James: Listening & Doing - Week 2

Faith and works  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  1:37:57
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Where we Walk by Faith! Not by Sight!
Faith Vision is a Christian church, based on the Word of God.
We are a training ground for all things Jesus Christ.
We are loving God, Loving People living by faith
Thank you for joining us today,
Please set everything aside as we come to God in Prayer this morning under the anointing and the Power of the Holy Spirit.


We pray today for the 10/40 Window
The 10/40 Window is the rectangular area of North Africa, the Middle East and Asia approximately between 10 degrees north and 40 degrees north latitude.
The 10/40 Window includes numerous spiritual strongholds. The billions of people who live in the 10/40 Window have suffered not only the ravages of poverty and disease, they have also been kept from the transforming power of the Gospel.
2 Corinthians 4:4, which states that "the god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God."
Father I pray that Faith Vision Christian Ministries will be instrumental in reaching the people in the 10/40 Window. To break down spiritual strongholds, to spread the transforming power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Lord! send your Word, and your miracle working power to invade, North Africa, Middle East, and Asia, in the mighty name of your son, Jesus Christ our savior.
Pray for the morality of our nation to come back to God
Pray that our church Pastors/Leaders represent God in their daily living
We invite the Holy Spirit to join us this morning
Faith Vision Family Please welcome each other online.

Faith Vision Christian Ministries Announcements

Blessings and Thank you for those that are helping us stay current with Faith Vision’s Monthly Financial Obligations
2 Corinthians 9:7–8 NKJV
7 So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver. 8 And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.
If you would like to Make a Tax deductible donation to the ministry: mail to Church address. (All donations goes to Faith Vision Christian Ministries) 10950 Arrow Route, #3662 - Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729
If you are unable to donate at this time, please do not feel obligated in any way. Our purpose here at Faith Vision Christian Ministries Is to Make Disciples, and teach the Word of God!
“A New” Free Complimentary “Faith Vision Daily Devotional” Printed copy is available, please let us know if you need one mailed to you.
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If you have a prayer request, or need to talk confidentially
You Can message the Pastor at PastorDoc@FaithVision.org
At the end of the teaching we will be taking prayer requests

Happy July Birthdays

Briana - 4
Omaree - 5
Carolina - 17
Dolores -19
Alicia - 20
Daniel -30
Victor - 30
pEppER: Let’s sing “Happy Birthday Everyone”

Video - Happy Birthday

If you would like us to acknowledge your birthday please indicate the month and day of your birthday in the comments section.

Scripture Reading by Lady Pepper (Show Slide)

(Show Slide) Thank you Lady Pepper for the announcements and the reading of God’s Word.
Welcome! to everyone and especially those who are joining us for the first time. My name is Pastor Doc, and I will be sharing the Word of God with you today.
Please have your Bibles ready and Take Note’s
Show Video
Title of the message this Morning

Listening & Doing

Big Idea:
Believers are to both hear (receive) the Word and act upon it. The person who both listens and responds is blessed in his/her doing.
Prayer: “God in heaven, give us the courage to be people of action. Help us to not only hear and receive, but also to respond in righteousness to the high calling of Christ.”
Scripture: James 1:19-27, Matthew 7:24-25
(All scripture quoted comes from the ESV unless otherwise noted)


Welcome back to our 5-week series called James: Faith & Works.
If you were here last week you’ll remember that each week we’ll be looking at two interrelated ideas from the book of James.
Last week we tackled the ideas of testing and persevering.
From the very start James is encouraging us to rejoice in the midst of our trials and sufferings.
In the first half of chapter 1 we learn that adversity calls us to go higher, to be greater, and to trust deeper as we journey through life towards the eternal promise we have in Christ.
This is an incredibly important message for believers all over the world and especially those who are in areas where there is ongoing persecution.
This week we’ll be finishing up chapter one as James encourages his readers to be both hearers and doers of the word.
His main point here is that it’s one thing to listen and receive the word, and it’s another thing to act upon it.
James doesn’t have much patience for those who only listen and never act.
He develops this theme and expands his thoughts throughout the rest of the book of James, but the section we’ll be looking at today is where it all begins.
And, it’s important to remember over the next few weeks that James was a good pastor who deeply cared for his church.
At times he may sound condescending or harsh, but his letter is motivated by love and compassion for the health of his church.
His seeming lack of patience for apathy may be motivated by the persecution his church was daily facing from the culture around them.
The truth was that they simply didn’t have the time or luxury to engage in a lukewarm faith.
In many cases it was truly a life or death choice for those in the early church.
Which begs the question for us today, would we be more inclined to act on the teachings of Jesus if our lives were on the line?
Would external persecution motivate our faith?
I know we won’t fully answer these questions today, and maybe not even throughout our series. But we’ve got to start somewhere.
Please open your bibles or bible apps with me to James 1:19.

Main Teaching

If you have kids, or you’ve at some point in your life been a kid, then this next example is going to make a lot of sense.
Have you ever asked one of your kids to do something and you were pretty certain they heard you…
In fact you even got a verbal confirmation or head nod…
Only to find that many hours later the thing you asked for never got done.
Or, have you ever been the kid in that scenario?
Either way, there’s something specifically annoying about being ignored.
Or in this case, being heard, possibly even acknowledged, and then ignored.
This is a bit of the idea behind listening and doing that we’re going to cover today.

I. Listening & Doing

You may have heard this parable before, but instead of getting into our James passage for the day I’m going to start in Matthew 21 with the parable of the two sons.
Read Matthew 21:28-32
In this passage, Jesus is making a powerful point about listening and doing.
Jesus says that the “tax collectors and prostitutes” will be entering the kingdom ahead of the chief priests and the Pharisees because they listened and responded to the message of John the Baptist.
With that in mind, here’s an important question that comes directly from the two sons' parable;Which of the two did what his father wanted?”
I don’t know about you, but this parable invites me to think long and hard about which son I most resemble in the parable.
Am I listening to the words of Jesus? Am I hearing His voice through the encouragement of the Bible?
Does listening even matter if there’s no response?
Read James 1:19-27
Our section here begins with James addressing his hearers as beloved brothers… or said another way, the church family that I love.
Like I’ve said before, he was a good pastor, who deeply cared for his congregation.
In fact, he cared enough to share with them the blunt truths that follow throughout the rest of his letter
Beginning with the encouragement to be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger.
I’ve heard it said that we all have two ears and one mouth, so we should listen twice as much as we speak…
As I’m sure we all know, this advice would prove itself to be quite useful if we would simply respond accordingly.
James spends a lot of his letter addressing the words we use, the way we speak, and the power of what he calls, the tongue.
And even in this initial verse for our day, we hear the invitation to slow down, listen carefully, and respond accordingly.
“Be slow to get angry,” James says, “because the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God.” (vs. 1:20) Not only can anger lead to sin and ruin our witness to others, it can ruin the relationships we have around us.
When anger leads to sin, it does not produce the righteousness of God.
(Pastor - This could be a good place to share an example you’ve seen that highlights how anger, if not dealt with in the proper way, can lead to sin)
So therefore,put away all filthiness and rampant wickedness and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.” (vs. 1:21)
James is admonishing his hearers to set aside the filthiness, and the rampant wickedness.
None of which will take one into the Kingdom of heaven.
But instead he says,receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.”
In response to this, John Piper says, “So the word of God is “implanted” in us, and “is at work” in us, and “abides” in us, and (James 1:21 says) “saves” us.
We cannot overstate how powerful and important the word of God is for our lives.
If the word of God does not rank with your most cherished possessions, you need to do a reality check on your life.
Nothing apart from God himself is more important and powerful than his word.”
We must receive the word in our lives.
We must learn to throw off everything else, every hindrance that entangles us (Hebrews 12:1-2) and every deception that looks to steal, kill, and destroy our lives. (John 10:10)
And along with receiving, we are also encouraged to act.

II. Called to action

The next line from our passage in James is one that many commentators and theologians believe to be the central message of the letter.
It reads, “But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.”James 1:22
Can you imagine if a football player caught the perfectly thrown ball but then just stood there and looked at it?
Or if a doctor delivered a perfectly healthy baby only to have the parents stare at the baby for the rest of its life?
These examples sound so odd, it’s hard to imagine them happening, but that’s the point James is trying to make too. He expands upon it in the next 2 verses.
Read James 1:22-23
To simply receive the word, the message, the teaching, the encouragement, the sermon, the devotional, etcisn’t God’s best for you. His best is found in the response to His word.
At the end of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus says:
“Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock.” (Matthew 7:24-25)
As believers, we are called to be people of action.
For example, the great commission in Matthew 28 begins with the word “Go.”
And, as we learned last week, we must learn to persevere, counting the many trials we face in our “going” as joy.
In verse 1:25 James encourages us, “But the one who looks into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and perseveres, being no hearer who forgets but a doer who acts, he will be blessed in his doing.”
Don’t forget the word.
Don’t take your eyes off Christ.
Persevere in the calling and respond to the message of freedom you’ve been given.

III. A Couple last thoughts

And to finish off our section, pastor James gives some incredibly practical instruction in verses 26 and 27.
As I mentioned earlier, and as we’ll discuss more in depth in week 4, James is passionate about the words we use and the power of the tongue.
In verse 26 he bluntly states, “If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person’s religion is worthless.”
I’m sure we’ve all said things we regret, and I know I speak for most everyone hearing me right now, when I say that there are things we’ve said that we wish we could take back.
(Pastor - This is a great place to share a time when you’ve said something foolish or hurtful to help magnify the point)
What James is talking about isn’t the occasional slip up or foolishness but rather the unwillingness to restrain one’s words.
The unwillingness to see the power of our words to build others up or tear them down.
The person who won’t go see an anger management counselor, or receive correction for their filthy - vulgar mouth.
This person, if they also profess to be a christian, deceives themselves into thinking that their words don’t matter.
if you don’t want to have a worthless religion, but rather a pure and undefiled one, then visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and keep yourself unstained from the world.
That’s putting the words of Christ to action. That’s being a person of action and not of meaningless talk.
Another way to say it today would be this; Stop talking about all the good you’re going to do for others and start doing good for others.
Be doers of the word, and not hearers only…”


This passage of scripture, and the book of James, is a tough pill to swallow.
There is much to feel conviction about and much to consider in our lives
Do my words align with the Christian witness I profess?
Am I letting my anger turn into sin?
Am I obstinate?
What have I done lately in response to my faith?
Do I talk more than I act?
Does listening matter if I don’t respond?
These are a few of the questions that cross my mind, and I’m sure you have more to add to the list.
But in the midst of the conviction that comes from a passage like this, it’s important to remember the heart behind it all, which is the very heart of God.
The same God who is compassionate and loving and sent His one and only Son to redeem mankind.
This same God wants us to be realistic about our faith and think clearly about the things that may be hindering us from experiencing our best in Him.
So, if there is anything holding you back from action today, would you consider letting it go?
Would you commit to praying this week that God would give you the courage to “go” as the great commission says, and to respond in righteousness to the goodness of the gospel message.
Let’s pray together.
Let’s pray together.
Now for those of you who do not know Jesus!


The Word of God says in:
John 3:16 NKJV
16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
Romans 10:13 NKJV
13 For “whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”
If you’d would like to receive Jesus today, please pray this prayer with all of us:
Lord I believe that Jesus is the son of God, and that He died On the cross for my sins and His resurrection from the dead gives me eternal life. I ask forgiveness of my sins, and I accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior. Amen.
Church Office: 909-922-8090
And I will send you a Bible & a Free Book on how to begin your first 21 steps with Jesus (show the book)
(Show Slide)
***Leave slide up until Pepper gets in position***

Lady Pepper Please Join Me

Pepper Praise Reports
Cella Mae Dad (Harold) hospital, removed fluid from his body.
It’s official! Contracts are signed by me and Disney/ABC/Fox studios. I’m a Television producer. Once the strikes are over we will start production.😄💃🏾🙌🏾💙
The doctors said that her son would not live when he was born (in red suit). He just celebrated his 40th birthday! Praise the Lord!
Please send in your Praise reports!
Lady Pepper do we have any prayer request
Let us pray (P/P)
Monique co-worker husband had a heart attack on the airplane, pray for family (Gigi & Douglas Lachman) (3 kids (Hope, Faith & Logan)
Cella Mae - back spasms
Alcohol and drug addictions
I pray for the healing of diabetes and high blood pressure
I come against cancer, Stroke, Alzheimer’s Disease
Parents or Grandparents who are believing for salvation for their children
Lord we pray not in our own strength, but in the power and in the name of our Lord and Savory, Jesus Christ!
Closing Blessing
The New King James Version (Chapter 13)
20 Now may the God of peace who brought up our Lord Jesus from the dead, that great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, 21 make you complete in every good work to do His will, working in you what is well pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.
This is Pastor Doc & Lady Pepper with:
Faith Vision Christian Ministries

See you next Sunday @ 10:55 on Facebook Live!!

Have a Great Week! GOODBYE !
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