The Bloody Nile
The Bloody Nile
Exodus 7:14-25
• In Exodus 7, God commands Pharaoh to let His
people worship Him.
• Pharaoh refuses but witnesses the first great sign
of God’s power – The Consuming Serpent.
• So far, the commands have been private and
limited, but that is about to change.
• Let’s start with facts and then proceed to
Facts: Water to Blood?
• What Moses does is clearly miraculous and
supernatural, but what does Moses mean by “turned
into blood”?
• Two Choices – (1) the water turned into actual blood
(2) the water turned into a blood-colored substance
• The most natural reading of 7:21 is that of literal blood
(and this is a big reason that might outweigh the rest)
• In favor of option #2, we have Joel 2:31, natural
phenomena (though on a much smaller scale), and intext descriptions of consequences more consistent
with the second interpretation.
Theology: First Step of Sovereignty
• Notice the comprehensive nature of the plague –
“all the water,” “all the land of Egypt,” “all the
• This first event foreshadows what is to come –
shedding of blood, use of water in deliverance,
Pharaoh’s army at the bottom of the sea.
• Consider the catastrophic nature of this event in
all areas of life – agriculture, medicine, travel,
food, service, cleanliness, etc.
• First public events
Theology: Statement of Power
• “By this you shall know that I am the LORD”
• God is assaulting Egypt’s Pantheon of gods: see
“Hymn to the Nile,” written about 700 years prior
to these events.
• Statement of retributive justice:
1. The same Nile that received Hebrew infant boys
turns red with the blood of innocents
2. Moses and the word “Strike”: see 8:16, 12:12-13;
Theology: Plea for Obedience
• Pharaoh’s Stubbornness: “heart is hard,” “he refuses,”
“you have not obeyed,” “Pharaoh’s heart remained
hardened,” and “did not take even this to heart”
• God’s plea for obedience: “God sent me to you” –
Pharaoh was graced with speech specifically to him.
• See Revelation 9:20-21, “The rest of mankind, who were
not killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works
of their hands nor give up worshiping demons and idols
of gold and silver and bronze and stone and wood, which
cannot see or hear or walk, nor did they repent of their
murders or their sorceries or their sexual immorality or
their thefts.”