Sixth Sunday after Trinity (2023)
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Romans 6:1-11
Romans 6:1-11
My Brothers and Sisters in Christ, our Lesson for this morning in the book of Romans touches upon that most beautiful gift that God has given us in the waters of Holy Baptism. This passage is read at the start of funerals to show the hope that we have in these baptismal waters. That we are set free from sin, death, and the power of the devil. For in Baptism we are brought from death to life by being buried with Christ that we may live with him for all eternity. Let us see what joyful words are found here in God’s Word about this most blessed Sacrament.
The Power of Sin
Sin corrupted the children of Adam.
This is the great tragedy of the fall, that by Adam’s sin all of mankind fell. For he was our point of origin, the first human. When corruption stained him both body and soul, he didn’t have anything good to pass on, he had lost it all when he disobeyed God, and so his curse, became our curse.
Sin brought not only death, but pain and suffering.
We see this still in the world today, we see the wars, the famines, cancers, plagues, and how mankind turns against each other, and we fight and struggle to live in this life, and despite our great efforts we still fall short.
It is why the world is broken.
We have been trying to place the blame on something else, something that is inside of our power. Its the greedy governments, corrupt corporations, the result of depraved and evil men who are godless. We believe that if the problem is something like that, its fixable, its changeable and we can make the world better.
It’s not just the world, it’s me.
Each one of us here, is infected by that same sin, that infected the heart of Adam. So if you want to change the world, first show us that you can at least stop yourself from sinning. The harder we work at cleansing our life from sin the more we realize it isn’t just a matter of controlling my hands, my lips, or my mind. We have become by nature sinful and unclean.
The Punishment for Sin
Death is the punishment of sin.
God warned Adam and Eve about the cost of eating from that tree, they would die, and sure enough death has spread to all mankind. For since we all sons of Adam, sons of a slave.
It proves that our lives are not good enough.
For death is the wages of sin, and no matter how hard we might try we cannot overcome it. Think of the great men and women throughout history who accomplished works that make our accomplishments pale in comparison, and they too perished. For no matter how much we might do, we are trapped.
We are slaves until the debt is paid.
For we are all held captive under the power of sin, and the devil and the price that is demanded is your life. Death looms over everyone of our heads. These chains have been placed on all of us, and it has caused great suffering and sorrow. That is until Jesus Christ our Lord came to earth.
Baptized into Christ’s Death
Jesus joined us in death.
It was amazing that the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we celebrate that at Christmas, but what is more surprising is that Jesus, the 2nd person of the Trinity, descended from heaven, and joined us not only in life, but also joined us in our sufferings, in our pains, and even in death even though He had no sin, and did not need to suffer as we do. But He Crucified, died and was buried for you.
In Holy Baptism, you are placed in Christ’s tomb.
You are buried with him, for Jesus used baptism to share His death with you. For just as the blood of the Paschal lamb upon the doorposts and lintels of the house kept the people inside safe. The blood Christ that he shed in death covers you when the judgment comes so that your sins might be washed away. Since Christ has made His death, your death, when it comes time for you to be judged, you have already died and your debt has been paid.
Since you share in Christ’s death, you share in His life.
When the Father raised Jesus from the dead on Easter morning, you who are buried with Christ also share in His resurrection. For if you have died with Christ, you will also live with him, and death no longer has any dominion over you.
Jesus clothes you in His righteousness.
That word righteousness is big word, but what means is that stain of sin, that corruption that Adam had brought down upon your head, God doesn’t see your sin anymore. For in Baptism Jesus washed you clean and clothed you with His perfect life. All God sees is his son or daughter.
Free from the Power of Death
If we have died with Christ, death loses its sting.
So what if i will go down into the Grave, we are with Jesus, who has descended unto hell itself and come back, and promised to lead us to paradise. The grave cannot hold you forever, for you belong to Christ, and you will rise again. Do you know what promise there is of this?
God has given you His name.
Ah but what’s in a name? It tells you what family you belong to you. You’re parents name you and that means they claim you. Names change at weddings as well, but here today, you became more than Nick and Kara Baker, children of Adam, you are now children of God for you bear the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Let death come, what have we to fear?
We are the children of the Triune God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, who not only created us, but redeemed and sanctified us, that sought us out while we were yet slaves condemned to die for the sins of our earthly father.
We are no longer slaves of sin, but children of God.
We ought to rejoice every day in this great and glorious gift that God has given. So what can the world do to me anymore, Christ is risen, and Jesus has made his grave, my grave, and His life is my life.
Don’t Live Like Slaves
We have been brought from death to life.
Sin brought nothing to us, but death, shame, weakness, and all manner of problems that sought to destroy us. Why on earth would I want to continue in that way of darkness, in that life of slavery which brought nothing but trouble in this life, and everlasting torment and damnation.
Walk in the new life God has given you.
You have been set free from the powers of sin, death, and the devil. Why allow them to have dominion over you, and be Lord over you. Jesus has brought you to life that you might walk with him in the light of God.
What if you fall into death?
I say if, but all of us do. St. Paul in the very next chapter acknowledges this struggle, for we have been brought to life and know what the right thing to do is, and despite knowing that we fall back into sin! What is going on? Sin remains in our flesh until the day of our death, and so you will trip, you will fall, but your baptism remains, and God has called you His own.
Like the prodigal son, come home.
If you find that you have walked away, remember the day of your baptism, that God looked down from heaven and said you are my dear child, gave to you His name, and clothed you in robe of Christ’s righteousness, and gave the Holy Spirit to you as a gift. No matter how far you might have wandered or deeply you have fallen, the Father wants you home, and will rejoice that one who was lost is found.
So My brothers and sisters in Christ, what a blessed reading to have on this day as we give thanks to God for the gift of Holy Baptism. For whoever believes and is baptized shall be saved, for at that font we were buried with Christ, and that means we will rise with him. When you fall, make the sign of the cross and remember when it was made upon you, for you were marked as one redeemed by Christ the crucified in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.