Why God requirs burnign Issac?

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1. God gives tests to verify if you obey His word
God said “take your only son who you loves and give him to me there as a burnt offering”
a burnt offering means to kill animal, peel off skins, and cut off into pieces, then burn entire parts. God required this burnt offering after he gave the only son Issac to Abraham.
‌The request does not make sense it is crazy. However, we should think of God’s intension.
Why God asked burnt sacrifice?
Because God wants to test if Abraham keeps His word and promise regarding His seed who will bless all nation.
The text confirms that Abraham believed His word that Issac is the promised son and through him, there will be the promised seed. Also, God will save sinners through the promised seed.
Abraham was able to decide that he will give his only son to God because God will resurrect his son. This is because he knew God and believed Him and His promise.
In contrast, He didn’t fully believe God before, so he brought his nephew, gave up his wife and gave a king his wife, and prepared his slave for heritage. He did not fully obeyed God’s word before this event.
So you should remember that by providing tests, God had been developing His faith.
Trials and tests are given to all Christians to testify if they have true faith or not and you follow the way of keeping His word. Through diverse tests, God develops your faith.
God provides us tests
To confirm that your faith is true.
To see how you react to His word
To enhance and develop your faith
To verify if you obey His word or not
To figure out God’s plan and will
To deal with my sins effectively
When you face with repeated fails to obey His word, You should remember that God provides it to strengthen your faith on holding His Word.
So, God allows push you into the circumstance of adjusting anger, sexual immorality, desiring money, a sense of inferiority, and assault.
The reason God gave you tests and trials is to learn how to hold His Word.
By doing that you will overcome your weakness and strengthen your faith in Jesus Christ.
God allows repeated test in my weakest part to see whether you are surrendering His word and promise.
The word ‘believe’ came from ancient language ‘beloef’ and ‘believe’ has a same etymology with ‘beloved’. So believing someone means and implies loving someone.
Therefore, in the Bible God extroardinarily loves His people and He believed them.
‌The believing in the Bible means that God believes His people in deeply loving them.
Believing someone indicates that God takes out his heart to give his beloved person it.
Therefore, in fact, believing is not the category of love that we can do.
성경에서 말하는 믿음은 하나님이 당신의 백성을 지극히 사랑하셔서 믿는 것을 의미한다. 대상을 믿는다는 것은 심장을 내어주는 사랑을 표현하는 것을 말한다. 우리가 할 수 있는 사랑의 범주가 사실상 아니다.
The Latin word “credo” means to give one's heart.
I believe in giving my heart for the person I love, this is the original meaning of believing. Can we do this for God?? No!!
Faith does not belong to us, but it is possessed to only God.
So when His faith dominates me, I am drawn to the place where I give Him my heart.
Where is the place? It is the place where Abraham gives his heart to God.
라틴어로 credo 나는 믿는다 라는 이 단어는 원래 심장을 내어준다 라는 뜻이다. 내가 사랑하는 사람을 위해 심장을 내어주는 것을 믿는다이다, 이게 믿는다의 원래 의미다.
우리가 하나님을 위해 그렇게 할 수가 있나요?
믿음은 우리에게 소유되는게 아니다.
믿음은 하나님의 믿음이 우리를 장악할 때 믿음의 자리로 끌려가는 것이다. 어디까지 끌려가는가?
아브라함이 모리아 산에서 이삭의 심장을 내어드리는 자리까지 끌려가는 것이다. 이삭의 심장은 아브라함 자신의 심장이다.
에베소서 2:8 DKV
여러분은 믿음으로 인해 은혜로 구원받았습니다. 이것은 여러분에게서 나온 것이 아니요, 하나님의 선물입니다.
고린도전서 2:5 DKV
이는 여러분의 믿음이 사람의 지혜에 있지 않고 하나님의 능력에 있게 하려고 한 것입니다.
2. God wanted to show the plan for sacrificing His Son.
God wants to show His plan that He will put His only beloved Son on the cross as burnt sacrifice.
God required the burnt offering to Abraham in order to reveal that He had prepared the sacrificial lamb for saving all people in His Son.
The animal lamb is a symbol of His beloved Son. From the beginning, He had the plan to sacrifice His son so that sinners are saved.
Abraham could figure out the sympathy with God’s heart because Issac was his only son.
He was given a birth unnaturally.
He was a lamb for burnt offering.
God wants to show His pain and sorrowness Through this event.
God gives diverse tests in our lives to reveal Grace of the gospel.
You will be able to learn more about the heart and love of God and gave you His only Son as sacrificial offering to save your life.
In your trials, you will suffer and feel affliction and misery because of your sin.
By feeling that, you learn more about the meaning of cross and the love of God in giving us His son.
When you read the word of God that there is a sin that’s segregated. This sin is extraordinarily dangerous than others. that is sexual immorality because it kills souls and set apart from God and salvation.
Bible says righteousness and holiness come from the word of God and prayer.
‌In order to obey His word, you should read the Bible
>> What makes young men strong? The word of God.
Reading the Word, meditating upon the Word of God, memorizing the Word, and training your self in the Word. The Word, The Word, The Word.
Even when all seems unfair, bearing with the thought of God.
Though there’s much to cry about, having grace to pray to God.
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