on which one it is. Eternal life is implied in more ways than one with such a verse. When I was a kid, I didn't have Sesame Street, that wasn't out yet, but my parents love to teach me these. What do you call him? Classification games. What doesn't fit in. So this is one that I actually remember, showing my daughter's, they were the Sesame Street era, and what does, and they would go Ernie, doesn't fit with Oscar, all the other ones are pictures of Oscar and I said, yeah, you're right, her knee, doesn't fit, but these are all Sesame Street characters.

They all fit.

And it caused some consternation. And education.

And that's life. And then the, the next question was, how do they fit? How do they not fit? And why is there a reason? And it was just a great thing to do with kids, that's a great thing to do with adults. That's a great thing to do when you're studying the Bible. What fits? What doesn't fit? So this is today's reading. Do these fit together? A bird's nest or a house clothing tassels.

Doug is wearing some seat seat. Can you stand up and show them what that seat seat look like? I think everyone knows, but those aren't seat seat and there's to be on the floor. And Frank is too. I think probably not today. Okay, and they're tied to the corners of the Garment or the hymn of the Garment, or the edges of the Garment. When a woman with we've been bleeding, for many, many years, wanted healed from Jesus. She wanted to Touch the Hem of His Garment. This is what that means to grab a hold of the CC and the seats, eight mean, different things to different people. There's lots of teachings on what it means, but it has to do with following the instruction of God. If you're wearing a seat seat, you're saying, I'm trying my best to follow God's instructions and these things when they slam up against me are reminding me That I'm supposed to be following God's instructions there. Many people who get really hyper religious about what they especially mean. That's not necessarily true. It is today because we've kind of come down to 11 tradition on what they mean but over over the history of Judaism. There were at least six different methods of time seat seat and why they why they meant, what they meant. Each group had their own understanding, the Jewish. Jewish people kind of figured out what they thought was the best way even if it was different from what someone else, thought was the best way, that's not a bad thing that the easiest one to understand if you've ever seen a hanukkiah lit, We usually Light One Candle, the first night to candles the second night and so on and so forth. That's the tradition of hilal shamai decided the first night, you light all the candles. And then you like one less each night until the last day and then there's just one light which is the right way. They both have good reasons so that it's not. That one is the way to do it. Definitely there different Traditions. So if you get hooked on, what does CC mean? Realize it's one of at least six ancient Traditions. I did not get to hooked up on exactly what it means. So these are these are all the things bird's nest or house, clothing. Tassels Corners, the corners of your house, the hymn of your garden roof parapet. A roof parapet. You know what a roof parapet is

Keeps you from falling off a roof? When I was a kid, I thought it meant parakeet. I like mixed up words really bad in my head, it's a barrier for protection. You would put this up on a roof because you slept on the roof in the ancient world because it was cooler up there. It's hot in the Middle East, on the, on the evening. And I lost slight breeze. You wouldn't believe how great a slight breeze count. Feels coming through in the evening and if you're inside the house, you don't get the breeze. They didn't have air conditioning. So they built a parapet to keep people from falling off the roof. It's important. And if you see any ancient structures, you'll almost always notice a pair of it, some of them have holes in the walls. They can shoot arrows through them like an ancient forts but it's still a pair of it. Keeps you from falling off the roof. Improper seed, mixtures. Improper animal mixtures, don't don't don't, don't do the grain with the ox and a donkey tied to the yolk.

That's weird. What's that about? Well, the ox is considered the greatest of the ancient agricultural beasts and the donkey was considered the least of the Agricultural beasts and you would want to put the greatest with the least, it didn't make sense the kind of fight against each other or the ox drag the donkey around, I don't know, but it doesn't work. Improper sexual misters. Mixtures is lots of things on what this is. Don't uncover your father's nakedness, don't sleep with his wife. if your son, which would uncover his nakedness, Exclusions from the assembly. So these are the this this is the Seder things this week. Do you think these fit together? Yes or no? I can go back to the Sesame Street picture, if that helps.

They're all God's laws, that's one thing in unifying. Yeah, yeah. They're all God's laws. That doesn't seem like they fit together. On the surface now, but part of the problem is we're reading it in English. We're not looking at what they might mean. We're not looking at the connections as one example. This right here, the tassels are tied to the corners. Of the Garment. This is Kenneth and I'll show you that in a minute. Don't uncover your father's cannot

You wouldn't get that as a connection ever, unless you were reading the Hebrew in Hebrew. You'll get it. But in the English, you don't soak enough. Wing border him and nakedness. Are you never imagine Doug that if you didn't wear your seat seat? You would be uncovering your nakedness. But it is a protection. When you taking that protection on and you and you say I'm not going to do that ever again, that's kind of unprotected yourself. If it means something to you, if it doesn't, then it doesn't, but it's a, it's a big deal for some people to suit a garment clothing covering. This shirt is covering me right now. I'm much more comfortable up here, wearing clothing then if I weren't, and I'm sure you are as well.

Casazza almost seems like it's related. It's not a means to cover cuz saw the cover the cover, but it also means to forgive. If you forgive someone, you're like covering their sin. You're like covering the thing they've done against you. You're like that? No longer exist. It's not important. I'm on doing it. These are connected. So we talked about Exile and Redemption, the exile? What's the other one?

Computer Love. It's actually can't remember day lies, the Exile. So it's Galah means to uncover to unprotect. Also means to send into or be in Exile. If you're an exile, you're unprotected. Your protection has been removed. You've been taken away to another country and now you are someone's slave. You're no longer protected. You've Lost That protection. Mark, a parapet can find or protect a means to confine I'll keep something within these borders that cc is confining. It says, these are borders. You can find, but it's a protective confinement. So the parapet is it's a confinement, but it's a protection. So they kind of fit together under his wings. You'll find Refuge. This is a beautiful song verse there. Many other versus his faithfulness is your armor and your Shield. Your armor in a battle that's like clothing. Your Shield is like a defense. It's something that you used to protect yourself. God's faithfulness seats seats houses, nests clothing, parapets, right. Relationships borders and boundaries are all types of blessings. Spelled types wrong their coverings for safety and protection. James Whitman, a one-time, gave a sermon on the the fences you got fences around your property. If you're a farmer to keep the cows inside this fence, we have fences. Then our lives, the, the doctrines of the church are considered fences. Now, one thing that but the church historically is done, is we, we love the fences and we go over and we start hugging the fence post. A particular fence post, believe in Christianity, whether a particular theological beliefs about a fence post, And the fence posts are good. But they're not. So you can hug the fence, post fence posts. Are there to hold up the fence to keep you from falling over the cliff. If you're in the meadow, with the shepherd eating grass, you're not paying attention to where the fences are. You're blessed because you're protected, you're in a safe environment, you're under the leadership and guidance of the shepherd. You're feeding. You're enjoying life. You're being blessed. The fenceposts might not be as important as some people sometimes. Think they are not saying they're not important, I'm just saying, What is your priority? My priorities to be in the in the Shepherds.

Protection, eating and enjoying the meadow of life. Exile naked, this etcetera. Represent removal of such blessings and safety and they leave us expose. Such coverings maybe light or maybe waiting. So this light and heavy. Least greatest is another word play going on in in the seder this week, such coverings any covering White or heavy are all important if you're wearing a heavy coat for protection, it's great. Today, you might want to wear a raincoat for protection. I wouldn't wear my winter coat today for protection, but they're both wonderful protections. They're all good, they all fit, they all provide protection. They do fit. So here's here's another slide on. They fit any questions on that?

Nope. Okay, because of something that happened last time I spoke I wanted to let you know just a few things we're reconciled the issue that happened. How were were were were fine with each other and we've we've gotten past the the immediate issue. The 10 things, I want you to take away from all everything about this church has. This is a safe place. You can express differences of opinion, it's okay. How you express some? That's another matter. But this is a safe place. You don't have to agree with everything I say.

This is a very merciful church. We demonstrate Mercy a lot here and we demonstrate love a lot here. That's all I want to say about that.

Now we're going to the verse we're honing in on this Hebrew word. Shalom.

You shall let go the mother bird and some of your Bibles it will say, you shall certainly. Let go the mother bird. If you're reading it in Hebrew, it says, something like you will let go, let go. The mother bird, says it twice. What's it mean? Well, first of all, when you say something twice, it's a foot stopper. If you're in the class and the teacher says something twice, almost always that's going to be on the test.

And if he Stomps his foot like this, it's definitely going to be on the test unless he's messing with your head. And some have done that to me but that's another subject. What's it mean? Sole occupation lock. if you do this, Ancient tradition will hasten. The coming of King Messiah. And you'll hasten the coming of Elijah. This is according to midrash. Rabbah. It's a, it's a teaching, a midrash garage means to chase after to pursue to desire, to try to, to try to understand it to try to get it. The rash is, to pursue something Ernest, Lee David? The Rost that's Sheba. Yeah, it's pretty intense. It's that kind of intensity, we should have about seeking God and God's instruction.

God's instructions, better than chasing after batsheva, but you get the meaning. A midrash robot was written around 500, but the Traditions that it speaks to go back to the first second and third centuries, at least it's it's very old. This happens to be on Deuteronomy 7 7. You'll hasten the coming of King Messiah and of Elijah. Let me ask you a question. Can we do anything to hasten the coming of Messiah?

Who says no, raise your hands. Who says yes, raise your hands. Who doesn't know, raise your hands. Who thinks this possibly both true. Raise your hands.

Yeah. Yeah. They they believe in it but other ones say no, you can't. You can't, you can't hasten at all. Messiah won't come until there's no criticism until no one is capable of receiving criticism or giving criticism Messiah won't come until the world is completely decrepit. Messiah won't come, unless until such and such happens. Real bad. Stuff Messiah, can't come hold, until such and such more bad stuff. But then the other with the other Rabbi say Messiah will come when all Jews honor Shabbat appropriately, one time,

And other things. So, which is it? I don't know, I don't know. They're a lot of people who think you can hasten the coming of Messiah. What if they're right? Do I want him to come or do I want him? Not to come? If I can hasten his coming. Will I try to do something about it? I will now, there are other people who go. No, I don't want to hasten his coming. I don't want him here at all. Huh, nope, nope.

We're in a Crux here. Where am I going to wear like, on a knife blade? We're like on the sharp, razor sharp knife blade, and end. And we, we say this or this, but the truth of the matter is kind of walking on the knife blade.

There's a cliff in Colorado, looks like this. It's it's really sharp and a few, if you go this way, you're going to fall and die. If you go this way, you're going to fall and die. If you're on this Cliff, it's real real difficult to go across this cliff. And not fall off on one side of the other. That's the Walk of the Christian Life. My belief. We have to be extremely careful and not go one way or the other. Yes. Mary Sylvia



Yeah. Lord, would you like me to try to hasten the coming of Messiah? Or would you like me to ignore the possibility that my life might impact his coming? I think he'd like me to think, the way I live is important. And it may have something to do with when he comes don't know. Moving on, Exodus actually backwards, Exodus 20, 12 your father and your mother that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you wait a minute shoes mother bird away and take her eggs so that you will live long in the land. These sound like the same blessing, don't they? Interesting mother bird, honor your mother and your father, not identical but it's effectively the same blessing. Little bit on eggs. This is kind of stupid that I did this but but though I go What are they showing the mother bird away? For what kind of people were they? And what kind of birds are they eating eggs from? And I thought, I don't know. And I imagined when I was a kid, I saw a lots of birds nests to sell Robin's. Nest us are Orioles nest to Sasa, Sparrow's Nest. I wouldn't want any of those eggs. They're too easy to break. And you're not much. And I'd feel stupid eating in a robin's egg omelette. I mean I couldn't even cook it. What? Not if you were hungry. So I thought what kind of eggs have there been in his real? Well there about six hundred species of birds and their apparently have been always a bunch of birds and Israel, 2,000 BC in the Negev only recently in the last year. I think they discovered 8 ostrich eggs. It's about the equivalent of two dozen eggs.

They don't taste great. But they found on eight of them.

Relatively preserved ostrich eggs, were treasured in the ancient world. They've apparently would pop the top out of it, and eat the egg. And then they, the shell is extremely hard, extremely durable. And if you let it cure out, it was a good thing to carry water in. Not something, I never imagined in my life. And they love them and they were highly decorated, they carve the outsides beautifully and painted them. There's some in England, that that come from Greece and Egypt in the Middle East and other. Where are other places? It was a trade item back in the day, but the ostrich is not Kosher 2,000 BC. I don't know whether you would care cuz the Torah hadn't been given yet. They haven't even gotten to Canaan yet, but there were probably Israelites living in in In that area. Duck geese and swans. They've been in in the area for a long time. Those are more reasonable eggs, pheasant David Cetera. Some of these you might even be able to what's the word domesticate Huh.

You have a dove Cove. So you might be able to domesticate these are we don't know, huh? And Marsha, so I think maybe two years ago whole leg in Marcia Israel and they kind of proved that the Marsha at 400 BC was a place where they were in commercial production of chicken eggs. So by 400 BC, they had domesticated the chicken and were routinely buying chicken eggs at Kroger's.

Equivalent thereof. So that's a ostrich egg. A goose egg and I Chicken egg. Can we hasten the coming of King Messiah while we're debating it in this congregation today so it's not not unheard of that. It would be ancient. It's been debated for a very, very long time. Rabbi Alexandra, roughly 300 said of yehoshua, ben-levi, who lived about, 250 that have been leave. I loved the proposed contradictions in the Bible. And he thought this was one of them, the Lord will hasten it in its time and he says hasten. And it's time seems like a contradiction. I'm going to hasten it. And it's time. How am I going to deal with this contradiction? So he proposed if Israel is worthy, the Lord will hasten it. If not, I'll wait till the time comes, Which is it going to be? I don't know how, then should you live?

How then you should live, is it? There's something you can do to help hasten the coming of Messiah, do it?

Peter thought so, so this is up 2nd Peter, the world will be dismal, we should be living lives of Holiness and godliness waiting for Wait for it and hastening. Which are we doing? Are we waiting? Are we hastening?

Peter sees the dilemma and he says we're going to do both, we're going to wait for it. We're going to look for it and we're going to hasten it if we can the coming of the day of God. According to his promise, we're waiting for a new heavens and a new earth and its righteousness will dwell. That's Peter, 2nd, Peter hastening, the coming of King, Messiah 1st Peter quote, what should we do? The end of all things is near. It's here. It's here. Now it's coming. The end of all things is near its at hand. It's like on the other side of that door it's like right here is in this room with us. The end of all things is very near to us so be sober, self-controlled and be sober-minded. And then he says for the benefit of your prayers be sober. Sober mind. And I thought that's the Curious thing to say. If you're praying for something, it's important that you be careful about what you're thinking, be sober-minded to benefit your prayers. Love one another. That's that'll a loan word. That's why I handed out. This ale loan list. Love one, another Etc. These the things we should be doing.

While waiting for the coming of King Messiah. And if possible hastening the coming of King Messiah, if we do these things, it's good. We should do these things because they're good. Because will receive a reward, but certainly, God, will reward us. I'm quoting Pierre to vote. Show Hospitality without grumbling, use gifts to serve one. Another Financial gifts are other kinds of gifts,

All kinds of gifts. Spiritual gifts. Technical gifts musical gifts.

Sitting in front of others and talking.

Hopefully teaching appropriately gifts, use your gifts to serve one, another hastening the coming. So when you when you are off. So we're one month away from the month of elul. The month of elul is a month of preparation for Rosh Hashanah on Rosh. Hashanah is a preparation. For the 10 days of all. Preparation for Yom Kippur the day of covering which is what we've been talking about today. Covering protection and Yom Kippur as soon as you receive this covering then we celebrate the Feast five days later roughly. So, we're in the season of preparing.

For our marriage to the king. The Beast is a practice to marriage. Practice. It's your wedding. You've been invited. Come and celebrate. So, whenever you're in this season, there are three words of always come up to shuva normally translated repentance to feel, I normally translated prayer and said the car normally translated charity. But when you study these words a little bit more to shuva, doesn't mean repentance. There are other words that could use for that, it means turning back. The idea in the Suva is God has an intention for you turn back to the person, God created you to be. Turn back. Be the person God wants you to be yes. That involves repentance, but it involves much more than that. It's trying to do what God wants to do. The Fila translated prayer. Actually more closely. Translated. Attaching yourself to God. Attach yourself through prayer. Yes, that's how you talk to God. But attach yourself. It's not just saying a prayer. It's the attaching yourself. To God said, the car normally translate a charity at Sadiq is a righteous, man, up right before man. And God. Sadiq is up, right? Is righteous in the Deuteronomy, it says justice, justice shalt, thou pursue So, we would think it's me spots or something else. It said, eck a brightness setting shout-out pursue. How can I be just by being upright? That's what Deuteronomy is teaching. Dedic said, the car doesn't just mean putting coins in a little box. It's more than that. Rabbi Abba, barcohana roughly 225c. He said he's the one who said that. There's, there's the lightest commandment and the heaviest commandment

God revealed a reward for Just Two Commandments. If you look at all the Commandments, What are the rewards for all the Commandments? If you knew what the rewards were for all the Commandments, you say I would like to do the ones that get the big reward.

I would like to sell the most cookies so that I get the prize, whatever it is. That's the wrong way to do it though. The lightest and the heaviest the weightiest, and let's least waiting honoring of parents is considered the way these commandment, by most Jews today. And by many Christians, it's perhaps the hardest thing to do Cuz you're getting really serious argument sometimes with your parents. Sometimes. Children parents don't talk to each other for years. Honoring your parents is important. That made its way into the reading today. Don't have sex with your mother because that uncovers the nakedness of your father. On your father, don't do these stupid things. Sending the mother bird away, the lightest of all the Commandments is very easy to do. Yet both carry the same reward Length of days. As it is said that it may be well with you and you will prevent prolong your days in the land and then he continues. The Holy One Blessed. Be he said don't spend time, weighing out the Torah precepts. Don't say this one's heavy so I'll do it. Cuz I'm going to get a big reward. Don't say this one's lights. I'm not going to do it. They're both important.

according to Rabbi Kahana. Matthew 5, possibly a parallel. Maybe not. Don't think I've come to abolish the Torah or the prophets are come to complete them until Heaven and Earth pass away. Not a jot. North title, will pass from the Torah until everything that must happen has happened. So some in here may not know what a jot or tittle are. So I highlighted I made a little drawing over here to the side. So this this right here is a jot also called a dude it's the smallest letter in the Hebrew. Alphabet alphabet and I've circled it. That's the job. And this right here, this little funky thing right there, that little decoration. That's at it'll if you want to let her to book, look pretty, you do.

I added a tittle. That won't even disappear from the law.

This part of a pen stroke. Not even a letter. There, a lot of letters with turtles on them. And Jesus said, whoever this, the base of the least of these mitts vote these Commandments and teaches others to do. So, will be called least in the Kingdom of Heaven, but whoever a base them. And so, teaches will be called Great and the kingdom of heaven, does this connect with Elise, the lightest in the heaviest, I don't know. It could, it might not, I don't know, what are you scribes in Pharisees? Critz you tithe mint DeLand, Cuban, but neglect, the weightier matters of the law, Justice, mercy and faithfulness. These you ought to have done without neglecting the others, you blind guides, you're straining out a gnat and swallowing a camel. Okay, so tithing is important, tithing, mint, bill, and cumin might not be so important that seems like a very light thing to do. So, here are the scribes and Pharisees. Are they doing a weighty matter by tithing meant, Dylan, cumin or they doing a light matter. I would say pretty light. But you're not doing the weightier matters. Jesus says the heavy matters just as mercy and faithfulness and then Jesus continues. You blind guys, you're straining out a gnat and swallowing a camel. Well we think straining at an app from the wine is not a big deal while I don't like to drink gnats in my wine or grape juice or anything else that's fully on kosher.

But in ancient Israel, if you're drinking milk or something in there happens to be a bug in it, you might drink than that, you might not go through the trouble of straining out than that, but it's hard to swallow a camel. Camels are not Kosher. I don't like camels.

would I rather swallow in that then yeah, I would definitely Okay, nevermind.

Not cool. Like historical category is red that everyone saw as light or heavy or if it's an individual, I think people liked

Murder someone for Franklin. What do I consider like? And what do I consider head? Because he would like to report a huge deal. It's not

Yeah. Yeah.

Yep. Yep. So calls calls. Making a point that there may have been a categories of people may have constructed. I think, I think it doesn't matter. I think they, I think they were I think they did. I think they definitely did particularly because this this guy that we quoted rules it and that's found elsewhere in the talmudic literature the light in the heavy the waiting and I'm waiting so it's it's found its it's not discussed, it's not like this is the list, they didn't do those lists, they said Rabbi USA said and then that's how that's how we get the list from the rabbi's. What's Jesus say? I Think Jesus is saying no The light and the heavier equal there. It doesn't.

Yeah. He is saying these are weightier. Justice, mercy and faithfulness. How hard is Justice to do?

Harder than probably deciding what the temperatures might, I don't know, I wouldn't want to have to figure out a tenth of my spices. Put them on the scale. But how do I do just for a person? How do I get Mercy?

Yeah. Yeah, they're harder to grab a hold of what they mean. Yeah. And and Justice can be translated. I'm doing Justice and killing someone even possibly.

Yeah, and I would say yeah murder is it's it's easy not to murder someone. You're right unless you're experiencing total, blood rage. In which case, it might be hard not to kill them.

I've only experienced blood rage once in my life. I never want to get close to it ever again, but I know, I know how it feels to experience blood rage for someone. It's a terrible thing.

if I had, The means. At the time, the person experience blood rage against would be dead. Could have been hard not to kill them. But I don't recommend experiencing blood rage. And if y'all decide to disavow me as an elder, I have no problem. because I

I appreciate study, I do. But don't let that take you away from listening to voice, right?

Yeah, particularly in your study.

Right. Right.

Yep, amen. Amen.

Moving right along. Our situation. Today, we live in a crazy world today and have one one through five. I think, says, exactly what we're experiencing today in our world, this is the prophecy which have a coupe. The prophet saw a prophecy, interesting Lee enough is the prophecy interesting, an alien office, the first word, the got me interested in. Studying the Hebrew word, what it meant. I was leading a Bible study at my house and we had people from all kinds of different church group, send my house, and there happened to be at least 10 different translations of the Bible. And we're studying, Isaiah, and I read a prophecy concerning Moab and someone said must like this conversation, much like this congregation says, Hey I want to, I want to contribute. If I don't have I don't have prophecy. I have Oracle Oracle, I have Song, I don't have song. I have lament, I don't have lament. I have burden, I don't have Bergen. I have any other 10 different words and I thought man we got some bad translations in these Bibles or there's more to this word going on than I thought. And so I started studying this word in depth. And a month later, I realize though, that's what the word means. It's kind of like a Reverend Jim standing on the college campus corner. And he knows how bad things are going to be given an unmistakably true vision of what's going to happen and it's breaking his heart and he's crying out to all the people who are going to burn, if they don't repent and he's there he's there on the college corner crying.

And they will. unless, And he's preaching as it's true, it's breaking his heart, he's singing a song about it. That's in this word prophecy Oracle. Anyway, my introduction to Jewish roots, that's how I got here. Just so you know, I don't know how must how long must we cry with that. Your hearing? How long will try without your hearing Lord violence? We see it everywhere in our culture. We cry out to you but you don't save you allowed to continue. Why do you make us feel this wrongdoing? Why do you permit such a profession? Pillaging cruelty. Can front us on every side strife and Discord Prevail throughout our culture. Your instruction is not followed Justice. Never gets rendered and the wicked wicked Benson. The righteous Justice comes out, perverted God, we've had it. Anyone feel this? I do. This is what God says. Check it out. Look around. All the nations, what you see will completely Astound you for what I'm going to do? You won't believe me, even if I told you, I've got a plan. It's a good plan. It's a great plan. There is no other plan. It's my plan. Don't worry about it. Don't sweat it out. Oh, so we shouldn't try to hasten. The coming of King Messiah. I didn't say that. He says, I didn't say that. I said you don't have a clue how great what I'm going to do. Will be Amen.

Applications for us today. The other bridesmaids came saying, Lord open to us they'd forgotten to fill their lamps with oil. He said the Lord. Amen means truly but it's the word. Amen, I don't know you. So watch. Instruction to us as watch watch. Wait, hasten. The coming of the lord. We don't know the day, nor the hour. So we should follow 1st Peter for 2nd Peter 3. We should turn back repent. Be the person. The Lord made you to be pray. Attach yourself to and talk to God. Walk uprightly as upright as you can with the Lord. He's with you don't forget. He's walking with you. If you're walking and you know the Lord is walking with you. It's easier for you to walk uprightly. Oh yeah. Mary Sylvia says Nursery even cries Yelp. Live each day as if it were your last.

Not necessarily each moment but sometimes you have to do things that aren't that critical, but you still have to do them. You don't have to live at each moment, like it's your last, you can still go shopping for groceries and stuff. And when you hear the horn, this is the bottom line for me. When you hear the horn raw going to hear the horn, when you hear the horn just go, I'll see you there. And it will be glorious. Amen. And amen. Lord. We ask your blessing on us. We don't know if we can hasten. You're coming, but we're going to try to live our lives as if our lives matter which we believe they do matter.

We're not trying to get a reward. We're trying to do what you want us to do, but we're confident you will reward our feeble attempts to honor you. So, as we as we go through this life as a go through this, we can go through each day. We pray that you will guide us and lead us. Protect us instruct us Walk with us. And help us to be confident of you of your presents and you're coming and Isis in Jesus name, amen. Amen. Thank you very much.

We do have new schedules back in the back on the on the on the thing back there.

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