Them Old Weeds will always be there. You may not see them every day, but they will appear, and you will need to address them. This message from Pastor Harrison is hard to write a synopsis for, so I’ll tell you one of my take-aways: Much like learning to ride a bike or play the piano, receiving the gift doesn’t automatically make you know how to use it. The weeds that sprout up in our lives give us the practice we need to learn to use the gift of righteousness given to us by God through the blood of Christ. So don’t beat yourself up when you stumble. Learn what trips you up and what you need to do to avoid them going forward.
Matthew 13:24–30; 36–43; John 10:10; Romans 7:19; Psalms 103:8-10; James 1:17; Matthew 15:17; 1 John 1:8-9; Luke 10:1-12; 2 Peter 3:8-9