Yahweh Is Supreme Over All
Christians can have confidence navigating a broken world because Yahweh is supreme over all.
1. Yahweh is God Over All “gods”
To ascribe something to someone is to acknowledge they have that attribute.
When Yahweh appears in all his glory, the pagan deities can only acknowledge his glory and strength and humbly bow in worship
2. Yahweh is Creator Over All Creation
How long has it been since you were overwhelmed in this way by a sense of God’s powerful presence? Too often today God has become our “buddy” and “pal.” As Christians we sometimes become so comfortable with the salvation we have received in Christ that we forget just how undeserved it is. When we focus on God only as Redeemer, Savior, and friend, and not as powerful God, creator, and hater of sin and evil, it is easy (often unintentionally) to emasculate our understanding of God until he is like our human buddies and pals who accept us as we are and do not challenge us to change.
3. Yahweh is King Over All Kings
The word for flood here (Hb. mabbul) is used elsewhere only of Noah’s flood (Gen. 6:17);
Having assumed his rightful place as eternal king, Yahweh becomes the source of confident hope for his people.